This global warming thing isn’t working out for me. Although we saved many hundreds of dollars by not having to use our air conditioner this summer (at all), I’m tired of being cold and I’m still traumatized by last winter’s brutally low temperatures. And now I learn that I should expect a freezing fall in the Northeast which will probably be followed by another colder-than-normal winter.
It hasn’t even been warm enough here this summer to make us want to go to the pool. We haven’t been in over two months. It just isn’t swimming weather, which is insane in August.
Pretty much wherever you live, the weather is not going to be normal this fall. But at least Texas is going to get some drought relief.
We must have gotten some of your weather. 100+ for two weeks, then dry lightning that produced 14 strikes and the biggest wildfire in WA state history, power out for over a week, 2nd storm that just about took out the remainder of the valley with wind like I’ve never seen here, flattened aspens, more power outages, no internet. Then a storm this week that brought major flash flooding to areas burned and even some that weren’t. Hail 1/2″ covering yard and destroying gardens. Our firefighters’ camp nearly blew away and 1 firefighter became stranded in the flash flood river and had to be rescued.
Storms seem to be lingering longer and strangely they have shifted inbound. What used to keep us dry was the Cascade range which stopped storms from bringing rain and wind. This year the storms are coming from the east and south and boy do they ever make for a rotten time. I’m told the jet streams are elongating. If this summer is a canary in my valley’s mine it’s gone from sucky to downright dangerous.
I live in Seattle, and we’ve had a lovely summer here.
Your comment is strange, are you thinking that Seattle’s nice summer somehow cancels out the eastern portion of the State suffering through the biggest wildfire in its history. That the fires don’t point to a beetle kill forest that offered up huge fuel; that the above average temps didn’t fry the landscape into a tinderbox where one fire started when an RV blew a tire and the sparks from the wheel started a gigantic firestorm that endangered whole communities.
The lingering storms allowed for prolonged lightning storms spreading wildfires over the whole inner corridor of your and my state. We lived in thick smoke where people couldn’t breathe for weeks.
Glad you had a nice summer on the west side, but don’t be thinkin your nice summer cancels out the effects of global warming for the central and eastern portion of your state.
I don’t think its “strange” to say that we’ve had a lovely summer in Seattle. My tomatoes are doing great, and it’s hard to grow tomatoes here.
Ahh, I see, so your comment had nothing to do with mine, you just decided to attach it to mine to be what? friendly?
It was a comment about Washington State. Sorry you’re so angry about the lovely summers on the west side of the mountains. I think it’s kinda strange of you, but whatever!
Cliff Maas has the west-of-Cascades region as being pretty much the only climate sanctuary in the United States.
And one has to believe he’s onto something with that. Though W Wash was suffering from a drought up until the last rain storm that moved in, it was mild compared to the extremes much of the US has seen.
The jet stream changes are something that we’re just learning about and they’re fascinating but I’m not liking this new pattern of weather systems stalling.
Drought comes and goes in the United States. There’s nothing particularly unusual lately, and that includes California. The drought there isn’t as bad as it was in 1977 or 1924.
2014 drought in CA is smashing all records
Your link actually made my point. It discusses the reality in California: Highly volatile weather swinging erratically between very wet and very dry. The article used the phrase “smash record,” which linked to a story about the thin snowpack.
That story was published just prior to two months of heavy rainfall and snowfall that refilled (to a degree) reservoirs and snowfields. There’s still definitely a drought in California, but it’s not as bad as either 1977 or 1924.
The numbers can be found at California Department of Water Resources site. Prior to the 1920s, you pretty much have to rely on aneccdotes, which the article you linked provides.
So if you think you somehow contradicted me or trumped my point, you didn’t. You strengthened it, and I thank you for doing that.
Nope just trying to put it in perspective to point out that conservation is one key. But since I was talking about WA when you decided to quirk things over to CA you may still glean better info if you take a look at Cliff Mass’ blog.
I regularly read Mass’s blog.
ok, I see
Mass’s view is about the future, not the present.
kind of an “I got mine, F.U.” type thing?
We are having our Summer weekend right now in S.E. Michigan. Highs in the upper 80’s to maybe 90 Sunday and Monday. Maybe a couple of other days in the high 80’s so far. Other than that a coolish, wet (in some locals very wet) summer. The Great Lakes are up noticeably this year though, so short term at least, that’s a good thing. Hope the winter is not as harsh as the last one, which was brutal here. Maybe the warm air is headed your way Boo.
June gloom has this year been extended to June-July-August gloom for NorCal coast. Was tempted to turn on the heat but opted for another sweater.
To add to the excitement of possible colder weather, Iceland volcano: Bardarbunga eruption sparks red alert. Have to trust that the climate modelers have built in the scenario of massive CO2 trapped under a cloud of particulates that deflect sunshine.
OT of weather
Marie, You may not have read my final reply from days ago on the Existing While Black but I hope you will read the account from a Ferguson community organizer on Firedoglake today.
Taurean Russell explains the unpredictable police state that has been the reality of Ferguson for young men well before the death of Michael.
“… “Any response, if he said hello, if he didn’t jump out of the street fast enough–It’s basically like they’re giving [police] a license to kill.”
Sorry, thought you’d signed off. Will go read now.
Thanks. This would be better over coffee in Ferguson.
Okay on the coffee; Ferguson not so much.
When I was an eighteen year old dumb kid, I went to New Orleans. The only nice people I met there were black. I don’t know how they managed that living under such racist and oppressive conditions. Conditions that I couldn’t even bear to see. While I’ve managed never to visit the south again, am too aware of the more subtle versions of racism in CA and not infrequently it makes me cringe.
Don’t disagree with what you’ve written. Including that I have a tendency to strive for impartiality. Although often it’s an attempt to view events through multiple perspectives and cutting all the actors some slack. For example, the video of Michael Brown in the convenience store doesn’t tell me that he wasn’t basically a good kid who did a dumb thing and momentarily forgot his own size and strength.
Since we last spoke, the video of Powell’s killing surfaced and IMHO it was murder. However, apparently it was in accordance with US police SOP which has a low bar for when a cop feels threatened. Surely “we” can change this along with rooting out cops that aren’t sufficiently intelligent and psychologically healthy enough for the job. Too many shouldn’t possess lethal weapons and that includes tazers.
OK but why was a kid on the street not murder? bc there was no video?
Hope you didn’t misunderstand me wrt to Michael Brown’s killing. I haven’t concluded that IMHO he was or wasn’t murdered. More information or evidence may tip my conclusion one way or the other, and it’s possible that I may never be able to convince myself one way or the other.
So far and legally, the verdict on the recorded killing of Powell is justifiable homicide. Doesn’t matter that IMHO it was murder by two pathetic excuses for police officers.
Can I imagine that Wilson was in a more threatening position than the cops that killed Powell? Sure. Can I imagine that Wilson overreacted and murdered Brown? Sure. Is my respect for doubt such a terrible way of being? Doesn’t mean that I don’t err — but does reduce the frequency of convicting innocent people.
But, can you imagine that Wilson “overreacted and murdered” Michael for nothing? Without provocation. Because he was pissed and had a gun.
For many in Ferguson and in America the presumption of “reason” to police use of force “reason” is contrary to our experience.
This is the crux of the issue. Can enough other Americans recognize realities past their own privileged assumptions.
Thanks, Marie for considering this.
People with guns do things everyday that are difficult for me to imagine.
My local PD reported on the USGS twitter feed in less than thirty minutes of our early morning wake-up jolt that they’d checked all the local bridges and overpasses and they are okay. So, police do serve some useful functions.
People without guns too.
We were warned about this for twenty years. TWENTY. FUCKING. YEARS.
Enjoy the spilt milk, fellow Earthlings.
Really? We were warned of cold summers? I don’t think so.
We were warned the climate was changing and we were warned that could mean changes in the jet stream and we were warned that weather patterns in general would change.
part of that was indeed hotter summers -last year’s summer being an excellent example, but also the very long and unseasonably warm winters we’ve had the last few years.
We were warned.
Well, for one thing, the climate is always changing. And warming would’ve happened anyway, given that we’ve been warming ever since the end of the Little Ice Age in 1850.
But the global warming scaremongers warned about incredibly hot summers. Hasn’t happened, in the aggregate anyway. The U.S. is actually getting cooler, not warmer, and it’s especially true if you look at longstanding rural temperature records unaffected by the “urban heat island” phenomenon.
Unseasonably warm winters, you say? Just this past winter, the climate change scaremongers (they don’t call it “global warming” anymore now that we’re about to end the 19th straight year of no warming) were going nuts about the so-called “polar vortex,” aka the typical Canadian cold fronts seen in a cold winter.
Really, you’re going to have to get your story straight.
Citations needed.
Do your own research. If you don’t want to belive what I wrote, then don’t.
On second thought, what do you want citations for? Be specific. In list form is easiest.
1. We don’t call it “global warming” because nitwits like you and your fellow useful idiots look at a particular season or year and say it’s not warmer than last year, or 1998, hence no global warming!
Global warming is still occurring.
We call it climate change because the term is less likely to be semantically raped by you and your fellow useful idiots.
2. I know you and your fellow useful idiots have no comprehension of anything other than talking points that your Masters have trained you to speak, but there is this whole rest of the world place that experienced the second hottest January on record while the US was experiencing a cold streak.
You know, because the US isn’t the entire world, and while global temperatures rise, it doesn’t mean that every place on earth warms with it at the same rate.
But you’re just a shill here to spit talking points while trying to limit the amount of spittle that latches onto your chin. You can safely ignore everything you just read, since you’ve been trained well to ignore anything that Masters’ don’t tell you to believe.
When the first comment is troll-rated, the whole thread is hidden. Just for now I gave a “2” rating, sufficient to read the comments again and let others make the decision.
When a “trusted” user [collect enough “4’s” on posts] the hidden comments will be visable. More info on the FAQ page. There have been some newcomers who started troll-rating and began moaning to BooMan when the pond struck back. LOL
Troll rating on comments is such a waste of our time, save them for real trolls as defined by Pastor Dan.
Unseasonably warm recent winters? How quickly you forget the so-called “polar vortex” last year. We were told it was so cold because of climate change.
Basically, every time the conditions vary significantly from average, the climate scaremongers pop up with the same mantra. It’s getting a little old, and fewer and fewer people are believing it.
Others (not CT bozos) are weighing in on the video:
James Foley Beheading Video Has Play-Acting Portions – Video Experts Say
This is not to raise doubts about Foley’s murder, but open questions about the alleged perpetrators.
The weather that we are having now (a very wet summer) usually correlates with a westward hurricane path (Fran in 1996 for example). But from the National Hurricane Center, I see this:
The weather we have been having in eastern WV has been dominated by a series intense rainfall events that seem like they should be embedded in a passing tropical storm or hurricane, but aren’t. Within a 50 mile radius of my house there have been a dozen or more 4-6″ rain in 1-2 hour events. That’s crazy rain, destructive rain. And it is so intense it does NOTHING to replenish groundwater.
I look at every storm these days as a potential threat.
A very cool summer here. Until this week, we have had only three days at or above 90 degrees. My tomatoes are turning about 3-4 weeks later than usual. A very strange summer.
… someone’s always going to be having strange weather, somewhere.
Are you trying to say that you don’t believe the climate is changing? Just want to be sure I understand.
Of course the climate is changing. It’s always changing. But I don’t think the so-called “AGW” or “AGCC” (anthropogenic global warming/climate change) hypothesis, which holds that human activity is changing the global climate, has held up.
Experience has differed with the modeling enough to suggest that the hypothesis is wrong.
Thank you for your honesty. But as every single thing I have read regarding the topic says that you are dead wrong, I will be ignoring your opinion on it from now on. You are likely to find that no one here agrees with you.
Well, it’s what I expected. The believers in the AGW hypothesis are increasingly on the defensive, and as a result they are doing what people in that position usually do.
I don’t think it’s me who’s the “denialist” here.
an entire bloq full of dead-enders here
Calculatorium, It’s not nice to troll rate comments just because you don’t agree with them. We don’t do that here, it’s not Kos.
Aha, we have a climate change denialist in our midst! Just so you know, right now it is 100 degrees here in my part of the Southeast right now and with the humidity the heat index takes it to close to 110. Albeit this is the hottest weather of the summer, but it has also turned quite dry.
Climate change is so real that plant nurseries won’t even recommend the planting of dogwood trees (a native) any longer. The tree has long been the signature spring flowering tree in these parts.
I’m not a “climate change denialist.” The climate is always changing. Wow, so you’re having a hot summer. And that proves what, again? Look, it’s a big country. We have lots of extremes. It’s always been true.
By the way, if the nurseries in your area are recommending against planting dogwoods, it’s because of the spread of a fungus that’s destroying the trees, “dogwood anthracnose.”
No one really knows where it comes from, just as no one knew where Dutch elm disease came from in the 1960s, or why all the American Chestnut trees — millions upon millions of them — at the beginning of the 20th century.
our new pet climate troll. how sweet
I live in Tacoma, Washington, and it has been way too hot this summer. It’s been 75 to 80 for some of the summer, which is way too warm for me. But, most of this summer has been 85 and higher with way too many 90 degree days. The only way I get by is reminding myself of how ghastly the high humidity of the east coast was; and, that we don’t have that with this heat. This has been the hottest summer in six years. I am hoping it is an aberration; and, next summer we will go back to our very nice sunny, comfortable 70 degree weather.
How long have you lived in the Puget Sound region?
Maybe you don’t realize that we tend to get periods that last six or seven years. We were in a period of cold, wet summers that bottomed out in 2011 and ended after 2012. Last summer was the start of another cycle, this one on the warmer side.
If those cold summers of the last cycle were your norm, you’re going to be disappointed for another seven or eight years, because even when the next cycle starts, it takes a while to really get into full swing.
Bottom line: Ya ain’t seen nothin’ yet. Get an air conditioner next year. You’re gonna need it.
I grew up in Tacoma and do not remember any 7 year cycles of any particular weather. I lived on the east coast for 24 years and hated the weather there. I have been very happy since my return until this summer. I am still going to hope that this is not something that is going to continue.
Hey, a question for the site owner. Is Booman Tribune like “Daily Kos,” with the same sort of censorship? Please let me know if not believing the AGW hypothesis will get my comments hidden here, so I can just leave now. Thanks.
They’ll get you relentless, well-deserved ignoring and mockery. You should probably leave now, troll. No one’s interested.
Ah yes, I disagree with you, so I am a troll. I understand. It happens when one side’s losing an argument. But I’m hoping the site owner can stop on by and tell me whether or not so-called “climate change denial” will get my posts hidden.
There are a bunch of sites where that happens, i.e., Huffington, Daily Kos, Think Progress, Reddit, and more. If this is another outpost of electronic censorship, it’d be good to know sooner rather than later.
Well you’re still here so that says something, right? Unlike any of your arguments about climate change. Maybe educate yourself a little on the subject and then check back, hmmmm?
Actually, I asked this because a few of my posts disappeared. Which I am sure pleases you and others here, but if they’re just going to disappear then it’d be better to know of The Church of Climatology ™ controls this site too.
If so, I’ll be outta here. Soon enough, the AGW group will formally throw in the towel anyway. Facts always win in the end. But if there’s a moderator here who’s decided that apostates and their heresy are verboten here, just say so.
Not yet. Still waiting to see how this goes.
don’t bother. it’s hard to start flame wars here. you’re just giving the same old same old. no one cares
Okay, another one disappeared. I see that the site owners words about not having to agree with the opinions here was bullshit. Have your megaphone, folks. Fox News = Daily Kos = Huffington Post = Booman Tribune, etc.
I just had a comment removed too, because I said so!
Keep fucking that chicken, shill.
Nah they’ve probably been removed because I’ve been troll rating them.
There’s always room for disagreement on this blog, but not from an easily identifiable troll who’s trying to get the word out that AGW has been falsified.
I suppose that’s better than the usual “it can’t be falsified” crowd.
For example, in the vein of climate change and energy policy, I’m one of the few supporters of nuclear energy on this blog. No one troll rates me for saying so, though.
I definitely support liquid fluoride thorium reactors.
And if multiple people down-rating comments can remove them, awesome.
community members are troll-rating you. If that happens enough, your account will be auto-banned.
Personally, I haven’t been paying much attention to your comments. I haven’t removed any of them.
In general, people are allowed to make their arguments here and the only real rule is “Don’t Be a Prick.”
However, it is possible to be relatively polite about being a prick. Making bad faith arguments, for example, or refusing to respond to requests for substantiating evidence.
Most times, I defer to the commenters, but if you feel you are being wrongly troll-rated, I will review your banned comments and remove the ratings if I agree with you.
You can remove my troll-ratings, and perhaps most of his posts will come back. I didn’t know that the rating actually did something other than flag it with numbers to determine whether I want to spend time reading it.
The pond community is doing a good job. Both newscomers Beahmont and Calculatorium introduced themselves by trollrating. Let them drown in the pond.
You realize that you just lied quite horribly here. You can’t rate posts until you account has been validated. It’s not validated until you post a certain number of posts that are deemed “valid.” I had to by sheer means of the system introduce myself with my comments before I could rate comments.
Go fuck yourself. You’re under the misapprehension that I care what you think.
You’re a troll who’s here to spout lies about climate change. Do you know how OLD that tactic is? I knew from your first post you were a troll.
It’s like you just discovered the Internet. Run along little boy or girl. The grownups are talking.
In Colorado it’s not uncommon to have monsoon season in July & August where it rains or clouds over pretty much every afternoon. However last year the monsoon kicked his shoes off, put his feet up on the couch and stayed until Sept. when some Arctic air came down to say hello. Result was catastrophic rains & flooding in the foothills which is having repercussions still. After that I bought flood insurance for the house. If those rains had been 20 miles south we’d still be picking up the pieces too. It’s just starting I’m afraid.
This Colorado summer has been the wettest since 2006. Closer to normal than we’ve had lately. Nice not to worry about wildfires after the last two summers.
Agreed! But if massive rains and floods are the reason I’m a little less comfortable about it.
I’ve had much cooler weather this year and am thankful.
Must mean AGW is a massive hoax by freedumb-hating greedy scientists like Master Limbaugh and Louie Gohmert said!
What we need to do is listen to the real science, brought to us by the good people at Exxon-Mobil, Royal Dutch Shell and the US military!
Wait, you mean they’re all “believers” too?!?
This has to be one of the biggest, most well-put-together hoaxes since the staging of the landing on the moon!
AGW isn’t a hoax. It’s a hypothesis advanced by people who I think meant well. But the evidence isn’t there. If the scientific method prevails, the hypothesis will be abandoned.
Of course, with AGW there’s grown a significant encrustration of people with a self-interest in perpetuating the erroneous hypothesis. They won’t go easy. Lots of research grants hang in the balance. What do you call an unemployed “climate scientist,” anyway? A barista?
Very nice mock Poe sir. golf claps
I would gladly give our rain to California. Totally sick of it.