Jay Nordlinger raised an issue yesterday at The Corner that is really a fundamental part of American politics that people should make sure to understand:
Many of us have asked a question for many years, and especially in the last few years. It goes something like this: “How can conservatives win elections against Santa Claus, or Robin Hood? Against candidates offering free stuff? Against candidates who blame people’s problems on the greedy rich, keepin’ ’em down?” In other words, how do you beat the socialists?
Obviously, this came up during the 2012 presidential campaign. It’s materially the same as what Mitt Romney was ruminating about in his infamous 47 percent remarks, but it’s also how Romney explained his loss after the fact. To be generous about it, it is somewhat of a disadvantage to run for office promising to do less for people than your opponent.
Mr. Nordlinger enlisted the wisdom of British Education Minister Michael Gove to help conservatives understand how to win with an austere message.
“Tocqueville pointed out — though he wasn’t the first — that, in a democratic system, there’s always a tendency to gravitate to the guy who offers free stuff, or who is prepared to pander to achieve power. But I have more faith in human nature, in that people do want to think better of themselves, people do want to take control of their own lives and make an enterprise of their own existence. People do recognize that being dependent on others is debilitating, and people also have a low tolerance for lead-swingers and others who seem to be taking advantage of their own hard work.”
(“Lead-swinger” is a British term for “idler,” “slacker.”)
“I think the way to win the argument, however, is not just to rely on people’s desire to improve their own lives, and their impatience with those who are not being similarly strenuous, but to make the point that conservative ideas are the best way of achieving the sorts of goals that progressives profess to believe in.”
Once again, we can see how these folks divide the world into a bifurcated land of enterprising strivers and idle moochers. Conservatives have an easy time understanding the world as a “fallen” place where sin is ever-present and perfection always eludes even the best of bureaucratic planners, but they seem to have great difficulty in understanding that the world is also a place with broken people who through genetics, environment, or misfortune are in need of societal assistance. As long as there is some accountability, they are pretty good at forgiveness, but compassion and empathy are tremendous challenges for them.
But, quite aside from all that, we can see that resentment is the key ingredient in their political toolbox. Mr. Gove argues that conservatives have to do more than just appeal to folks’ impatience with people who aren’t as strenuously enterprising as themselves, but he does acknowledge that appealing to that impatience is the starting point.
There are severe problems with this. For starters, the way this tends to manifest itself is in scapegoating and stereotyping certain groups of people who are classified as insufficiently enterprising. In America, this means blacks and Latinos. So, while the political strategy may start out as colorblind, it immediately transforms into racism.
Secondly, this idea that being on government assistance is “debilitating” is an exhortatory argument that, while having merit, is no way to deal with those who are genuinely in need. Public policy is not the same thing as life advice. We give assistance to mothers with dependent children because the children need food and clothes regardless of why the mother is unable to provide these things herself.
Thirdly, this constant appeal to resentment is not morally edifying for the people who are targeted by it. Rather than telling them that they are doing a good thing by contributing to the upkeep of our infrastructure and the needs of the poor, they are told that people are taking advantage of them and that they should be able to keep all the fruits of their labor.
But this appeal to resentment is seemingly an indispensable strategy for the rich, who need it to rally support for policies that will allow them to grow ever-richer and avoid any kind of constraints on their activities, even if those activities degrade the environment, harm consumers, or lead to an economic calamity.
Making people hate each other is at the core of right-wing politics.
In the conservative mind it’s “all about them”
That’s why they do not have any empathy for misfortunes that do not directly affect them or their close circle of family and friends.
And why the “project” so very, very much.
Conservatism: its a mean-people factory.
Many of us have asked a question for many years, and especially in the last few years. It goes something like this: “How can conservatives win elections against Santa Claus, or Robin Hood? Against candidates offering free stuff? Against candidates who blame people’s problems on the greedy rich, keepin’ ’em down?” In other words, how do you beat the socialists?
When was the last time the his laughable version of the Socialists offered free stuff? Has a Democrat ever campaigned on a GBI? What House or Senate Democrat is campaigning on a $15/hr minimum wage? And that’s just for starters.
A $15 an hour minimum wage would NOT be “free stuff.” It would be rewarding workers for their labor in a reasonable manner.
The “Free Stuff” meme makes me very angry. Everyone pays taxes. Rich people and big corporations are now paying historically low taxes, and they often get more “free stuff” than the greedy, greedy poors and middle class.
Right but GOPers think that a 15/hr minimum wage is the Government demanding handouts for the undeserving, or something. If only the Democrats ruled like the GOP claims they do in their dumbest dreams!!
Well, yes, many GOP supporters and leaders think that. But that is offensive and insanely stupid. I’d prefer that progressives avoid incorporating GOP talking points into our discussions without pointing out that they are offensive, insanely stupid GOP talking points.
“Making people hate each other is at the core of right-wing politics.” More broadly, it is at the heart of our divided nation. GOP has aggressively developed and used wedge issues to tear us apart as a country.
I would substitute the word maintaining for making. It’s not like they had to create that hatred, they only need to keep fanning the flames.
Conservatives give people permission to hate each other.
“There is no such thing as society.” — Margaret Thatcher
” … it is somewhat of a disadvantage to run for office promising to do less for people than your opponent.”
Ding, ding, ding! I think we have a winner …
Oh, and by the way, while promising to do less for them, they never fail to insult them while they’re at it.
But after those methods the only reliable, tried-and-true approach is divide-and-conquer. Tell the proles that their problems are the fault of outsiders, or people of another race or religion or whatever. Just divide. If you can do that AND you can adjust the vote system through, say, apartheid vote systems (as existed in South Africa, the US South, and still do today in Israel) then you can hold power indefinitely.
This is why the most important progressive cause today should be voter’s rights.
Enshrining ease of voting, including a national holiday on voting Mondays, would be the death knell for the current version of the GOP.
I have an aquaintance in Florida, a Republican, but still a smart and decent guy. Over the years I’ve seen him slowly backing away from the Republican party, and really running away from the Tea Party. He said yesterday that for the first time he suffered a panic attack at home recently, completely unable to stop crying, and frozen in his room, just paralyzed.
He admitted it was an experience he had heard of, but never experienced. He said he would have told someone in that situation to get a grip and pull themselves up by their bootstraps, but now he understands how debilitating something like that is. And he is rethinking his views on a lot of Republican politics.
People can change. If the Democrats can make the differences plain, and keep the spotlight on the massive failings in the Republican Party, maybe there’s hope.
The huge problem with this argument is that we have now 46 years (if you count Nixon) or 34 years (if you count Reagan) of direct empirical personal experience that this is patently not true.
Obama might be presiding over it, but the world we currently live in is the one that the conservative movement made through long struggle and using every political tactic available to ensure. We are living in the Buckley-Goldwater-Milton Friedman utopia. And for the preponderance of people it does not work.
It. Does. Not. Work. Ergo, the assertion that conservatism is the best way is nothing short of a fraud.
And on the flip side, what he calls “free stuff” and “socialism” does work. It was working.
I have to say, I really love the idea that between Franklin Delano Roosevelt and an English Tory, we should listen to the Tory.
kinda unrelated, but when I tried to navigate back from the “article”, NR re-directed to me to one of those “mac-keeper/pc-keeper” scam websites.
Everything the conservatives do is a scam of some sort.
Interesting. I’ve always viewed right wing conservatives as being highly protective of their (and your) freedums. That is as long as you think and behave just like they say they do. Otherwise you are not worthy of respect and that’s where the hate comes from. Further, since living the way they say they do sometimes is difficult to pull off even for a professed conservative, that’s where the self-loathing comes from.
This is the United States, for Christ’s sake! We should let an English Tory instruct us on the proper attitude toward wealth?
Minor edit re:
Making people hate each other is the core of right-wing politics.
There, FTFY.