Prof. Don Taylor of Duke thinks the purely amateur nature of college sports is now dead, due to a ruling by a U.S. District Judge.

Scott Lemieux has always been more forgiving of cheaters like A-Rod and Barry Bonds than I am, but he’s always had a strong argument. And, he’s right. Perfomance-enhancing drugs don’t work unless you also work out like a maniac. You can’t just take a pill and magically hit a 97 mph fastball out of the park.

Given that the New York Football Giants are 3-0 in the preseason despite their first-team offense looking like a Pop Warner club, I’m thinking that the front office has assembled a team of remarkable depth with under-average starting talent. Sad to say that, at this point in his career, I think this includes Eli Manning.

Attorney General Eric Holder orders the (I think) third autopsy on Michael Brown. I wonder if we’ll ever get to compare the results.

Georgetown Professor Michael Eric Dyson thinks that the president has do more to explain to white people what it’s like to fear that the police will kill your child.

If you loved Wendell Pierce in The Wire and Treme, as I did, you should consider following him on Twitter. He’s a smart dude.

Here’s Simone Felice doing Don’t Wake the Scarecrow:

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