Todd Purdum has a piece at Politico on the structural deficit the Republicans have in presidential politics. He doesn’t mention the Electoral College, which I consider a major oversight, but he still hits the major points. The party is just too socially conservative, hostile to minorities, skeptical of science, and opposed to gay equality to make inroads into the Democrats’ presidential turf. In fact, in staking out these radical positions and opposing things like a hike in the minimum wage besides, they probably cannot even tread water.
They ought to look at the problem with clear eyes. They need to win Virginia. They need to win Florida. They need to win Ohio. They need to win Colorado. Why can’t they do a calm analysis on what the voters in those states want to see from a policy perspective and craft an agenda that will appeal to them? Back when the Democrats faced a similar problem and social issues were dragging them down, they developed the mantra, “It’s the economy, stupid.” In other words, they deemphasized the issues that weren’t helping them win votes. The Republicans simply do not do this. Brought to power in the midst of the recovery from the Great Recession, they immediately launched an all-out assault on women’s reproductive freedom. Suddenly, we weren’t talking about government spending but government-mandated trans-vaginal probes.
If your problem is that suburban women aren’t supporting your party, this seems like the dumbest possible way to improve your prospects. The same can be said for voter ID laws, climate science denialism, and opposition to gay rights, which all alienate ascendent constituencies that must be wooed if the GOP hopes to regain the White House.
But it makes sense if you understand that the Conservative Movement is not the same thing as the Republican Party. The Conservative Movement is still animated by support for school prayer, opposition to Roe v. Wade, and a host of John Bircher heat-fever fantasies. When they gained power in Congress and in the state legislatures, they set out to do what they had been fighting for for decades. What they have done is totally consistent with what they’ve been saying for all these years.
The Conservative Movement has captured the Republican Party and they aren’t going to change just because the party needs to change if it wants to win. This is an anti-intellectual movement based in an anti-intellectual form of religion, that has been coupled with a paranoid and xenophobic strain of embittered nihilism. It’s greatest crime is that it has been able to take advantage of on-team solidarity to convince a lot of formerly moderate and reasonable people to abandon reality-based thinking. Climate science is a perfect example. Only six years ago, John McCain and Sarah Palin ran on a cap and trade proposal to cap carbon emissions. Today, the party refuses to concede that carbon emissions are causing climate change. People didn’t suddenly get less intelligent. They just followed what their leaders were saying because they want to stay loyal to the team. They willingly chose to be more stupid.
This political weaponization of stupidity is at the core of the Conservative Movement. Until recently, the Republican Party was an uneasy marriage between the monied classes and the dumb, but now the dumb are leading the dumb, and the monied classes are the ones demonstrating on-team loyalty. They don’t care about school prayer or abortion or gay marriage, but they dare not buck the Conservative Movement. To some degree, after ingesting so much right-wing media, even the monied classes may come to devalue science and take on more socially conservative views.
The overall effect is that people who identity with the Republican Party and want it to succeed are continuously getting dumber. All of a sudden, a Select Committee on Benghazi begins to make political sense to these folks. What doesn’t make sense is spending on public schools, where people are taught biology and plate tectonics and meteorology. Public investment in infrastructure no longer makes sense. Foreign aid no longer makes sense. A sensible immigration and agricultural workers policy no longer makes sense. Paying your bills on time and protecting the states’ and the country’s credit ratings no longer makes sense. That the president was born in Hawai’i no longer makes sense. Pretty soon, people don’t even flinch when someone suggests “she’s having so much sex she can’t afford the contraception,” as if you take The Pill on a per-sexual encounter basis.
People are running around talking utter nonsense. “Keep the government out of my Medicare.” “ObamaCare is worse than the Holocaust.”
And the rest of us who have not been infected with the Conservative Movement Virus just stand around slack-jawed in a state of stupefaction that the moronification of the USA could be so effective.
We’re not just the elitists; we’re everyone who isn’t infected. And we’re a growing majority.
And here I thought “Idiocracy” was a fictional account of the future – when all along, it was a future documentary.
It’s been stunning to me how quickly “Idiocracy” has spread!
I think it’s largely thanks to perhaps the dumbest person ever elected in a state as Governor – and THAT’S saying something! – Sarah “The Whore of Babblin-on” Palin.
If idiocy and stupidity were typhus, she’d be Mary.
I thought you referring to a certain former TX governor. Yeah I suppose Sarah is dumber than the dumbest president ever.
Is there any way to know if Pinhead Palin is “really” dumber than say, Rick Perry? Or Paul LePage?
The impossibility of standards!
I’m afraid that an analysis of such a thing would have to occur at the quantum level. When doing such a comparison and contrast of the intelligence of Palin versus Perry, you are dealing with something which is on such a minute and almost indiscernible level that it can only be analyzed through theoretical means.
First, to define a scale of GOP Idiocy.
As an analog, Planck Length is based on three physical constants and denotes a base unit of measure. The constants are the speed of light in a vacuum, gravity, and the planck constant.
Maybe you define the GOP Idiocy scale using three constants: Lies, Stupidity, and Grift-ability.
There’s still some detail to be flushed out, but I think that is a start, at least.
And similar to the discovery that through the analysis of the quantum properties of space itself, the speed of light might actually be able exceed its previously theorized maximum velocity, so it is that GOP idiocy will likely be found to have the capacity to exceed any previously understood or quantified depths.
Isn’t science just a wonderful fucking thing!!
That there may not be a speed limit for light is a corollary to the theory that there is no peak wingnut.
Science is wonderful. And it can also be frightening.
Whichever one is currently giving a public statement of any sort is the current dumbest Republican.
That is how it works now.
When the forgettable (please, let me!) Judy Martz was governor of MT, “My Governor is dumber than your Governor” bumper stickers enjoyed a certain vogue (probably at least in part due to little fear of credible contradiction).
So being able to read and think makes you an elitist in 2014? Super duper.
We go down this road from time to time. The Jacksonians were a pack of loons. The Harding/Coolidge years.
But as some point, you’d think we’d have to learn.
I guess that’s the point of killing education funding.
They are learning in Illinois. The local Republican state rep candidate is walking from door to door talking about schools (he’s a working teacher), taxes (how the little guy is burdened while the fat cats get tax breaks!), roads and other local issues. No social crap. He’s probably anti-abortion as he’s Latino hence probably Catholic, but the district is heavily Latino, but he doesn’t push the issue like idiot Anglo Protestants.
Are you talking about Juarez, running against Fred Crespo?
Two things I find interesting in Illinois. First is that a lot of the Republicans are making term limits a big part of their campaign, from Rauner, running for Governor to Juarez running for state rep.
The other thing is that I find it interesting that Juarez, at least, and maybe others, don’t even mention their party affiliation in any of their literature. I have yet to see anything from Juarez that mentions he is a Republican.
the term limit thing is a fucking fraud. it’s a ploy to take away the power from the North and to give it permanently to those hicks downstate.
I know that. Have never been a fan of term limits and you are right, they know downstate will always vote in the GOP whereas up north, specially in suburban Cook, the GOP would have a better chance to pick up a Dem seat.
Unfortunately, it is one of those things that people think, that sounds nice, without ever thinking it through.
Chanting about “term Limits” isn’t going to save Rauner from his opposition to bread & butter issues like the minimum wage. He’s a Randian plutocrat with an anti-middle class record waiting for any Democrat to hang around his neck.,-Nov.-14-in-River-Forest/
My experience in California is that it gives power to the lobbyists, not to rural districts. Any institution needs institutional memory to function, and with term limits that’s all with the lobbyists, because they’re the only ones who have been doing their job more than 8 years or whatever the local limit is.
term limits are a power grab by the lobbyists and that’s all it is
Some of my “liberal” friends say Rauner’s not so bad, mainly because they don’t like Quinn, but he’s just like all the other Republicans in the state just not in a crazy person package.
Quinn has done a pretty good job given what he has to work with in a state that was destroyed by two Governors who both ended up in prison.
And having to deal with Madigan! More and more I think Quinn is being set up. Madigan & company want Rauner to win, so they can screw the unions and homeowners knowing people will always blame the Governor (or President) and never the legislature.
Madigan is the real cancer in this state
I read that he won’t reveal his net worth. He claims that it fluctuates by a hundred million or so day to day. How can a guy like that possibly relate to my family?
Just a non-Mormon Romney with a LOT better political advertising.
Talking about how good or bad Pat Quinn is without saying in the same sentence
” despite Michael Madigan’s OBSTRUCTION”
shows me you’re full of shyt.
Pat Quinn could have been the most imaginative Governor ever…
And, it he said it wanted a bill that said Grass was Green…
Michael Madigan would have been against it.
Madigan fought anything and everything Quinn did because he wanted to grease the skids for his darling daughter Lisa.
That falls in line with my theory – Quinn sets up Quinn to fail wanting Rauner to win. Rauner wins – destroys pensions, privatizes schools, cuts welfare with Madigan’s connivance. State’s finances are fixed at a terrible cost. Public blames Rauner – throws him out next election and the most viable Dem to replace him is Lisa Madigan sweeping in as the People’s great Hope.
that’s a little out there
Not wedded to it, just a possibility. After all, in Illinois politics you can’t go to wrong assuming Machiavellian motives to everyone./
I agree Madigan is the real cancer in this state.
I fully support Quinn and everything he’s trying to do here.
Yes, indeed. Do you live in the District? I live in Streamwood.
I watched a bizarre learning experiment locally this weekend. The local online bulletin board chats had gotten heated over Benghazi and it became apparent that ‘kill the messenger’ regarding factual links was in full display with the representatives of the crazy Right. The reality based group wasn’t getting anywhere.
Then, a post came up that showed pictures of the damage from the 2 separate attacks, the 2 distinct groups of attackers (1 in militia uniforms and armed, the 2nd typical community protestors armed with a refrigerator!).
Suddenly the Right posters got it. The pictures, with a short explanation got through to them in a big way.
So my point is that the Believers seem to share not just a distrust of the written word but an inability to use logic outside of what they’re told. No wonder Right radio works for them, they don’t have to think, just absorb.
That reminds me of an experience I had a couple of years ago. I was trying to explain the basics of climate science to some deniers in a comments section, and this one guy actually said he would have been willing to consider my argument, except that I had said something disparaging about Fox viewers. There’s some logic for you.
Interesting example, but I’d say the explanation is more complex. there are various ways of thinking and processing information, verbal and logical [which are distinct from visual, spatial, etc. ppl differ on how they process info. also, something here about how sets of belief interact with new ideas.
I agree. It was intriguing that when the pictures were in front of them visually they could understand the words and the argument vs all evidence by written word didn’t come into focus for them. I began to wonder if they shared a common inability to absorb any written argument. Was astonishing how the whole gang backed down.
They can’t engage in abstract thought and think that’s the route to being “tricked”. Pictures are the only admissible “proof”.
Unless it’s Barack Obama’s birth certificate. Then you can be sure it’s been photoshopped.
you know, I get tired of this insulting everyone who sees things differently. abstract thought is only one kind of thought and is not applicable to everything. how about reading my comment
If you aren’t able to engage in abstract thought, you’re likely not particularly bright.
Never mind the context.
Abstract thought is what allows someone to postulate that what they think/believe may be wrong, and gives someone a starting point for evaluating what they believe.
It’s not just that dumbheads don’t use abstract thought as their primary means of analysis. It is that they don’t ever use it, because approaching something from the abstract allows their preconceived notions to be evaluated objectively, which is one of the first steps of unlearning false information/bad behavior. And because of the utter destructiveness of conservative/Republican policies, it is much easier to just turn on the cognitive dissonance, double-down, and shout and scream like Master Limbaugh.
I didn’t say anything about ppl unable to engage in abstract thought, just said it’s not necessarily applicable in all settings. Or, perhaps, faced with a problem to solve that is not mathematical or philosophical, a person approaches it differently. My issue was the guy/ ppl who responded to the visual presentation. doesn’t mean they can’t think abstractly it means in this instance the verbal arguments didn’t reach them. Like Voice’s grandson.
I’m perfectly happy to insult those who want to believe (in May 2014 and as a result of daily consumption of Rightwing sewage) that Benghazi!! is “really” worse than Watergate.
Read my comment. YMMV.
Yes, indeed. About five years ago, one of my grandsons was taking World History in High School. In the unit about the Crusades his book said that as a reaction Christians persecuted all non-Christians. He said he didn’t understand what that meant, even though he had read the dictionary definition of ‘persecution’. I had happened to recently have taped a History Channel program about the Crusades. I played the part where they said that anger turned against the closest non-Christians and showed a couple of knights with Crusader crosses on their tunics breaking into a Jewish house and smashing the furniture and slashing a sword through a menorah. He said,”Oh! Now I get it.” I played the whole show for him and he aced his unit test. My cousin who is a High School Principal says that some kids are just visually oriented and reading is more like listening.
Some of the best teachers I’ve had throughout my over-education mixed up their methods of distilling information and knowledge. And I appreciated it, as some types of information is best absorbed through different routes.
“Why can’t they do a calm analysis on what the voters in those states want to see from a policy perspective…”
They could, but there is no reason to. All that matters is what the voters in those states want to hear from an emotional perspective.
You are correct to point out that propaganda classically leads (creates) “public opinion”, but in this case it is following and struggling to catch up.
What is amazing is that many of these infected people work for some government entity or are retired from it and receive a decent pension. This psychological disconnect is truly noteworthy. Recently, one of these government retirees told me she wished she had been born earlier, because then she would have had the opportunity to vote for Barry Goldwater in 1964. Wish I was making this stuff up, because I would receive some award in fiction.
“They just followed what their leaders were saying because they want to stay loyal to the team.”
This. That tribal loyalty used to be the GOP’s greatest strength, but it’s become their biggest weakness.
Then the real Conservative motto should be “Stupid is as stupid does”. They are just acting out what they really are.
I do not believe that the Conservative Movement cares about anything other than lining the pockets of the people who run mailing lists like Richard Viguerie or Karl Rove. It seems to me that the entire movement is simply an affect of grifters grifting the unwashed and who use hot button issues to get into the latter’s pocketbooks and wallets.
Conservatives seem to be without principles, calling what guides them a Hobbesian philosophy of social Darwinism, seems to be giving them far more distinction than they deserve. Rather their thought seems to be nothing more than crumbs and shards raked together from various sources; Hobbes, Locke, Smith (invisible hand leading towards utopia), Marx (economic determinism), Freud (where they get their constant urge to play on middle class fear) and numerous others and shaped together into a formless mass which they mold to the desired situation. There is no philosophical system on the Right, rather only cynical opportunism masquerading as coherent thought, a fig leaf of virtue to hide their whoring ways.
I like to refer to a lot of conservatives/Republicans as trash bags.
Trash bags are containers that merely hold trash.
Sometimes the trash bags let the ooze inside of them seep out.
“Infected with the Conservative Virus”, ha-ha. Great metaphor!
But yes, there is no sense in anyone talking about some sort of distinction between “conservatives” and Repubs anymore. The movement has a rigid identity based on unreason and hate, and (after 30+ years of non-stop propaganda spread by nationwide networks and radio programs) millions of committed cogs and grunts. They have captured the Repub party and aren’t about to let it go, or let its candidates have some sort of intellectual freedom to assert heretical (i.e. rationality-based) policies.
I guess this post is about prez politics, but I have to say it’s hard for me to see how this can be distinguished from the basic policy positions that each party develops and runs on–for Repubs (i.e. conservatives) that’s perpetual tax cuts, hostility to social programs, pouring oceans of money down the MIC rathole, freedom to pollute, and control over the ladies.
And how on earth does a (theoretically) uninfected person somehow not only run for the Repub prez nomination, but win? It’s simply not possible given the complete take-over of that party by the zombies. No Repub candidate for prez may advocate action on climate. Nor immigration, other than punishment for the lawbreakers. Etc, etc, etc….ad infinitum.
But much of the Rightwing circus exists to distract the dummies from the true reason for the existence of the Repub party—to cater to the bank accounts and profits of “business”, which used to largely include the small merchant class (“Main Street”) and which now includes only the Wall Street/corporate CEO/plutocrat class (although many idiot small biznessmen somehow think the Repub party is still lookin’ out for them, the fools.)
And by and large, the critical policies of the Repub party support the narrow interests of their plutocrat funders. Hence the permanent tax cuts and the low tax environment and the effective nonexistence of corporate taxes, all while comically claiming to be terrified about existential deficits and “necessitating” immediate cuts to all social programs. Hence the climate denialism, pushed and funded almost exclusively by Fossil Fuel/Big Oil CEOs. Hence the odes to deregulation, the defunding and crippling of all state and federal regulatory agencies, and the demonization of even the concept of regulation, which is sold to the rubes as “FREEDUM!” from dangerous “Big Gub’mint”, as though any of these imbeciles gets personal demands from the SEC or EPA or OSHA. Most of the rest of the Boss Rushbo blather exists to keep the rubes outraged and spittle-flecked. Bread and Circuses, etc.
I understand that there is some concern by the Team’s Coaches that they seem to have a hard row to hoe in prez politics, given what they have intentionally morphed the Repub party into. But the current big picture set-up (perpetual paralysis of Congress) still serves the plutocrats’ needs and there isn’t any clear way to make the sort of modifications that would allow their prez nominee to appear, oh, sane. So insanity and Boss Rushbo’s daily invitations to personal retardation will have to do.
They have backed themselves into a corner, but they don’t have to “advance”….and we don’t really have a baseball bat big enough to handle them.
Yes they have backed themselves into a corner; but we do have a baseball bat big enough – Voting. We just have to do it.
The weaponization of idiocy is being catalyzed by a very effective campaign of racial tribalism. Everything in the conservative movement’s political armory has been reduced to the destruction of anything that threatens white privilege. They’ve gotten their voters to adopt a perverse asceticism, in which they are hellbent on deny themselves any social/policy goods so long as those they hate don’t get anything either or worse. It’s worse than nihilism. It’s sociopathy.
Yet they ARE winning elections because they’ve successfully corralled unlimited money to advance their reign of terror/horror. Bircherism is no longer fringe, but now conservative mainstream. We are ALL being sucked into their evil vortex