Hi, Steven D here, and this is a special guest appearance from the award winning progressive blog, The Field Negro. The Field is one of my favorite reads and has been for a long time. He’s given Booman and I a shout-out on many an occasion and we have been more than happy to return the favor.

Field works as an trial attorney in Philly (originally from Jamaica) and is a social justice activist, and his blog focuses on issues of race and human rights, though like anyone, he writes on other topics as well. Make sure you do yourself a favor, if he isn’t already on your favorite sites, to check out everyday and wander over to the his blog. You’ll be glad you did.

This ODS (Obama derangement syndrome) is no joke. And here I thought that the folks over at The National Review were the smartest of the wingnut lot.

William F. Buckley, Jr., the intellectual racist, must be turning over in his grave.

Sarah Palin blaming the media and Obama for her daughter’s potentially criminal behavior I can understand. Let’s face it, she is not too bright. But this kind of rhetoric coming from a so called intellectual is surprising.

I never heard of Jim Geraghty before, and after reading what he had to write for National Review I am glad I didn’t.

This genius actually said that Barack Obama is to blame for the NFL’s domestic violence problem.

Jim Geraghty, an editor at the conservative National Review wonders if it’s possible that the recent scandals rocking the NFL might in some way be traced to President Barack Obama.

“Does our president just reflect a broad cultural trend in the behavior of leaders,” Geraghty wrote Monday, “or does he set the tone from the top?”
From there, Geraghty goes on to chronicle a number of national scandals, like the IRS’s alleged targeting of conservative groups and NFL Commissioner Roger Goodel‘s [sic] botched response to a rash of misconduct within the league:

Goodell told CBS This Morning he never saw the second tape of Rice striking his wife before Monday. He said, “when we make a decision we want to have all the information that’s available. When we met with Ray Rice and his representatives it was ambiguous about what actually happened.” Friday afternoon, he announced the league would be making a new effort in dealing with unacceptable player conduct . . . by forming a special committee. …

The country feels deeply betrayed by its governing and economic elites. Enter Obama. He’s elected. …

And you know what we got. Stimulus waste; State Department employees on paid leave over Benghazi; “At this point, what difference does it make?”; the VA, where the secretary belatedly discovered an “unacceptable lack of integrity within some of our veterans health facilities,” Obamacare, where Kathleen Sebelius let the president go out and say things about the website she knew weren’t true, and still kept her job for several months. The NSA.

Geraghty concludes: “The message has been sent, far and wide: Accountability is for suckers.” [Source]

Just wow.

Let’s give conservatives a gold medal for the shark jumping event in the clueless Olympics.

My man even threw in a Benghazi reference for good measure. He made sure that there is enough red meat for all the hungry ODS sufferers out there.

I can only hope that their coverage under Obamacare will help them pay for a cure.

(Field Negro)