I seem to remember Condoleeza Rice being the president’s National Security Advisor on both the day we were attacked on 9/11 and the day we invaded a country that had nothing to do with those attacks. This means, surely, that she should shut her pie hole.
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
They wouldn’t be running their mouths if they were in a jail cell. Just sayin’…
Rice was supposedly an expert on the USSR.
A long, long, time ago, I read some of what she’d written.
She knew nothing about the USSR.
Note: I was born in America – my father was from Ukraine, and my mother, from Russia.
I’m fluent in Russian, and minored in Russian in college. My Ukrainian is rusty – VERY rusty.
So, I know, and knew, a bit about the subject.
She’s just another Conservative “Judas Goat” – a female black one.
Being a “Judas Goat” is a great career – if you have no conscience, no dignity, and no soul.
Cold War Hoover Institution Soviet expert–a profession that should have been exterminated around 1961. If not earlier.
The snippet of article (commentary wrapped around a few quotes) reads like click bait to me. The comments are overwhelmingly derisive.
Is she’s advocating military force with Russia, she needs to be holding that moran sign.
Rice said the United States has taken a step back in conflicts including Syria, Ukraine and others.
“When America steps back and there is a vacuum, trouble will fill that vacuum,” Rice said.
Is there ever a conflict which does not have these vacuums? To the neocons, every vacuum is simply an opportunity for them to simultaneously enrich their friends and hone their hegemonic instincts.
Her framing of “war weariness” as some sort of thing that needs to be resisted simply reflects a world view in which war is the default position when confronted with external conflicts. Her complicity in the horrific lies perpetuated during her entire tenure with the Bush Administration simply disqualify her from giving any credible criticism concerning the foreign policy actions of this President. With every opportunity that presents itself, she needs to have her criminal actions and the terrible loss of life shoved in her face. If there was truly any justice, everyone associated with the wars waged by the Bush Administration should have had to face at least a public court of moral opinion, if not a war crimes trial. She was part of an abominable group of people, and her current public statements are simply beyond the pale.
I don’t think that anybody could have predicted that these people would take an airplane and slam it into the World Trade Center, take another one and slam it into the Pentagon, that they would try to use an airplane as a missile.
She’s a trained liar, and if we had a civil society, she would have been imprisoned long ago.
Or shamed into leaving the US for South Africa where she would be reduced to teaching Mandela’s grandchildren how to play the piano.
With Obama “ordering” Putin to withdraw troops from Ukraine border and hanging with the one of the world’s guardians of democracy King Abdullah, not much change since Ms. Rice days in the spotlight. Except for the part where royals were handing out big piles of jewels to her.