Because, internationally she is a neocon.  John Bolton without the mustache.  And it evident in a new long Atlantic article where she is distancing herself from Obama.

In 2008, I argued with my female relatives that it had to be Obama.  Hillary would be too divisive and the election would be close.  Close enough to steal.  With Obama, it would be a too big a margin to play Florida or Ohio games.  And we had to get the Republicans out.

Since his election, the virulent opposition in the Congress has not seen a precedent but, progress has been made.  Health care, environment, etc….  not everything…


Obama has kept us out of new major international conflicts and wound down the current disasters.  Has he kept neighbors from killing neighbors in any dozen different places around the globe?  No, but he has set specific goals in Libya and Syria and met them.  He is giving Putin enough rope to hang himself while ratcheting up the pressure on his cleptocratic supporters.  He is pivoting toward China, which is the next great rival.

What would have Hillary done?

Maybe advanced the domestic agenda a little more, but there would be NO real money as troops would be all over the world.  Would we still be in Libya?  Yes.  Would we still be in Iraq?  yes, would we still be in Afghanistan?  Yes.  Would we be in Syria? Yes. In Africa?  Yes. Iran, definitely. Ukraine, maybe, maybe not.

And Israel.

Here, despite criticism, I think Obama is on the same track as Putin, give Bebe enough rope to hang himself. Has he made Israel safer?  Not really but he has really damaged Israel in the world + US public opinion.  To Hillary, there is nothing wrong with the collective punishment of the Palestinians.  As she said in the Atlantic article-

“Some reports say, maybe it wasn’t the exact UN school that was bombed, but it was the annex to the school next door where they were firing the rockets. And I do think oftentimes that the anguish you are privy to because of the coverage, and the women and the children and all the rest of that, makes it very difficult to sort through to get to the truth.”

Schools and shelters are not really schools and shelters.  

“When I asked her about the intense international focus on Gaza, she was quick to identify anti-Semitism as an important motivating factor in criticism of Israel.”

Those dead children just cloud the reasons we have to bomb them.  And anyone who questions that bombing are Jew haters anyway.

Read the whole thing but it just makes me question her fitness for the office.  If she wants hold these views, Fox News will give her a big paycheck to spout them.

Warren is looking better all the time, at least her priorities are right.
