When Dick Cheney appeared at American University on March 28th, students protested outside Bender Arena, including the student government’s comptroller, who stated that he had voted against allowing Cheney to appear and had so far refused to sign a check compensating the former vice-president for his appearance. The protesters brought enough attention to the issue that Cheney felt compelled to defend himself against accusations that he is a war criminal.
Former Vice President Dick Cheney refuted accusations that he is a war criminal during his speech to students and members of the AU community in Bender Arena on March 28. The Kennedy Political Union hosted Cheney as part of a stream of speakers coming to campus.
“The accusations are not true,” Cheney said.
During his vice presidency, three people were waterboarded, Cheney said. Waterboarding refers to either pumping a stomach with water or inducing choking by filling a throat with a stream of water, according to a report by NPR.
“Some people called it torture. It wasn’t torture,” Cheney said in an interview with ATV.
Of course, “some people” includes virtually every disinterested observer, including the Republican Party’s 2008 presidential nominee, Sen. John McCain of Arizona, who stated back in July 2012 that “[Cheney] and I had strong disagreements as to whether we should torture people or not. I don’t think we should have.”
Perhaps one could argue that America had some kind of mandate to contain Iraq resulting from the Persian Gulf War and, therefore, our decision to invade that country and remove its leadership cannot be judged by the same type of standard we used to condemn Saddam Hussein’s invasion of Kuwait or Vladimir Putin’s annexation of Crimea. If you want to try to carve out some of kind of double standard for America arising from our unique capabilities and responsibilities for maintaining the international system, I think we can have that debate. But it’s much harder to even imagine how one might justify our government’s decision to torture people during the Bush-Cheney administration.
This effort to simply call it something other than what it was is never going to fly. And, on that basis, Dick Cheney is unambiguously a criminal violator of human rights. But why do people have such an easy time condemning Cheney, or even Rumsfeld and Wolfowitz and Rice, and such a hard time condemning George W. Bush?
It seems one of the lasting features of the Bush administration is that people simply don’t think that Bush was calling the shots and, as a result, they are inclined to give him a pass on the decisions he made.
That’s a mistake.
If he and his subordinates were held responsible for what they did, we wouldn’t have to listen to his subordinates mouthing off about how weak the current president is.
You’ll know that the current president is as weak as Bush when students line up to protest former vice-president Joe Biden and completely ignore Obama.
“If ifs and buts were gifts and nuts, we’d all have a happy Christmas”.
Nice dodge, but there are unfortunately numerous indicators that Obama is a very weak President.
Speaking of torture wasn’t it in fact Pelosi and Obama who insisted “we need to move on”? in other words, bush/cheney were not only NOT going to be prosecuted, they weren’t even to be criticized by anyone in the Obama administration.
Gay rights? Obama had to “evolve” his position for what? three years on this. he only moved OFF the feeble status quo fence because Biden made his own position clear.
taking the banksters to the woodshed for their odious role in the 2007-2008 financial meltdown?
Nope, Obama listened to and did what Wall St. insiders Rubin, Summers and Geithner told him to do.
I could go on, but I think you get my point: Obama is just not a strong leader.
To this day he has not called on us to expropriate the expropriators, has failed to seize the commanding heights of the economy in the name of the workers, and has not had a single banker’s head put on a pike.
To this day.
I left that voting booth in 2008 saying “Now it’s our turn. It’s time for our Bush. Signing statements. Executive orders. See how the unitary executive feels now, suckas!” Time to start breaking shit, in other words.
Because that’s an entirely rational expectation to have when you elect a University of Chicago law professor.
Totally agree.
The really disappointing thing with Obama, and I’ve said this since 2007– “I’m voting for Obama, but this is the LAST chance for the democratic party to prove they have any sort of Balls, any sort of real credibility as a strong political party which serves The People”.
and by The People I sure as hell don’t mean Wall St. , the banks, big corporations, and the one percent.
according to the recent New Yorker piece, Obama is set for a $$$$15 Million dollar book deal.
It’s OVER for the “new” democratic party put into place by Clinton, Emanuel, McAuliffe, etc.
Sweeeeeeeeeeet, eh?
hysterical. nice shot, Davis
Hysterical? Hardly.
Actually, holding people (bankers, CIA agents, elected officials) accountable for federal crimes they likely committed would be a rational expectation upon the election of a Univ of Chi law prof…
The Bush era was all about executive lawbreaking. Restoring the rule of law would not be “time for our Bush”…
the point is cheney/bush made some bold moves/decisions– just that unfortunately they were based on motives/agenda which were again all about enriching the one percent and didn’t do crap for The People.
Bear in mind that just a few years before cheney/bush, etc. branded Hussein as “nuts”, and a “dangerous madman who is killing his own people”– Cheney as, I believe he was President of Haliburton, was doing serious business deals with Hussein.
Trust me– if Hussein has simply stayed on the reservation– continued to do business with U.S. oil transnationals, instead of talking about creating his own oil bourse and had he not started inking deals with French Total and Russian companies– he and this thuggish sons would still be at the helm in Iraq.
I’m pretty sure the active and retired JAG chiefs of all service branches also testified or opined to Congress that water boarding was long acknowledged by the US military as inhumane and illegal. The retired JAGs had no problem calling it “torture”.
Let’s also not forget that many other coercive interrogation techniques certainly amounting to torture were used on many, many detainees, even if the monster Cheney feels he has a clean conscience about water boarding “only” three…
It was a great error not to impeach Cheney. The Dems certainly could have done so and had more than enough cause and evidence. Of course Bush junior must take final responsibility for his lawbreaking administration, but Cheney’s office was the initiator and advocate for virtually every Bushco scheme of executive lawbreaking that has been revealed.
And of course, we did elect a new prez, who could have decided to come clean on all the crimes Bushco pulled, and let the legal chips fall where they may. But all of our elites in official DC massively failed the nation and irreversibly tarnished our democracy through their cowardice and weakness over the past horrendous decade. Not that there was any great cry from the citizenry seeking accountability for these obvious crimes…
There is little hope when even the TradMed won’t call torture torture(see the NYT). Also, if Darth Cheney thinks everyone is an enemy combatant, then what does he say about all those cleared at Gitmo but not yet released? Or what about Maher Arar?
The country is just as corrupted. No one cares.
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It’s so odd. Bush is still the guy to have a beer while Cheney remains the chief culprit. They have/had a bit of a good cop/bad cop act and it still keeps working today. Obama really ruined his presidency by not following up on the horrors of the Bush era. In fact, by not doing so, you might almost think that he condoned them no matter how he voted/would have voted one time or another about Iraq
of the Clinton impeachment hearings. The lessons of that mess along with the economy in full melt down mode is what led to not going after Bush, Cheney, and company for torture. Simply put if Obama had made going after them for torture that would have taken up all of the oxygen in the room and led to him accomplishing nothing else. He may have gotten some people into prison for torture but the cost would have been his presidency and our economy.
Like it or not that was the choice that had to be made.
if the administration had gone after BushCo for torture that that wouldn’t have taken up all of the oxygen. It simply would have. I don’t like it but I also know that is what would have happened. Just like Watergate did. Just like the Clinton impeachment did.
All of your pictures and what you consider astute insights aside won’t change the fact that a choice had to be made – torture prosecutions or the economy.
More bullshit. In the long run, prosecuting the torturers would have saved the economy…an economy that is now in ruins, if you haven’t already noticed…because the collateral information that would have been uncovered duroing the investigations would have pointed towards the real villains of the whole “terrorism” scam that led to Iraq, Abu Ghraib, the torture of thousands and the deaths of hundreds of thousands. Who were those villains? The corporate powers that really own and thus run the Permanent Government that was fronted at the time by the Bush administration. And why weren’t the Bush people investigated? Because the same Permanent Government for which they fronted is now fronted by the Obama administration.
And the Great Game continues.
Wake the fuck up.
So, the rule of law only applies to us little people and not the elite? Got it!!
That Bush was too dumb or incurious to fully understand what was going on has always been the ultimate indictment of his Presidency. He is the father of the modern idiot Republican party.
The father?
It was a group pregnancy.
The people who ran Reagan were the fathers. Reagan was the frontman.
Bush II? He was just a voyeur, and he wasn’t even very good at that.
Bet on it.
Yeah, you’re probably right. I was just editorializing.
As Cheney is pushing the old waterboarding is not torture. I respectfully request that he submit to 2 30 minute sessions of said treatment. Then he can voice an opinion based upon actual knowledge and not just unsubstantiated opinion.
If Cheney declines this option then I would say let him go to the UN and have them investigate thoroughly if The Bush Administration is not guilty of torture and or any other War Crimes. This would resolved the situation.
Because he’s never stood trial for it. From the very beginning, this choice not to prosecute the crimes against humanity of the previous administration has been a deal with the devil, rebounding in myriad ways to hurt this administration and the nation’s credibility.
Two faces of weak presidency:
The idiot and the narcissist.
The idiot is too stupid to be able to be trusted do anything well…thus Ceney filled the vacuum… and the narcissist is so intelligent and so enamored of himself that he takes no risks for fear of messing up his image.
An ex-playboy and a male model. Nice. Caught between a pebble and a soft place, we languish for yet another 8 years..
So it goes.
Obama is narcissistic for a politician? GMAFB.
Obama is narcissistic for a human being!!!
He just found a job where it works.
Just so insipid. Obama is narcissistic because he photographs well. Genius.
I don’t think either of those photographs…and many others too… are evidence of any sort of wellness, myself. I read them as self-absorption on an almost cosmic level. narcissus looking out at the worshipping pool.
The following photograph is an example of the (admittedly rare) opposing option in a politician.
Bet on it.
Just sitting there in his comfortable shoes.
Just sitting there, waiting.
Waiting for what?
Waiting for the world to catch up to him, I think.
So it goes.
Ah yes. Honest Rape Ron. A man so selfless he only named four publications (which he says he did not write) after himself.