Of course we have seen Frank G. Wisner II in Cairo for Ms Clinton and the Obama administration during the latter days of president Mubarak. The US funded NGOs are getting kicked out of many nations, who have become uninterested in these events leading to ‘democratization.’ I read BooMan’s fp story which led to OSS/OPC and Richard Bissell – Into the Wayback Machine . This sentence caught my attention:
- “Actually, it’s a 1975 interview (pdf) with 1954 Guatemalan coup participant and Bay of Pigs mastermind Jacob ‘Jake’ Esterline that was conducted in the Virgin Islands by CIA historian Jack B. Pfeiffer. It’s a gem of a find …”
Lovely combination, don’t ye think? German Marshall Fund [funded boxer turned politician Vitali Klitschko] backs the western coup d’état in Kiev with funds from USAID, etc. Vicky Nuland had to invest het money $5 bn somewhere, why not on her ancestor’s ground.
Richard Mervin Bissell worked closely with the Office of Policy Coordination (OPC) [CIA working paper after FOIA request – pdf], which had helped to organize guerrilla fighting, sabotage and espionage during World War II. In July, 1947 Bissell was recruited by Averell Harriman to run a committee to lobby for an economic recovery plan for Europe. The following year he was appointed as an administrator of the Marshall Plan in Germany and eventually became head of the Economic Cooperation Administration.
OSS, CIA and European Unity – US Covert Operations in Europe
Any analysis of the ACUE must be set in the context of a broadre programme of US covert operations in Europe. Between 1948 and 1950 thia expanded rapidly, partly in response to
Any analysis of the ACUE must be set in the context of a broader programme of US covert operations in Europe. Between 1948 and 1950 this expanded rapidly, partly in response to pressure fromsenior State Department officials such as George Kennan, Head of the Policy Planning Staff. On 6 January 1949, Kennan wrote to FrankWisner of the Office of Policy Coordination (OPC), the official responsible, that the operations planned for 1949-50 met only the minimum requirement.
‘As the international situation develops, every day makes more evident the importance of the role which will have to be played by covert operations if our national interests are to be adequately protected.” Responsibility for the direction of US covertoperations before 1950 is difficult to locate and was problematic at the time. Immediately after the war such activities were carried out by a curious array of private bodies and also military organizations that had absorbed some remnants of the wartime OSS
After June 1948, however, such activities were theoretically superintended by Frank Wisner’s OPC, set up as a result of directive NSC 10/2, which called for covert operations which ‘if uncovered the United States Government can plausibly disclaim any responsibility for them’. 10
Although OPC came under the administrative umbrella of the CIA, it took its orders from the State Department and the NSC, because NSC 10/2 had laid down that although the State Department would take no responsibility for OPC operations, nevertheless, State should ‘maintain a firm guiding hand’.11 Here was a recipe for infighting and confusion, as one OPC official remarked: ‘Divided or part authority never works.
No person or agency can at the same time serve God (NSC), Mammon (State) and an Administrative and Financial Overlord (only), which the Director of CIA now is.’ In 1950, the new director of the CIA, Walter Bedell Smith, insisted that OPC be fully integrated with the CIA, a process that turned out to be slow and awkward.12
Gladio Files and Ukraine Maidan Revolt: “Blitzkrieg, die nächste Generation”
- ○ Kerry Preaching Policy Contra Russia @Atlantic Council
○ Neocons Covert Action and Ukraine Watch
○ A Confusing Episode in Ukraine
○ Operation Gladio and more about the empire by soj on Dec. 28, 2008
Ambassador Geoffrey Pyatt our (CIA) point man for repetitive false flag operations in Kiev and Donetsk: sniper killings on Maidan Independence Square, Jewish manifest in Donetsk and the Buk-M1 challenge of Malaysian flight MH-17. The downing of an passenger plane isn’t the first instance at the hands of the United States: USS Vincennes Iran Air Flight 655 and bombing of Cuban Air Flight 455. Both former Soviet satellite states Ukraine and Georgia have downed Russian aircraft before.
Worth reading IMHO: MH17 Downing: Background Context & Cause Hypothesis.
Good. I don’t think the US wants a nuclear winter, just the destabilization of Russia and all the oil and gas in Central Asia.
James Petras (award winning author of The Politics of Empire – the US, Israel, and the Middle East) isn’t optimistic:
The Emperor’s Rage: Let Chaos Envelop the World!
A shame ignorant fools never seemed happy enough for me to join them.
Good review/overview of current events and history of Ukraine from David Stockman (yeah, the one who once worked for Reagan): On Dominoes, WMDs And Putin’s “Aggression”: Imperial Washington Is Intoxicated By Another Big Lie
A teaser snippet:
Thank you for the many contribution to the discussion here @BooMan, much appreciated.
Listening to yesterday’s impromptu speech by Obama, the following headline for my new diary came to mind: ” How Obama Advocates Fascism Coming to America In New Cold War.”
His portion of lies and falsifications at a time of looming war, reminds me in the final stages of Nazi Germany and Goebbels propaganda before Anschluẞ of Austria.
I came across of some geographic maps how the European states developed in the 20th century. I have Always considered the Western part of the Soviet Union as ‘European.’ NATO, Atlantic Council think tank and the anti-Russian mood in the White House bothers me greatly, that is not what Europe was founded on after WWII.
○ The Bolshevik Revolution, creating the U.S.S.R. (1917-1922) plus Map
Glad you don’t mind that some of my contributions aren’t exactly on point with your diaries. There isn’t always a good place to stick stuff I’ve stumbled upon that I think is interesting and others might like to read.
US Russophobia (with the exception of the WWII years when Germany-Italy-Japan would have won if not for the huge and devastating contribution by the USSR to “our side”) is now almost a hundred years old. So tiresome. So not constructive.
I’m old enough to vaguely recall how Americans flipped out when the USSR attempted to place missiles in Cuba. Rightly so. But how can we not understand why Russia doesn’t appreciate us doing that to them today?
Western Russia sort of stopped being viewed as part of the west, by those in the west, when it dumped its last tsar (England’s king’s cousin) and attempted to go another way economically. If people studied old and new maps more and a bit of history, odd seeming alliances such as Russia with Serbia in the 1990s wouldn’t seem so inexplicable.
Listening to yesterday’s impromptu speech by Obama, the following headline for my new diary came to mind: “How Obama Advocates Fascism Coming to America In New Cold War.”
His portion of lies and falsifications at a time of looming war, reminds me in the final stages of Nazi Germany and Goebbels propaganda before Anschluẞ of Austria.
I came across of some geographic maps how the European states developed in the 20th century. I have Always considered the Western part of the Soviet Union as ‘European.’ NATO, Atlantic Council think tank and the anti-Russian mood in the White House bothers me greatly, that is not what Europe was founded on after WWII.
○ The Bolshevik Revolution, creating the U.S.S.R. (1917-1922) plus Map
Sad and scary. But the lies seem to be selling well even here. He appears to be as ruthless as Putin, but I suspect not as smart. Personal animosity towards another tends to be blinding, and Russians are better at chess.
More food for thought from March 18, 2014: Leaked report: Israel acknowledges Jews in fact Khazars; Secret plan for reverse migration to Ukraine.
One more piece in the Ukraine-Malaysia/MH17-Israel puzzle.
Never mind the above link — it is apparently satire that went way over the head of this USian.