
I haven’t written about Gaza because some things are just too evil for human comprehension.  Who uses flechette and white phosphorous shells on civilian populations? Flechette shells available here at Ammo To Go at a reduced price of $21.95…

When listening to Netanyahu It is difficult to comprehend the enormity of the irony that the people on whom the Holocaust was perpetrated are now engaging in similar genocide themselves, and doing so with a self-righteous pomposity that beggars belief.

When you look at the map below, who can doubt the central thesis of my diary Israel/Palestine: One state or two? written almost 7 years ago (that a separate Palestinian State is no longer viable)?

But seven years on we are no closer to a political settlement in the region, and have, if anything, moved further away. Maybe those writers and religious seers  who predicted Armageddon have a point, at least as far as the chosen land and people are concerned. “Those whom the God’s seek to destroy, they first make mad” (Sophocles, Antigone).

Author: Frank Schnittger

I resist categorization and prefer evidenced based and reasoned debate to the received wisdom of any political position. My home page and diary index is here.