The USA has been the undisputed Global superpower since the collapse of the Soviet Union; dominating the world militarily, politically, economically and culturally. In recent times China has begun to make some inroads into that economic dominance, Russia has begun to become more assertive again, and Merkel has consolidated her position as undisputed leader of the Eurozone. But the most significant changes have possibly been within the USA itself.
First came 9/11 which punctured the sense of American invincibility: that the US could do what it liked abroad without it having much in the way of repercussions at home. In military terms the event wasn’t all that significant: 3,000 deaths is all in a weeks work in some of the bloodier conflicts around the world. But what was significant was the reaction: America went collectively mad.
First they repeated the Soviet mistake of invading Afghanistan – in a conflict which has now gone on longer than Vietnam. Then they invaded Iraq for no very good reason at all – except that they thought they could do so with impunity, and perhaps grab control of a few oilfields for some of their contractors. Then they manufactured one of the biggest financial crises of all time, one which threatened to return them to the dark ages of the Great Depression.
The election of Obama put a halt to some of that hubris, though it didn’t stop the still influential neo-cons from dreaming of the USA dominating the “New American Century“. Just how powerful they remain is illustrated by the utter inability of President Obama to rein in the NSA and CIA despite many flagrant breaches of the law and threats to democracy itself. The Republican strategy of opposing everything Obama might do has also seriously damaged the USA’s ability to repair it’s economy and act coherently on the world stage.
The crisis in Ukraine might just be the first to demonstrate that the USA can no longer call the shots around the world, and that we may be re-entering an era of multiple superpowers competing for supremacy. First the US made the mistake of being found out monitoring Merkel’s private phone. So long the lapdogs of US power, a Merkel dominated EU may just be about to turn it’s back on the US and conclude a historic concordat with Putin’s Russia. And if Cameron’s UK doesn’t like it, they are more than welcome to leave the EU and become a vassal state of the US instead.
Afghanistan, Iraq, extraordinary rendition, torture, the financial crash, NSA spying, Ukraine and now Gaza. Europe has a large Islamic population. Europe and the USA’s interests have simply diverged too far. A combined Russian and Eurozone bloc would have the military and economic muscle to rival the USA. Perhaps that is why the neo-cons are so desperately trying to stoke up trouble in Ukraine. And why they will fail. They haven’t even been included in the negotiations…
Russia gets to keep Crimea, abandons east Ukrainian rebels, East Ukraine gets some autonomy, Ukraine doesn’t join NATO but retains links with the EU, everybody gets stable borders and secure energy supplies, and then business as usual… except that the US and UK aren’t part of the deal. This is Merkel deciding to go her own way.
Land for gas: Merkel and Putin discussed secret deal could end Ukraine crisis
The Independent can reveal that the peace plan, being worked on by both Angela Merkel and Vladimir Putin, hinges on two main ambitions: stabilising the borders of Ukraine and providing the financially troubled country with a strong economic boost, particularly a new energy agreement ensuring security of gas supplies.
More controversially, if Ms Merkel’s deal were to be acceptable to the Russians, the international community would need to recognise Crimea’s independence and its annexation by Russia, a move that some members of the United Nations might find difficult to stomach.
Sources close to the secret negotiations claim that the first part of the stabilisation plan requires Russia to withdraw its financial and military support for the various pro-separatist groups operating in eastern Ukraine. As part of any such agreement, the region would be allowed some devolved powers.
At the same time, the Ukrainian President would agree not to apply to join Nato. In return, President Putin would not seek to block or interfere with Ukraine’s new trade relations with the European Union under a pact signed a few weeks ago.
Second, Ukraine would be offered a new long-term agreement with Russia’s Gazprom, the giant gas supplier, for future gas supplies and pricing. At present, there is no gas deal in place; Ukraine’s gas supplies are running low and are likely to run out before this winter, which would spell economic and social ruin for the country.
A spokesman for the Foreign and Commonwealth Office said they had no knowledge of such negotiations taking place. However, the spokesman said he thought it highly unlikely that either the US or UK would agree to recognising Russian control over Crimea. There was no one available at the German embassy’s press office yesterday.
Reaching a solution to the ongoing dispute is pertinent for the Germans as Russia is their single biggest trading partner. Under Ms Merkel, the Russo-German axis has strengthened significantly and, until the plane shooting, her government had been staunchly against punitive sanctions for commercial but also diplomatic reasons.
Such strong trade ties between the two countries have also served to strengthen Ms Merkel’s hand and the Russian speaker has emerged as the leading advocate of closer relations between the EU and Russia. “This is Merkel’s deal. She has been dealing direct with President Putin on this. She needs to solve the dispute because it’s in no one’s interest to have tension in Ukraine or to have Russia out in the cold. No one wants another Cold War,” said one insider close to the negotiations.
The downing of MH17 has most probably put those negotiations on hold for the next few months. Merkel will not want to be seen cutting a deal with Putin whilst public outrage persists, particularly as so many EU citizens were killed. Perhaps at some point Russia will reveal that their investigation has discovered that “undisciplined untrained irregulars” shot the plane in error and agree to compensate the victims. This will be done in the context of the above deal which effectively cuts the East Ukrainian insurgents out of the loop.
And the neo-cons can sing for their supper.
I believe this is a bit optimistic, but it is certainly a worthwhile read in the bilateral relationship.
Posted @BooMan – World In Turmoil: Role of Brzezinski and Albright, Our Democrats.
I suppose one way of looking at it would be:
OTOH — had the secrecy of those Merkel-Putin negotiations been breached — Germany to watch U.S. agents after spy scandalGermany to watch U.S. agents after spy scandal — a “false flag” attack would be a ticket to put them on hold. That would be yet another incentive for the Kiev coup and/or various supporters to down the MH1l7 and one more reason why Russia/Putin wouldn’t want to put BUK resources in the hands of the anti-Kiev forces.
It was Kiev that put MH17 on that flight path. Kiev that refuses to release the ATC recordings that explain that deviation. That refuses the address the Russian claim that Kiev fighter planes were near MH17. etc.
The possibility of Kiev being responsible for the downing of MH17 is discussed extensively in the comments here and here
I find the evidence uncovered to date unconvincing, but wouldn’t rule anything out until we get a comprehensive Air Accident report.
The evidence to date is:
As Kiev/DC haven’t denied the Russian allegation that UKR fighter planes were near MH17, I’d put that in the evidence pile.
That’s about it for the crash. Kiev’s embargo of the ATC recordings, release of a fake recording of separatists claiming the shootdown, and refusal to agree to a cease fire to allow an investigation of the crash site is information.
Evidence that it was an accidental shootdown by separatists? Zero.
The Su-25 rumoured to have been close to MH17 doesn’t have the capability to shoot down a 777 – basically its a ground attack aircraft, with an operational ceiling of 17,000ft, and it’s missiles are too small and lack the required range for all but a very lucky and unlikely shot. It’s canons are not up to the job either.
But my diary here isn’t about that – that has been discussed extensively elsewhere by people with more military knowledge than I have. From the point of view of the analysis presented in the diary, it doesn’t much matter who shot down MH17, and the shouting down will likely delay but not derail a Russia Eurozone rapprochement.
I noted and merely said UKR fighter planes near MH17. Without making any claim as to model or activity. iirc it was Russia that disclosed their surveillance had detected one that was a SU-25. If Russia wanted to suggest an air-to-air missile could have brought down MH17, why would they disclose a model that they better than anyone else know couldn’t do the deed? And any suggestion otherwise would be quickly and widely debunked in the west.
I haven’t seen any claim that it was anything other than a Su-25 involved, which immediately cast doubt on the claim that they were flying alongside the MH17 because of their operational ceiling. The Russian briefing said it was 3-5 KM from MH17.
However I have wondered whether a Su-25 might not have been flying directly below MH17, and whether it might not have been the intended target for the ground fired SAM.
It is not difficult to imagine a Su25 pilot with a SAM on its tail trying tp fly as close to the 777 as he could in the hope that the SAM targeting software would acquire the 777 instead.
However that is my speculation, which I have not seen elsewhere, and I don’t know to what extent it is possible for a SAM missile “locked” or seeking one target to be distracted by another with a much bigger heat and radar signature.
The explanation that separatists accidentally shot down the plane is the simplest one and fits the general facts – who was operating in and had control of the area, who had shot down planes recently, and who vandalized the wreckage after the plane went down. Anything else at this point is an extraordinary claim, and requires extraordinary evidence. None of which we’ve seen.
Don’t get caught up in a pretzel defending Putin. Even my Russian teacher from St. Petersburg thinks it’s obviously russian rebels, possibly with some inadvertent or misguided help by Putin’s guys. Or maybe it was just putin’s guys getting ahead of themselves. In any case, Russia’s current government is severely repressive, anti-progressive in every way, and doesn’t need our help.
If new facts come to light – other than debate about a recording, or a few poor taste online auction listings – then we can re-evaluate. But at the moment, occam’s razor applies here.
The Russians haven’t even made a big effort to deny their involvement – the odd Press conference by a General referring to the possibility of a Ukrainian Su25 somewhere near MH17 is as far as they have gone – but has every Russian ambassador in every country been doing the media rounds? No. Even Putin has only criticized those who would to try make political capital out of the Downing.
Did Bush Apologize when the US downed the Iranian airliner? No. Putin won’t be in a great hurray either. But neither has he expended great energy denying it.
report that the cockpit of the downed airliner shows strafing damage.
If true (a big if) that would imply Ukie fighter craft shot it down with machine gun fire.
PS Even though I have suspected something like this from the outset, I still do not consider it proven. I am sure more strange and interesting things will turn up.
Yea I’ve seen that reported elsewhere as well, but that the size of the holes is not consistent with the caliber of canon on a su-25. It is also possible that the fuselage parts were machine gunned on the ground after the crash… given the crash site was unsecured for so long. As you say, we await a credible accident report.
I find the article incredulous and I haven’t read anything similar with names and sources. If this article is based on facts, Ms Merkel would find harsh opposition from Britain’s Cameron, Poland’s Sikorski and US State Department with Susan Rice, Vicky Nuland and ambassador Geoffrey Pyatt. It has become clear VP Joe Biden is Obama’s point man (total responsibility) on foreign affairs in all hot spots: Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria and Ukraine.
If there was such a deal, the intelligence community would sabotage it with a drastic measure and a false-flag operation comes to mind. We have witnessed it in Ukraine these recent events: Maidan revolt and sniper killings which forced the coup d’état, the anti-semitic pamphlet spread in Donetsk, the Odessa massacre on May 2nd, and now the MH-17 operation. The US CIA has an history of these game-changing events.
The US has reversed the Smith-Mundt Act which now allows for the government to be active in domestic propaganda – “U.S. Repeals Propaganda Ban, Spreads Government-Made News to Americans.”. Professor Cass Sunstein, husband of Samantha Power, and the program for cognitive infiltration to undermine a conspiracy theory to offset any investigation on the Internet of the few capable journalists in the official media. US billionaires are buying journalists/blogs/press/tv channels to own the news. Very similar to dictatorial regimes of former communist states, Russia, Ukraine, Uzbekistan and across the Middle East including Israel.
Recent events such as the gas attack in the Damascus suburb of Ghouta was such a false flag event that nearly brought a bombing raid over Syria by Cameron, Hollande and Obama.
My second point opposing this article, none of the current developments support this theory of a brewing deal between Angela Merkel and Vladimir Putin. Merkel is not talking to Putin anymore because he doesn’t deliver on his promises to rail-in the anti-Kiev rebels in East-Ukraine also called Novorussiya.
What has been inplemented in a policy advocated in recent years by the Atlantic Council and NATO, containment 2.0., making Russia a pariah state. See my many comments and diaries on this development.
○ World In Turmoil: Role of Brzezinski and Albright, Our Democrats
○ Ukraine’s Coup d’État – George Marshall, OSS, Bissell and Gladio
I accept all you say as characteristic of what has been happening and how the neo-cons have operated – including those employed by the Obama regime. I also accept that evidence for my thesis – at the moment – is limited and I could very well be proved wrong. However my own analysis, which predates the Independent article, is that all of this may be about to change, and that the neo-cons have basically overplayed their hand. Only time will tell.
For all we know, the Independent article was planted by neo-cons to try to put a stop to something liek that happening. But I don’t think any such attempts will succeed. The logic of a Russia EU deal, or at least a Russia Germany deal is overwhelming, and that includes providing for stability in Ukraine.
I missed your post – Amb. Craig Murray recalled for hiring “dolly birds” and more trumped up charges in WOT of Blair/Bush.
This comment became an opening for a new diary – The Afghan Delusion, CIA Torture/Rendition Files Are Cracking.
Just checking where the anonymous article gains publication …
[Prison Planet lists Margareta Pagano as author/editor of article. She is listed as a ResPublica Fellow. – Oui]
○ NATO HQ: Russia’s accusations – setting the record straight
A number of papers in Poland published the article from The Independent …
○ The Independent: “Tajny układ Merkel-Putin zadecyduje o dalszych losach Ukrainy?”
○ Tajny plan Berlin-Moskwa ws. Ukrainy? Berlin: Te doniesienia nie mają podstaw
(Translation: Secret plan to Berlin-Moscow ws. Ukraine? Berlin: These reports have no basis)
Poland’s FM Radek Sikorski will be on CNN’s GPS Fareed Zakaria for an interview about rigorous sanctions on Putin’s Russia in accordance with neocon policy.
○ Radosław Sikorski in Hardtalk BBC-Polish foreign minister – Part 1 (April 2008)
Radek Sikorski in BBC Hard Talk part III said: “I was a political refugee once, escaping the gulag.” Wasn’t Sikorski part of British mercenaries fighting in Angola, in a job as roving reporter carrying arms? Seems more likely the argument he got British protection and later citizenship. Just doing a friend a favor …
I have noticed many times, the intelligence community has closer ties between nations than the heads of state. The intelligence agencies form their own alliances. The might of the CIA can be witnessed today in the prevention of the release U.S. Congressional report on the ‘treatment’ of detainees in the War on Terror.
The goal of the neocons running Obama’s White House, full disintegration of the old Soviet Union.
Does NATO make foreign policy decisions for the European Union? It appears so lately. Atlantic Council and NATO advocate new policy called “Containment 2.0” forcing Russia into a pariah state. The exact words of Ivo Daalder and others.
Is Radek Sikorski a MI6/CIA shill advancing NATO eastward and setting harsh EU sanctions on Putin’s Russia. Sikorski is a veteran ‘roving reporter’ working with British mercenaries in Angola and CIA operatives in the Afghan War against the Soviet Union. Later Radek Sikorski was an advisor to Rupert Murdoch on investments in Poland.
This is not surprising. I think the Nazis used the term “useless bread gobblers”.
Any overall agreement also needs to sideline the ultra-nationalists and neo-Nazis on the Kiev side…
to get out of NATO, but there is no sign that I have seen that they will do that. Until they do, NATO will prohibit any agreement between Germany and Russia.
You have made the case that Germany should seek an agreement on the Ukraine–and I agree–but not that they will actually do so.
I don’t see NATO having any role or power to stop Germany making a deal with Russia if Germany chooses to do so, and I see Germany having the power to stop NATO and Ukraine coming to a deal.
If they try it will get very, very ugly.
But I hope you are right.