Month: May 2014

So, It’s Down to Dallas and Las Vegas

The Republicans are still officially considering six cities to host their 2016 convention: Kansas City, Denver, Columbus, Cincinnati, Dallas, and Las Vegas. However, it appears that the latter two have emerged as the...

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Israel Taking the Blame for Failed Talks

The failure of the latest round of Israel-Palestine talks is going to result in a rude awakening for Israel. The administration isn’t hiding that they almost exclusively blame Israel for the failure. Specifically, they...

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Ye Are Like Unto Whited Sepulchres

There was a time when Christians were pretty universally opposed to the practice of feeding people to lions. The reason was simple. They were the ones being fed to lions in the Roman Colosseum. These days, however, there’s...

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Why Are They Doing This? They’re Crazy

Ian Swanson thinks the decision to have a special House committee devoted to investigating the administration’s reaction to the Benghazi attacks is part of a midterm strategy. He actually thinks the issue has the power to...

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Loyalty Day Proclamation

One of those current events that I totally missed on Thursday.  Don’t Presidential Proclamations tend to carry some weight with lefties and righties?  Or have they become so common and banal that nobody pays them...

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