As incalculably screwed-up as things seem to be in this country, the future should be okay because the young people get it. They’ve internalized the important things and rejected a lot of the bullshit. The main thing is that they believe in pluralism and representative democracy and they reject rampant inequality. In general, they are not haters, and in almost every area, they reject conservatism.

Of course, we see this in nationwide polls. There may remain pockets of the country where the kids grow up despising pluralism, skeptical of gay rights, and completely unconcerned with inequality. But, on the whole, the country is going to eventually tip in a progressive direction and the political playing field will reset on turf substantially to the left of where we stand today.

In other words, I am not sure when the tectonic plate of the left and the tectonic plate of the right will slip, but I know in which direction the energy will be released.

Happy Independence Day!!