Been a long couple of weeks. I have no news on Booman to report, much less on when he will return. It could be a while. So, for the indefinite future it’s just us tadpoles to keep the Frog Pond from being drained. Please keep writing diaries.
Cabin Girl, Booman’s spouse, has not asked me to request donations for the site, but I am. She is handling a lot right now, and I am guessing that thinking about asking for money for this place is one of the last things on her mind.
However, I do not want her or Martin to have to take the site down for lack of funds. Or worse, have unpaid bills for anything, really. So, if you can, please click on the “Donate” button in the left hand column, and contribute whatever you can.
All donations go to Martin. I, and anyone else with the privilege to post to the front page (Brendan and a few others) are all unpaid volunteers. I only want to hand this place back to Martin as soon as he is able to resume blogging.
Thanks everyone.
Thanks to you Steven for your efforts to keep us “pond critters” well fed and happy. Please pass along my best wishes to the Longman family when you are communicating with Cabin Girl. Thanks also to those who are writing entries for our consumption. Locally, Nationally, and internationally this is a very dramatic, dynamic time, and I am glad to have sites like this one to turn to for REAL news. Thanks again Steven!
Hello folks.
As of about 12:30 I got my computer back and an internet connection.
So far, I’ve made a first-pass plow through my email and looked at what’s been going on on the front-page.
I still have to wade through my Washington Monthly stuff, my Facebook and my Twitter. Then I have to catch up on the news.
I had a bit of a health scare on the 17th and checked myself into the hospital. I needed some R & R but I don’t have any serious health issues. I need to take better care of myself and be more careful about what I put in my body. Beyond that, I don’t really want to get into the details.
I’m sorry that I gave you all a bit of a scare, but I was pretty scared, too, and this is the price I pay for not being anonymous.
I’d like to thank everyone including especially Steve for stepping up to the plate and keeping this place humming. How wonderful to see an old soul mate like Man Eegee come out of the woodwork to help us out! That really brought a smile to my face. I love you, Manny.
And for everyone else who contributed, I can’t thank you enough. I truly know who my friends are.
It may take me a little bit to get back in the swing of things because I’ve been in a media blackout since the 17th, but I be back at full speed soon.
Thanks to everyone who reached out with concern.
I’m back!
Hey, great to see you! Call or email me when you can, please.
BooMan, it’s so great to know you are doing okay in spite of your health scare.
My eyes are a bit blurry at the moment…
Super glad to hear you’re doing well enough to check in. Yes, taking care of ourselves is so valuable. Hope you mend soon.
Glad to hear you’re OK, Boo. Next time, plan your vacation. š
A sigh of relief. Great hearing from you again and knowing the health issue is under control. You take care and listen to your soulmate CG now!
Keep it green and the frogs hopping …
Stanford research team studying global issues
Glad to hear you’re on the mend. Take care of yourself. We need your voice back on the intertoobs.
I had my own health scare this summer with Cardiomyopathy, which put me into congestive heart failure, which put me in the hospital for a week. It’s not fun. Glad to see you up and about.
Got a grandson with it. I’m sorry.
Thanks. Actually, I will fully recover. Cardiomyopathy is an infection of the heart that damages the heart muscle such that it lowers the effectiveness of the heart in pumping the blood you need, which is why it leads to congestive heart failure. 30 years ago, it was nearly fatal. But now, they put you on betablockers and blood thinners that force the heart to lower its pump rate so that it has time to rest and heal. And after a few months, your heart is back to normal. I already feel 200% better after two months of the medication and the cardiologists say I will be fine and will be off the meds in a year (they keep on the meds even after your heart muscle heals just to be sure).
I hope your grandson has a similar prognosis.
Don’t it always seem to go….
That you don’t know what you’ve got
Till it’s gone
Hap, hap, happy to see you back.
Please take care of yourself. We’ll be right here when you want to climb back into the saddle.
Hugs to all the family.
I’m so relieved to know you’re ok!
Take it easy. That’s easier said than done.
So glad to hear from you again.
Remember sometimes you have to follow the flight attendant’s advice and take care of yourself first before taking care of others.
Whatever it was, I wish you a swift recovery Booman!!!
Huzzah! Good to hear you are doing well Booman – you too Delaware Dem!
Glad you’re back!!
Wonderful news that you’re on the road back to us! Funny how sometimes it takes a clue-by-four upside the head to make us take better care of ourselves, eh? Welcome back, but don’t rush yourself; we’ll be here when you’re ready.
So glad you’re OK!
Thank FSM. May we all be touched by his noodly appendage.
Seems as if you’ve been away for months. I’ve missed your breath of sanity in these troubled times. Very happy you’re back with us!
I so profoundly agree with Indianadem:
I’m pretty sure that there are great number of people, like me, who rarely post and also appreciate the value of your perspective.
I am sure that I’m truly grateful.
Come to think of it, I guess I always did trust Maya Angelou.
So glad you are back and doing OK. I really like reading your take on events and have missed you! Take care.
What a relief to you, and by extension, to all of us at the pond. Really good news. Best wishes!
Glad to hear it was just a scare. Folks, Marty was a Linebacker. I played D-line so staring at my backside probably gave him any sight problems he has, but I will not take responsability for any ailments aside from that.
I did not post any articles even though I write an average of one a day for my radio show. I didn’t think my writings would be considered condusive to a speedy recovery.
Again, all kidding aside, glad it was just a scare. Those suck, but now you are in control.
Please tell us also how to send donations alternatively to PayPal.
Just click the Donate button at the top right of this page. It defaults to PayPal for me.
I meant MOT through PayPAl.
Can’t add much except to co-sign what others said above. I really have missed your informed and wise analysis on politics and social issues. Take care of yourself!
Oh, and kudos to Steven for all he’s done for BT and its readers.
Welcome back but take it slow ramping back up. So glad you’re on the mend!
i want to convey my sincere thanks kepp up good work…
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