No, really get it. I’m getting mine this morning. You not only protect yourself, but you protect your entire community. Influenza is highly contagious and each year kills thousands of people. Getting one helps save the lives of people at risk: young children, the elderly and people with compromised immune systems such as – me. So do all of us a favor, and yourself and get one. ASAP.
Got mine last week when I was at my doctor’s office for a physical exam. One stop shopping.
I get mine next week. I work in a health care system, and it is mandatory for employees. There are exceptions for religious/moral reasons, which I do not think are valid.
Yes, their religious right to infect their neighbor’s kids.
Got it last Sunday. I remember when H1N1 hit I had asthma so was a higher risk. I had to drive 30 miles to the next county and stand outside in line in the rain for 3 hours — it’s amazing I didn’t get sick from the line!
Particularly if you’re in a dither over ebola, as Steven D points out, the flu kills thousands every year. This is an objective, quantifiable fact. Get a flu shot. Protect yourself. Protect those you come in contact with.
People don’t get risk analysis.
Forty two thousand people die in car crashes, year over year, and another three million are injured – yet nobody thinks twice about hopping in the car for a drive to Lard Lad for a donut.
Some years, the flu kills even more people than the autos but I’M NOT TAKING THAT SHOT THOSE THIS CAN KILL YOU! Seriously, the head of the nurses’ bargaining unit at one of the leading research hospitals in Boston has turned her crackpot beliefs into the union’s position to support any health professional who wants to risk killing patients by spreading the disease around.
And then people freak out over ebola because it’s weird and foreign and new and scary – as if drowning in your own lung’s fluid is a pretty way to go.
○ First U.S. case of Ebola diagnosed in Texas after man who came from Liberia falls ill | WaPo |
○ Is a Person Contagious During the Ebola Incubation Period?
○ Characteristics of Ebola Viral Disease (EVD) | CDC |
Got mine yesterday. My father was almost killed by the Great Influenza Pandemic of 1918. He was only a baby. His parents literally measured him for a coffin.
The virus got the better of him though. It stayed in his body for 70 years and contributed to his Parkinson’s according to the doctor at University of Chicago.
I’m giving thanks for the ACA. Two of my grandkids are still on my policy because of the ACA and thus can get their shots. The third lives in Washington State and has extended Medicaid courtesy of the ACA and a good state government. Unfortunately my daughter lives in the backward state of Alabama and will have to take her chances. No extended Medicaid and my pharmacy billed $270 for my shot. Get a shot or eat for a couple of weeks? Damn the Lieberdems.
Got mine last week.
The funny thing is that the following day I was sick as a dog: explosive diarrhea, trumpeting flatulence, cramping like late stage tetanus.
Naturally, every brain cell in my head was screaming “VACCINE CAUSES GUT SICKNESS!” because that is how food aversions work and this response is what kept our ancestors alive four hundred million years ago so that they could have babies that could make babies that ultimately could have us.
Now I am smart enough to read the CDC page for vaccine side effects – interestingly, dead virus injections have nothing like my symptoms listed although attenuated virus nasal sprays are known to cause nausea in some – and to remember that I had had dinner with friends later mentioned food poisoning, but most people are less dedicated to reason and more susceptible to gut reactions (snicker) than I try to be.
So in the end this experience taught me a bit about how people become moron anti-vaxx loons. They might be well schooled, but they sure as hell are not educated and they don’t understand how reason works so they wind up being helpless against the operation of their lizard brains. That stuff saved our ancestors in the Permian, but today it kills the innocent.