Like Richard Nixon in the year before his resignation, Christie continues his claim that the scandal is behind him and the bridge and road to the WH is wide open.
Scott Raab and Lisa Brennan at Esquire are hearing that there are some giant speed bumps in the way of the Christie-mobile: Exclusive: Prosecutor Is Closing In on Gov. Christie.
The speed of the US Attorney for New Jersey, Paul Fishman, investigation appears not to be that there is too little evidence of wrongdoing but too much.
“What’s taking the most time,” according to one source, “is separating what’s viable from all the bad stuff they’re finding that may not be viable.”
Fishman’s challenge is to nail down specific criminal charges on several fronts — the diversion of Port Authority money to fund New Jersey road and bridge projects; the four-day rush-hour closures of George Washington Bridge lanes in Ft. Lee; and a web of real-estate deals spun by David Samson, long a Christie crony, when he chaired the PA’s Board of Commissioners as Christie’s appointee. (One such deal, a stalled office-tower development in Hoboken, New Jersey, is central to a claim that Christie’s lieutenant governor told the town’s mayor that the state would withhold Hurricane Sandy relief aid from Hoboken if the mayor didn’t sign off on the development project.)
Fishman appears not to have cut any deals with those under investigation and not likely to do so to catch a minnow.
We shall see.
Will post updates and developments in the comments here as they surface in the coming days or weeks.
April 2014: Time magazine names Scott Walker one of 100 most influential people of 2014
Today: Prosecutors accuse Scott Walker of running ‘criminal scheme’
Publicly Christie and Walker have been BFF. Which of the two will be the first to decline a call from the other?
Wonder what sources Time consulted to put Walker the list. Tea leaves? Ouija boards? They didn’t commit the sin of doing journalism because it was practically impossible not to trip over this law suit — and smell a Walker turd.
A New Republic article article on Walker, Milwaukee, and Wisconsin that’s worth reading: The Unelectable Whiteness of Scott Walker. It is another take on the Milwaukee area that Bill Moyers has been covering: Two American Families. Heartbreaking.
The Bergen Record reporting Christie stands behind Wisconsin Gov. Walker after alleged campaign finance conspiracy.
Expected response from the Chair of the National Republican Governor’s Assoc. I suppose. Or perhaps a bit of fear that if Walker can’t squelch the investigation that it could bleed into serious investigations for Republicans in other states.
but should be:
Revel Casino Warns Employees of Possible Closure.
From Bloomberg 2012 Chris Christie’s Failed State Capitalism
If only Christie hadn’t uttered occupied territories in Adelson’s presence, Sheldon might have helped out on this one.
Don’t forget the voters of Jersey reelected the Failed State Capitalist guy in a landslide.
NYTimes 2nd Bridge Inquiry Said to Be Linked to Christie. Investigation by the Manhattan DA and SEC into the Port Authority NY/NJ funding/bond issue for the reconstruction of the Pulaski Skyway, a State of NJ road. Not sure how this one won’t lead to some indictments.
From Matt Katz at WNYC David Samson is on the line
That spike in communications between Samson and Wildstein beginning last June would correspond with to the time that they had to begin planning this secret op which was before Kelly’s 8/13/14 infamous e-mail.
Those two had a secret Dixie-cup and string communication system.
From the Guardian New Jersey grants $1.25bn in public funds to firms that back Republicans.
Surely, just a coincidence that big GOP donors made the best business deal offers to the state. Wanna buy a bridge?