Our weather is a little on the chilly side for July at 70F and partly cloudy, but the humidity is gone for awhile. All in all a pretty nice day out there unless swimming. Then it might be uncomfortably chilly. I’ll take it.
Ninety sumpthin this afternoon, but I’m seeing forecasts of highs in the 70s again for the beginning of next week. Strange, since I thought the requirement for county fair week was at least 90 with 90% RH.
It is much better here, though today looks like it will be warm enough to put the a/c on. Still this is the most pleasant late July/August I can remember.
I’m very grateful for the most present county fair week I can remember and I’m sure the kids and animals are too. You know how we politicos love to hang out at county fairs.
It has been unbelievably pleasant here in SE PA this summer. Highs in the low 80s most of last week and forecast for this week too. It should be 88 tomorrow, and that is like a heat wave compared to what we have been having…saving lots of money by not needing A/C!
I’m just wishing for some swimming weather, we want to go try this place out before the summer is over.
At age 15 an Ethiopian asylum seeker in The Netherlands, Sifan Hassan started jogging while living in a detention camp …
« click for more info Athletics trainer Honoré Hoedt saw Sifan clock international top times
within five months of training less than two years ago. (photo epa/ad)
It’s gong to be cloudy here tomorrow if the rain tonight is any indication, but if you have clear skies and a SE view, you might want to get up early .
Set your alarm for 30 minutes before sunrise. Venus and Jupiter are converging in the dawn sky for a beautiful conjunction that will wake you up faster than a cup of strong coffee. To see it, you’ll need a clear view of the east-northeastern horizon and … that’s all. No telescope is required. These are the two brightest planets in the Solar System, and they are visible to the naked eye even from light-polluted cities.
I was a good weekend. Today Bebo and I walked over at the nature preserve up the road. Yesterday I worked with the Hoosier Hikers’ Council rerouting a trail in a state forest around a timber harvest.
So true, although we were mightily impressed with the huge aspen forest in the Gunnison National Forest in September, with the variations of golds and greens. The elk bellowing at dusk was pretty entertaining as well. We watched from a safe distance through binoculars, since we figured it would be a good idea not to get too close to a very large and extremely horny bull elk.
We don’t see that many salamanders out in the woods, unless there is a pond nearby. This one was by a creek but not one that has water all the time so it was a bit surprising.
Our hummers are so combative that there’s never more than one at the feeder at any time. Perhaps they’ve been hanging out with the Palin hummers, swilling stale PBR from the half-empty cans strewn around the yard.
When we have smaller numbers, then we have the same combativeness but when there are 6 or 7, it’s like it’s just too overwhelming and everybody gets a turn. Also, we have two feeders and for some reason, they only seem to get territorial over one of them at a time.
Woo hoo no more snow! 😀
And it only took till June…sorry!
No apologies needed. We retired folks need to be gracious to people whose lives are a bit (as in hugely) busier than ours. 🙂
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I’m expecting ewoks to jump out of those woods.
No ewoks but if you go by my blog, you can see some small and cute things that did jump* out.
* well, more of a drop than a jump
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Thanks for posting them!
It was pretty exciting because in the 35 years we lived out here, we’ve seen bunches newborn fawns but this is the first time we’ve seen twins.
Its spring at last!
Yay! Some much-needed greenery! 🙂
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Puppy butt!
And no buts about it. 🙂
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That X on the ground to the right, is that where the treasure is buried?
Good catch — I’ll have to go back and let the dogs dig it up. 🙂
I thought the title was going to be “Down in the Humps.”
Happy 4th, everyone!
May the 4th be with you.
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Taking things slowly sounds good.
I got 5 out of 5, but the first question was hard.
I missed #2. Guess remedial nursery school for me.
The more you miss the greater your chances of being the tallest kid on the elementary school basketball team. In Indiana we have our priorities.
Assuredly true.
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Humps within humps!
or lumpy humps. 🙂
Flog is up, hope you’ve got something great!
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A very inviting trail.
It really is. Here’s another piece of it.
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That looks just lovely! Better than the view out my office window this morning…
I’m assuming it’s dark and gloomy like mine.
Our weather is a little on the chilly side for July at 70F and partly cloudy, but the humidity is gone for awhile. All in all a pretty nice day out there unless swimming. Then it might be uncomfortably chilly. I’ll take it.
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Hanging humps!
Hanging humps with bumps!
We live for vacation tomorrow — going to hike in RNMP and the San Juan mountains in Colorado.
If all goes well, I’ll to be too busy to stop by to visit for the next 12 days. 🙂
Have a great trip!
Thanks. And bye.
Naturally we’ll expect tons of photos. Tons.
Have a great vacation! Hey, wait a minute – did you guys get jobs?
It’s still a vacation as long as you are going somewhere. 😛
I need to do that. Especially since I have cousins strategically placed at scenic locations on both coasts.
Have a good trip and be safe!
Nice day here in the Hudson Valley. The summer polar vortex is definitely gone. What’s it like in your neck of the woods?
Ninety sumpthin this afternoon, but I’m seeing forecasts of highs in the 70s again for the beginning of next week. Strange, since I thought the requirement for county fair week was at least 90 with 90% RH.
Uh oh. Here come the global warming deniers. 😉
Yeah, our political booth at the fair is close to the GOP’s with only the Rotary to separate us. Things could get ugly. Weasels.
The crickets are defening here.
We are back from our mini vacation! It was awesome. 🙂
We even had cupcakes. We really should do a meetup again, though.
It will be hard to get back to the salt mines tomorrow…
A meetup would be great!
I agree, but the dogs don’t want it to bee too soon.
Late August ok?
We’re back.
Welcome home! Hope the trip was fun.
It was great. It would be even better, though, if we could drive out there without all the boring miles on I70.
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P.S. Hump day pics from Colorado to appear soon (lots of photos to sort through first).
I think that’s a view of my neighborhood from space.
Everybody lives in tepees?
No,no. Those are all the garden gnomes.
But I thought they all had red hats. 🙂
A winter shot, no doubt.
Not according to Gnomio.
Another gloomy humid day here in the Hudson Valley. Hope it’s better where you are.
It is much better here, though today looks like it will be warm enough to put the a/c on. Still this is the most pleasant late July/August I can remember.
I’m very grateful for the most present county fair week I can remember and I’m sure the kids and animals are too. You know how we politicos love to hang out at county fairs.
Ack! – dang spell check – “pleasant”!
Yep, I’m sure this kind of weather makes you a lot gladder to do your glad-handing. 😉
It has been unbelievably pleasant here in SE PA this summer. Highs in the low 80s most of last week and forecast for this week too. It should be 88 tomorrow, and that is like a heat wave compared to what we have been having…saving lots of money by not needing A/C!
I’m just wishing for some swimming weather, we want to go try this place out before the summer is over.
This looks like a nice place. I’d rather canoe than swim in a lake, though.
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Cute, just as long as I don’t have to sleep with him. h/t many gangster flix
Ha! LOVE this. 😀
(See Jim’s link above for more Colorado pics)
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Very humpy! Beautiful shot!
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Clearly, he is posing for the camera.
… all the while huffing “elk, not deer; elk, not deer”.
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A very lovely scene and also quite humpy.
I love the colors in those hills, especially when set against the sky.
Is There Really a Pot of Gold Under the Rainbow?
At age 15 an Ethiopian asylum seeker in The Netherlands, Sifan Hassan started jogging while living in a detention camp …
Athletics trainer Honoré Hoedt saw Sifan clock international top times
within five months of training less than two years ago. (photo epa/ad)
○ Track and field event in Zurich, wins Gold in 1,500 m event, more on her IAAF performance here.
It’s gong to be cloudy here tomorrow if the rain tonight is any indication, but if you have clear skies and a SE view, you might want to get up early .
I was a good weekend. Today Bebo and I walked over at the nature preserve up the road. Yesterday I worked with the Hoosier Hikers’ Council rerouting a trail in a state forest around a timber harvest.
That sounds pretty cool, if I can wake up.
Black Canyon of the Gunnison
That’s a cool shot!
Lovely view of an awesome part of CO. We stayed just up the road at Crested Butte and explored from there.
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Beautiful humps!
If there’s one thing that Colorado is not short of, it’s beautiful humps. 😀
Nice lighting job in the back, too.
Beautiful shots!
Hope everyone is having a good summer, sure looks like it by what I’m seeing.
That really looks inviting. I miss living near the ocean sometimes, but when I was in FL, I missed the hardwood forest a lot too.
That’s a beautiful scene.
That’s really pretty. And very serene.
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That’s a pretty spot.
The wildflowers on this trip were amazingly abundant and gorgeous.
Thanks, I assumed that this was in your area.
Oh how I wish we could get meadows of wildflowers like they do in the mountains.
Sorry, you’ll just have to be satisfied with wild mustard in the bottomlands.
Not quite the same, is it. Ah well, they don’t have our gorgeous hardwoods forests out west so I guess it’s fair.
So true, although we were mightily impressed with the huge aspen forest in the Gunnison National Forest in September, with the variations of golds and greens. The elk bellowing at dusk was pretty entertaining as well. We watched from a safe distance through binoculars, since we figured it would be a good idea not to get too close to a very large and extremely horny bull elk.
Yep, very wise move.
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Quite humpy indeed and photogenic too.
Now that’s a hump!
Colorado is hump day heaven. 😀
And probably heaven for other days as well.
True. Even when it looks like this:
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Threatening but beautiful.
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Very humpy!
Flog is up, enjoy!
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Growing up in the Northeast salamander capture was a summer pastime. Narrow DOF really makes it pop.
We don’t see that many salamanders out in the woods, unless there is a pond nearby. This one was by a creek but not one that has water all the time so it was a bit surprising.
Newt Gingrich.
Voted a little while ago and I was the only one there. That is curious.
I was impressed that the Teachout and Wu did as well as they did.
Especially considering how late in the game they started.
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That’s for the birds. 😉
Our hummers are so combative that there’s never more than one at the feeder at any time. Perhaps they’ve been hanging out with the Palin hummers, swilling stale PBR from the half-empty cans strewn around the yard.
When we have smaller numbers, then we have the same combativeness but when there are 6 or 7, it’s like it’s just too overwhelming and everybody gets a turn. Also, we have two feeders and for some reason, they only seem to get territorial over one of them at a time.
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That’s a troubling sky. One little patch of blue amongst the clouds.
Matches my mood this week. Love small town politics with the back-biting, dirty tricks and general pettiness.
Its a nice photo, though, Andi.
I guess, despite the lack of real broadband, living out in the countryside does have its advantages. 😀
That was our farewell to Colorado morning — guess it was glad to see us go.
Very dramatic!
BooMan, where are ya?
Cake coma?
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Now that looks like fun.
The paws that refreshes!