From BooMan’s fp story – They Drift Apart.

“I encourage (especially) our Jewish members to opine about this observation by Josh Marshall …”

and combined it with BooMan’s earlier story – Can We Just Be Honest for Once?.

I love how this country devises new ways to always avoid taking responsibility for its past mistakes. Did we torture people to death for no good reason? Oh well, we can’t admit it or our soldiers deployed overseas will be put at risk. This is why we never saw many of the more appalling photos from Abu Ghraib. It would have inflamed international opinion and made people want to kill our troops.

Pentagon generals have preceded my statement, but Netahyahu’s Israel is endangering the securoty of the United States and prevents any attempt to come to a peaceful solution with the Palestinians. It’s quite one-sided, having made a full 180º turn in my personal opinion through the last four decades. The assassination destroyed the Oslo Accords and there has not been a serious attempt to make a deal with the Palestinians.  

Senate Armed Services Committee Inquiry Into the Treatment of Detainees In U.S. Custody [pdf]


                      Executive Summary

      “What sets us apart from our enemies in this fight… is how we behave. In everything we do, we must observe the standards and values that dictate that we treat noncombatants and detainees with dignity and respect. While we are warriors, we are also all human beings”
      -- General David Petraeus         -- May 10, 2007

(U) The collection of timely and accurate intelligence is critical to the safety of U.S. personnel deployed abroad and to the security of the American people here at home. The methods by which we elicit intelligence information from detainees in our custody affect not only the reliability of that information, but our broader efforts to win hearts and minds and attract allies to our side.

(U) Al Qaeda and Taliban terrorists are taught to expect Americans to abuse them. They are recruited based on false propaganda that says the United States is out to destroy Islam. Treating detainees harshly only reinforces that distorted view, increases resistance to cooperation, and creates new enemies. In fact, the April 2006 National Intelligence Estimate [pdf] “Trends in Global Terrorism: Implications for the United States” cited “pervasive anti U.S. sentiment among most Muslims” as an underlying factor fueling the spread of the global jihadist movement.  

April 2006 National Intelligence Estimate [pdf]

The Intelligence Community defines “al-Qa’ida” (the Base) as the organization founded and led by Usama Bin Ladin and his lieutenants. Al-Qa’ida is considered a part of the global Salafi jihadist movement in which many groups and individuals participate; not all are connected to or cooperating directly with al-Qa’ida. For the definition of other related terms, see Who Wages Terror and Jihad: Pros and Cons of Frequently Used Terms (U/lFOUO), NIC 3853-05, of June 2005. (U)

Conflicts that have occurred in the following countries and regions have been designated as jihads by many participants of the global jihadist movement: Afghanistan, Algeria, Azerbaijan, Bosnia, Burma, Chechnya, Dagestan, Eritrea, Indonesia, Iraq, Kashmir, Kosovo, Palestine, Philippines, Somalia, Tajikistan, and Thailand.~

[Notice that jihad is a Sunni movement of Salafists and/or Wahhabists originating in the Arab states of the Middle East and DOES NOT INCLUDE IRAN – Oui]

Salafi-Jihadists: “A Persistent Threat” to Europe and America

Nice to know our great ally Israel is funding Islamophobes across western democracies. How MAD is the world?

Israel funds and webblogs with Islamophobe articles

Continued below the fold …
By chance came across this link with a collection of Islamophobe articles – see my many earlier diaries. I searched briefly who is behind this webblog Think-Israel. This is what I found out:


WhoIs search
Tech ID DPRP-10638592
Admin bernice lipkin  3250 W. Commercial Blvd.  Ft. Lauderdale FL 33309  US

Dr. Bernice S. Lipkin
editor Think-Israel
also mentioned: Lewis Edward Lipkin

 Mail box No. 770
 Beverly Hills, California 90212
 United States
(310) 288-0333
 (310) 388-5398 Fax

Academics and Authors linked to Ariel Center for Policy Research (ACPR)

Bernice Sacks Lipkin obtained her doctorate in the psychophysics of vision from Columbia University. She has designed programs and published books and articles on manipulating text and collating information by computer. She is editor of  Think-Israel (, a website devoted to essays and analyses of issues of concern to Israel.

Ariel Center for Policy Research (ACPR)

(Right-Web) – The Israel-based Ariel Center for Policy Research (ACPR) is a hardline advocacy and research institute founded in 1997 that espouses a right-wing Likud Party line on Israeli security and is associated with conservative “pro-Israel” advocacy groups in the United States. As of 2013, the Ariel Center’s website appeared to be largely defunct.

ACPR has described the Israeli-Palestinian peace process as “a paradox whereby a minuscule democracy is being forced to provide its totalitarian enemies–scores of times its size–the only thing it lacks: territory.” The group stated in a 2001 publication that any effort to pursue peace on the basis of returning to pre-1967 border was a recipe for war: “It is, in fact, completely clear that by relinquishing the territorial assets that have guaranteed its existence since 1967, Israel will return to the ‘Auschwitz borders’ (Abba Eban) and thereby restore the reason for war.”

Although the group appears to have been inactive for several years, some ACPR figures have continued to highlight their connection to the center. Louis René Beres, a professor of international relations at Purdue University is also a columnist for several right-wing publications.

Canadian writer Mark Silverberg listed himself as an ACPR foreign policy analyst in a February 2009 column for the Israeli Arutz Sheva in which he claimed that “Britain is slowly succumbing to Islamic ‘dhimmitude’–whether out of fear, ignorance or Arab financial interests in Britain.” Echoing Europe-based neoconservative groups like the Henry Jackson Society, Silverberg warned that Muslim immigration to the United Kingdom was spreading anti-Semitism and turning London into “Londonistan.”

 « click for more info
Two States for Two Nations on Two Sides of the Jordan River

Israel and a Palestinian State:  Zero Sum Game?

Real Americans Defend Israel
Minister Lapid: ‘The Palestinians are treating independence as a zero-sum game’
The Algemeiner: Israel and the Palestinians –  Zero Sum Suffering

Above link to Mark Silverberg, I noticed his biography at Arutz Sheva listed as follows: Mark Silverberg, Ariel U. Policy Research Center. His personal website – here. It appears his articles are also published at Family Security Matters.

Ariel University & Ariel Policy Research

Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu recently visited the Ariel University Center of Samaria, and made the following remarks:

    “I would like to make it clear to the world: The danger to the world is not a university in Ariel. The danger to the world is not that Israel is building neighborhoods in Jerusalem. The danger is Iran, which is building nuclear weapons. The danger is Syria’s arsenals of chemical weapons. I call on the world to take notice. History will judge harshly those who equate democratic Israel, which is establishing a university, and dictatorial regimes that slaughter their people and which hold atomic weapons of mass destruction. We remain faithful to our homeland. We will continue to defend our citizens, develop our country and build in our land. With G-d’s help, we will build and we will succeed.”

The Ariel Center for Policy Research (ACPR) is devoted to incisive research and discussion of political and strategic issues concerning Israel.