On Rooster Fights and ObamaCare

Okay, so, this happened.

Apparently, the Farm Bill, which finally passed in February, contained language that makes it a federal crime to be a spectator at an event where animals fight to the death. This pissed off a bunch of people in Kentucky who like to fight roosters. And they were pissed at Mitch McConnell because he voted for the Farm Bill.

So, Matt Bevin, who is challenging McConnell in a primary, decided it would be a good idea to make an appearance at a pro-Rooster fighting rally.

But, once people asked him about it, he claimed that he had no idea that he had appeared at a pro-rooster fighting rally and he thought it was merely a state’s rights rally. Then, when asked if he was pro- or anti-rooster fighting, his campaign said it was a state issue, but refused to take a pro or con position.

Understandably, the McConnell campaign pounced:

“Only Matt Bevin would go to a cockfighting rally and claim he didn’t know what they were doing there,” McConnell spokeswoman Allison Moore said.


But, I think the more interesting story in Kentucky is that ObamaCare [known locally as KyNect] is doing really, really well in Appalachia in counties that gave Romney 70%-80% of their vote. It seems, they all qualify either for Medicaid or huge subsidies. Whoda knowed it?

Since the push began in the fall to sign up people, the language has been fine tuned, [state coordinator for outreach and enrollment with Kentucky Primary Care Association, Lindsay] Nelson said. For example, her kynectors have found it is important to let people know they have options and that they can choose not to sign up, although there is a penalty under the Affordable Care Act. Also, referring to “the Kentucky program” or “new insurance” rather than Obamacare tends to make people feel more at ease, she said.

The black dude really helped them out. Just don’t try to tell them that.

Author: BooMan

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.