I guess some people are freaking out about the patient in Atlanta who is being treated for the Ebola virus. They shouldn’t be.

United Nations schools in Gaza do not appear to be any safer as shelters than any place else.

I had no idea that Curb Your Enthusiasm star Cheryl Hines was getting married to Robert Kennedy Jr. Congratulations to them.

Bill Clinton is a big man for agreeing to eulogize Richard Mellon-Scaife. A very big man.

I’m not sure why anyone cares what Rep. Steve King of Iowa thinks about anything. He’s crazy.

The Billings Gazette thinks Sen. John Walsh should give up on seeking a full six-year term.

Most people think Liz Cheney is a despicable disgrace.

Algae blooms in Lake Erie are causing some severe problems with the availability of safe drinking water.

Sam Youngman attended the Fancy Farm shindig in Kentucky. Biggest news was the sheer tonnage of food they had there.

Michael Oren offers a defense of Zionism in the Wall Street Journal.

What’s on your mind?