BREAKING NEWS: Mayor of Dutch Town threatens Putin’s daughter because of MH-17.
One sees a slow process of nations moving towards another war, is this what my dad felt when he undertook an adventurous bike ride through Rhineland, passed through Mannheim, Strasburg and Freiburg into Basel Switzerland in 1935. He wasn’t at ease from his analysis of radio broadcasts. Just like my interest to listen and watch the propaganda from all sides, I see my dad late at night with his ear to a Philips short-wave radio and dial from one station to the next. He listened to all major capitals in the western world.
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During the German occupation 1940-45, radios were forbidden, so my dad
took it apart and stored in a small space of the stairs. (Erres/Philips model 1946)
Shortly before the German invasion and occupation of Holland, he was drafted during a general mobilization of Dutch forces and served as a guard at the Moerdijkbrug over a main water artery. One of the crucial spots of a defense line along the length of the Rhine and its arteries.
At the pace the western powers have utilised military power instead of succesful diplomacy, the world has become a dangerous place. I believe another major war is on the horizon as the hawks are clearly in a majority. Just now learned of another example of a person of leadership, jumps the shark and has gone mad!
This is totally unacceptable, the daughter of Putin has lived a secluded life near Leiden and in no way deserves to be threatened. This is not fitting in any society, certainly not in The Netherlands which claims to be tolerant to persons of all political views, faith and gender. The country of Islamophobe Geert Wilders has changed forever. Mark Rutte, the petty PM of the liberal conservative VVD party has grown biceps the last week agitating Putin and listening to instructions from the White House. Plenty of rhetoric, he lacks in deeds promised to search for bodies at the crashsite near Donetsk. Today he even apologised for keeping parliament in the dark of his plans to send armed guards/forces into rebel area of Ukraine. Unbelievable what a bunch of crap.
Waiting for Mayor Boertjes to resign, I won’t be holding my breath.
Mayor of Dutch Town threatens Putin’s daughter because of MH-17
(The Guardian) – Dutch frustration with Russia in the wake of the MH17 crash is taking on an increasingly personal note, as some called for Vladimir Putin’s daughter to be deported from the Netherlands.
Pieter Broertjes [Labor Party PvdA], the mayor of the city of Hilversum, used a radio interview on Wednesday morning to call for 29-year-old Maria Putin, who is said to live in Voorschoten with her Dutch boyfriend, to be thrown out of the country.
Broertjes later apologised for his remarks via Twitter, saying they were “not wise”, but adding that “they stemmed from a feeling of helplessness that many will recognise”.
Ukrainians living in Holland have also called for a peaceful protest outside Putin’s daughter’s flat, according to De Telegraaf newspaper. It published a photograph of the apartment complex where Maria is said to live alongside the article on Monday.[Dutch newspaper De Telegraaf is ultra-right wing and has a messy history of collaboration pre-war with the NSB and the German Nazi occupier. The paper was banned post-war but relieved in 1949 and continued in its anti-communism rhetoric. These are hay-days for the paper. – Oui]
Very little is known about the Russian president’s two daughters, Maria and Yekaterina, who are completely sheltered from media attention and have never been officially photographed as adults.
But there have been persistent rumours linking Maria with Dutch citizen Jorrit Faassen. Dutch media claimed that Putin visited the couple last year, something his spokesman denied.
Making An Enemy – Demonizing Putin Endangers America’s Security
- ○ Vladimir Putin on 2-Day State Visit to The Netherlands, Meets PM Jan Balkenende – Nov. 2005
○ Amazing Chancellor Angela Merkel, Takes Germans By Pleasant Surprise – Jan. 2006
Googling De Telegraaf, came across this remarkable wartime story …
Jo Spier was a famous Dutch artist, author of humorous illustrations and caricatures depicting everyday life before the WWII. He worked for the De Telegraaf newspapers.
Germans invade Holland – Sunday morning May 10, 1940
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Anschluss Österreichs - annexation of Austria in 1938
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Netherlands at War with Germany - Queen Wilhelmina
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Nazi terror bombing the centrum of Rotterdam
“Our man” Yats resigned as his coalition collapsed and it’s not big news in the US. Weird.
Ihor Kolomoisky appeared dodgy to me before it was reported that he seized gas fields and appears to have hired Hunter Biden and some John Kerry associates. The web is getting more and more tangled.
Look here, another shill reporter who just happens to be in the right spot at the right time:
Speaking with a distinctive Russian accent! Damn, why not? It’s Eastern Ukraine and everyone is Russian-speaking, you don’t fool me. Sorry, no photo this time of me sitting on a SA-11 launcher. I’m from AP and we don’t sneak photos deep in rebel territory. The rebel had to remain ‘unnamed’ so I can depend on the same source again.
PS It’s clear from which side AP correspondent Yuras Karmanau is reporting!
Great luck, Yuras was there at Maidan Independence square:
Yuras Karmanau from Belarus is listed as “Independent Writing and Editing Professional.” His writing has been published by the Times of Israel and The Scotsman.
I guess AP reporters don’t have cameras or phones with cameras anymore.
Interesting stories:
Related to Ukraine:
As I’ve said repeatedly, American foreign policy is “Where is the oil and who do we have to kill to get it?” Or, in this case, natural gas. Same principle, though.
Not related to Ukraine, but related to Republican money-laundering, gangsters and Mo Atta:
Question: If you’re a devout Muslim about to die for Islam’s greater glory, what’s the thrill of going to a SunCruz gambling ship off the coast of Florida a few days before you commit mass murder?
Rutte = petty PM. Very probably a better characterization of the man in his office will never found.
From German ARD/WDR tv journalist: Demian von Osten @demianvonosten
Sprecher des nationalen Sicherheitsrates in #Kiew sagt:
Ukr. Armee will Absturzstelle erobern. #mh17
“Ukraine Army wants to capture crashsite MH-17”
○ Heavy shelling in Torez on the #MH17 site, people sheltering in basements
Oui, can you tell us more about the Unilever CEO. He seems to be trying to do the right thing wrt environmental issues and recognition that poverty drives many conflicts. Might be enough of a reason for me to choose Ben & Jerry’s on those rare occasions when I buy ice cream.
○ Grieving relatives at MH17 site as Dutch, Australia ready troops
Today’s CNN interview with senior Republican senator Lindsey Graham. Europe is a dysfunstional political organization of 28 state,s Europe is. Germany only spends 1.4% of GDP on military investments. Obama should lead, but he is Awol. Must read the transcript!
The way recent policymakers have voiced their opinion, the U.S. knows how to lead [to war] so step aside, we’ll confront the aggression of Russia and Mr. Putin.
Oh, and those people who lost their unemployment a few months ago? Fuck ’em.
○ DW-DE: Poroshenko’s risky power play
The OSCE reports on the attempts to reach MH-17 crash-site are quite informative …
○ OSCE Mission reports from Donetsk – July 30, 2014
On 30 July, the SMM support group in Donetsk attempted, for the fourth day in succession since the last successful visit on Friday 25 July, to access the MH17 crash site in Hrabove via a northern route (Yasenovata – Yenakievo – Debaltseve), using the E50 as the access road. Fighting was reported at 08:00hrs to be occurring astride this route in the northeastern outskirts of Donetsk in the vicinity of Yasenovata, 25km northeast of Donetsk. [Mission failed]
Discussions about next steps occurred in Kyiv. Following these discussions, which took place
(a) internally in Kyiv between the SMM and Dutch and Australian representatives,
(b) with the acting Prime Minister and Defence Minister of Ukraine, and
(c) between SMM Donetsk and the so-called “DPR” representatives [Donetsk People’s Republic],
a detailed plan was agreed to access the site on a new, more northerly road via Artemisk (70km north of Donetsk).
○ Latest Ukraine Mission News @OSCE SMM twitter
○ Latest from the OSCE Special Monitoring Mission (SMM) to Ukraine, based on information received as of 18:00 hrs, 1 August 2014 (Kyiv time)
The SMM, together with Australian and Dutch experts, visited the crash site of Malaysia Airlines Flight MH17. The convoy comprised 25 vehicles, including a bus and two mobile ambulances. The crossing of territories controlled by Ukrainian government or the so-called “Donetsk People’s Republic” (“DPR”) or the so-called “Luhansk People’s Republic” (“LPR”) went smoothly and was well organized. The SMM observed a new checkpoint positioned at Mius (14 km south-east of Debaltseve). At the Ukrainian checkpoint in Debaltseve (70 km north-east of Donetsk), the agreed ceasefire seemed to hold. About 10 kilometres south of Mius, the SMM was met by an “LPR” escort, and drove to the main wreckage site.
The SMM saw several instances of artillery impacts at 7-10 kilometres southwest of the crash site between 13:03-14:19hrs. The expert teams recovered some human remains. The Australian expert team wanted to operate an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) in order to access areas such as fields, without damaging them. However, neither the “LPR” nor “DPR” representatives agreed to UAV use. After about five hours, the SMM left the site. The Australian and Dutch expert teams then left for Soledar (98 km northeast of Donetsk), where a forward operating base has been established. This base, closer to the crash site than Donetsk, will now become the main forward hub for investigative activity.
○ MH-17 Joint Dutch/Australian Forward Operating Base in Soledar – Aug. 2, 2014
○ Latest Ukraine Mission News @OSCE SMM twitter