I thought Russia had an observer/expert present in Farnborough overseeing the downloading of data …
Lavrov Says Unclear Why Kiev Not Releasing Air Traffic Recordings of Malaysia Airlines
RIA Novosti | 25/08/2014 16:09 |MOSCOW – Russia has still not received a clear explanation of why Kiev has not presented the recordings between the air traffic controllers and the crew of the downed Malaysia Airlines passenger airplane, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said.
“There has been nothing clear in regard to the reasons of why the full presentation of recordings from the black boxes, or reasons of why the Ukrainian side with all of its airplanes that were flying along the same echelon over the region [have not been provided], and there’s nothing clear of the reasons for the inability to present this information,” Lavrov said during a briefing.
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Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov speaks during a news conference in Moscow (Photo AFP / Yuri Kadobnov)Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov (pic) queried why the recordings from the plane’s black boxes had not been released publicly and said he had the impression that “everyone else has lost interest in the investigation.”
Dutch investigators leading the probe said early this month that they would release an initial report “in a few weeks”.
The Malaysia Insider: Russia Claims MH17 Crash Investigation Stalled
Russia Wants Regular, Transparent Reports on MH17 Crash Probe
RIA Novosti | 23/08/2014 16:09 |MOSCOW – Moscow wants the investigation into the crash of a Malaysian Boeing 777 to be as most transparent as possible, and insists on regular provision if prove reports in accordance with the UN Security Council resolution, a diplomatic source told RIA Novosti.
“Investigation into the reasons of the catastrophe should be carried out under international control, should be all-encompassing and transparent for the wide international audience and mass media,” the source said. “We will keep pressing for it, demanding the implementation of the UNSC resolution 2166 which stipulates monthly reports about the course of the investigation.”
Resolution 2166 adopted by the UN Security Council in July calls for a thorough and impartial investigation into the MH17 tragedy and requires the secretary-general to provide the Security Council with investigation progress reports.
The source added that Kiev’s official position is also telling.“As the curtain of allegations is clearing, the specialists have more and more questions over the actions of the Ukrainian authorities and military toward the Boeing. Kiev still has not made public the recordings of the talks between air traffic control and the crew, which would allow to understand why the plane was in the combat area,” the diplomatic source said.
Last statement UNSG Ban Ki-moon on MH17 investigation – July 30, 2014
Lavrov Says MH17 Crash Investigation Raises Suspicion
Continued below the fold …
Lavrov Says MH17 Crash Investigation Raises Suspicion
RIA Novosti | 28/07/2014 16:09 |MOSCOW — The investigation into the Malaysia Airlines flight MH17 crash in eastern Ukraine casts doubt upon US claims, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said Monday.
“We do not understand why the Americans, who claim that they have some irrefutable evidence in support of their theory, fail to make this evidence public,” Lavrov told reporters.
The foreign minister noted that Kiev has so far failed to provide the recorded conversations between Ukrainian air traffic control and flight MH17.
“According to some information, it is forbidden for these air traffic controllers to talk to anyone. It all raises numerous questions,” the Russian top diplomat continued.
Earlier, a number of media outlets reported that the Ukrainian Security Service (SBU) confiscated tapes of conversations between Ukrainian air traffic control officers and the crew of the Malaysia Airlines plane that crashed last week.
On July 23, an Ukrainian government source told RIA Novosti the SBU could hand over the MH17 recordings to US analysts in Kiev.
[For me this raises a lot of suspicion, were the experts from the Dutch Safety Board involved, the DSB never took evidence from the crash site and all experts left Ukraine suddenly on August 11 – Oui]
See the many questions raised in my diary – Was Malaysia MH-17 Downed by Su-25 Fighter Planes?
- Political turmoil:
○ Russian tanks cross border to secure land bridge to Crimea
○ Poroshenko dissolves parliament in Kiev in dispute over austerity measures
○ President Hollande does the same in France, also over austerity
○ Chancellor Merkel deviates from Obama doctrine and seeks a political discourse over Ukraine
○ Unknowingly to the White House, UAE and Egyptian aircraft bomb militants in Libya
○ Syria’s FM offers support to defeat ISIS in Raqqa province, adjacent to Nineveh, Sinjar mountain
○ Thought this as impossible, ISIS brings Saudi Arabia and Iran closer
Ukraine President dissolves parliament, paves way for early election
A hop, skip, and jump away:
François Hollande gambles on excluding Socialist dissidents
Hollande and Poroshenko selling the same thing, austerity, and seem dumbfounded as to why it isn’t popular.
Germany’s been spying on Turkey for decades. Egypt and UAE have been bombing Libya and Libyan capital under Islamist control after Tripoli airport seized. And if Nutrella price spikes have got you down, Olive oil prices set to rise sharply after Andalusia drought
Not giving straight answers only makes the matter murkier …
○ Data Cockpit Voice Recorder MH17 Downloaded – July 24, 2014
○ Preliminary report on MH17 investigations out next week, says Malysian Transport Minister
Cross-posted from my recent diary – Dutch PM Rutte Abruptly Calls-off MH-17 Recovery Mission.
Should be:
Cross-posted from my recent diary @BooMan – Dutch PM Rutte Abruptly Calls-off MH-17 Recovery Mission.
Apparently being a non-aligned nation, Malaysia has succeeded to talk directly to the Donbass of Donetsk rebel leadership and make arrangements to handover the two black boxes and the retrieval of bodies and remains from the MA-17 crash site in Grabove. The media in Malaysia publish in English and Malay, so I tried to brush up on my knowledge of Indonesian (tiny). This publication stood out in the New Straits Times of Wednesday August 6, in paper version only AFAIK.
I have spend some time digging into the Malaysian writings about the plane crash as the nation is severely effected, just as The Netherlands and Australia.
○ Polis Diraja Malaysia (Royal Malaysia Police)
○ Kementerian Dalam Negeri (KDN)
I was quite happy, not really surprised, to find this interesting article. The three Malaysian experts are NOT low key persons!
○ First posted here at Sun Daily – MH17: Reports submitted to Dutch, IGP heads to Netherlands
| Posted on 25 July 2014 - 07:56pm | Last updated on 26 July 2014 - 09:57am |
As the official Dutch Safety Board remained silent, their website was in Dutch only (until today) and the team of experts stayed in Kiev and Kharkiv, they did not travel to the crash site …
The following countries have contributed (to a greater or lesser extent) to the international investigation team into the crash of flight MH17: Ukraine, Malaysia, Australia, Russia, the United Kingdom, the United States, Germany, France, Italy and Indonesia. The ICAO and the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) also contributed to the investigation as organisations. The leadership of the investigation rests with the Dutch Safety Board, which will publish both the preliminary and final report. The countries that have a formal role as participants in the investigation under the ICAO agreement will be given access to the draft reports, and may provide feedback. The country leading the investigation may offer other countries access to the draft reports at its discretion.
The rebels handed the flight-data recorders over to Malaysian officials at a ceremony in Donetsk/Pic:AP
The Ukrainian armed forces did not heed the Security Council resolution, instead pushed forward with an advance on Donetsk and thereby blocking the crash site from any further investigation, see my earlier diaries. The Dutch chickened out, on August 11 as PM Abbott paid a visit to Dutch PM Mark Rutte in The Hague/Eindhoven.
Earlier I saw a fleury of communications/contacts with Ukraine officials on July 28, 2014. Remember the non-aligned Malaysia had 133 pair of boots on the ground at the crash site and handed their report to the Dutch on Sat. July 26. As we have seen, studying the evidence of the wreckage it can be determined whether a SAM or an air-to-air missile plus 30mm rounds were registered as the obvious cause of the crash.
From the few English comments at the DSB site, we learn there was a preliminary report distributed to all nations concerned as per August 16 – Malaysian minister of Transport Datuk Seri Liow Tiong Lai stated.
In recent weeks, an international team of some 25 aircraft accident investigators has collected as much investigation information as possible in Ukraine. Since it is not necessary to stay in Ukraine any longer to analyse the information and write a report on the preliminary findings, the team has relocated to The Hague to continue its work.
The team’s efforts will initially focus on the report of preliminary findings, which the Dutch Safety Board aims to publish in a few weeks’ time. The report will contain the first factual findings arising from the investigation based on various sources, such as the cockpit voice recorder and the flight data recorder (the black boxes), air traffic control data, radar and satellite images. This data is currently being compared and will subsequently be analysed.
[Source press statement DSB on August 11]
Other followers waiting for any substantial information from the DSB are just as skeptical, posting the report will become available when the fighters in Luhansk and Donetsk have surrendered. When the war is over and the facts on the ground are irreversible. In the message, Ukraine is sending 1,500 troops to Transcarpathia to surpress unrest with Hungary.
○ Dutch review energy ties with Russia after MH17 crash
What are the Netherlands media saying about the lack of answers? A hundred of their nationals were murdered and the plane originated in their country. Aren´t they incensed that the government seems to be stalling?
You have read my previous diary – The Dutch Have Gone Mad [More Mad].
PM Rutte and FM Timmermans followed the narrative set by Obama and his advisers (Susan Rice, John Kerry, Chuck Hagel) to put 100% blame on the separatists and Putin’s Russia for delivery of the Buk missile system. Their favoribility ratings have jumped higher and got compliments from Australia’s Abbott and FM Bishop.The verdict has been sealed so the Dutch have accepted the European sanctions on Russia and Putin’s reprisal to block agricultural products from the West. The Dutch are a large exporter of agricultural produce and only 2% is effected by the sanctions. Just a few dozen Dutch companies will go bankrupt with loss of jobs and livelyhood.
○ FM Frans Timmermans lauded for statement at United Nations on downing of Malaysia flight MH17
And a load of neocons were flown in to explain why NATO needs to re-enforce itself, the European nations need to invest in military equipment and a more aggressive policy vs Russia is warranted.
○ Dutch News Uses Anne [Neocon] Applebaum as Putin Expert
Yes, I´ve read your diaries. But the information all seems to be no more recent than a month ago. Aren´t questions being asked in the Netherlands as to why no progress seems to have been made (or made publiclly known)in identifying the perpetrator(s)of the murder of 200 fellow citizens (as well as all the others from various countries)? Evidently insinuation has satisfied the country´s curiosity about this major crime. The indifference is startling. You can only wonder where all this going? Russia….I guess the world has become too small for the West.
Power of veto for criminal investigation on part of Ukrainian prosecutor General Yuri Boychenko.
○ Countries with MH17 victims agree to prosecution team | Malaysian Insider
Just published via website Dutch government, 19 pages of Q&A between parliament and cabinet of ministers. I’m still reading the document. The Dutch state there is no non-disclosure agreement between Ukraine, Belgium, The Netherlands and Australia.
Lijst van vragen – Verslag Buitengewone Raad Buitenlandse Zaken van 15
augustus 2014 en brieven “Repatriëringsmissie MH17” en “Stand van
Zaken vliegramp MH17″
The document lists a SBU report – http://www.sbu.gov.ua/sbu/control/uk/publish/article?art_id=129834&cat_id=39574.
Only the media state for a fact it’s a non-disclosure pact with veto rights. Not in any official press release did I find such a clause. On Friday 29 August 2014, in a written statement, the Dutch cabinet declared there is no non-disclosure pact between these nations and it would be illegal to do so. International conventions in accident investigation prohibits such.
From the published document 19 pages Q&A to Dutch parliament …
1 – l. Klopt het er een schriftelijke overeenkomst is tussen Oekraïne, België, Nederland en/of Australië over het openbaar maken van het onderzoek naar de toedracht? Klopt het dat elk land de openbaarmaking daarvan kan blokkeren door een non-disclosureovereenkomst?
Antwoord van het kabinet:
Neen. Op 24 juli jl. hebben Nederland en Oekraïne het hierboven genoemde MoU gesloten waarin Oekraïne de verantwoordelijkheid voor het onderzoek naar de ramp aan Nederland delegeert. In het MoU heeft Nederland zich verbonden de uitvoering van het onderzoek in overeenstemming met de bepalingen van hoofdstuk 5 van Annex 13 bij het Burgerluchtvaartverdrag (1944) Daarin is vastgelegd dat de onderzoekende staat het eindrapport van het onderzoek dient te sturen aan de `state of registry’, `state of operator’, `state of design’, `state of
manufacture’, `state having interest because of fatalities’, `state providing information, significant facilities or experts’ en ICAO. Nederland heeft zich daaraan te houden en in het MoU is daarom vastgelegd dat het rapport en de bevindingen zullen worden toegezonden aan de betrokken landen.
Er is geen sprake van een non-disclosure overeenkomst. Dit zou ook strijdig zou zijn met de voorschriften over de rapportage zoals neergelegd in Deel 4 “Reporting” van de `Manual of Aircraft Accident and Incident Investigation’ van ICAO (ICAO DOC 9756 part IV). De onderzoekende staat (in dit geval Nederland) dient de staten die betrokken zijn geweest bij het onderzoek en via hen ook de operator van het toestel en de producent van het toestel, het ontwerp van het eindrapport toe te zenden en hen uit te nodigen voor commentaar.
Indien binnen 60 dagen na toezending van het ontwerprapport commentaar wordt ontvangen, zal de onderzoekende staat het ontwerp eindrapport daarop aanpassen óf de commentaren toevoegen aan het eindrapport.