The Hill gets credit for the stupidest piece on tap this morning. Judy Kurtz reports that there is a new book coming out that will reveal that Vice-President Joe Biden likes to swim in the buff. Apparently, this proclivity on Biden’s part makes serving on his Secret Service detail an excruciating experience. Yes, the only thing worse than having to repeatedly view the VPOTUS’s junk is to have to serve on Hillary Clinton’s detail.

[Ronald] Kessler writes that because of Biden’s “lack of consideration as evidenced by” his alleged preference for baring it all in the pool, as well as constant schedule changes, “being assigned to his detail is considered the second worst assignment in the Secret Service.”

Kessler, a former reporter for the conservative magazine and website NewsMax, claims that the only assignment considered worse is protecting former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

Maybe The Hill should reconsider its policy of repeating the hallucinations of “former reporters” for NewsMax.