Been a long couple of weeks. I have no news on Booman to report, much less on when he will return. It could be a while. So, for the indefinite future it’s just us tadpoles to keep the Frog Pond from being drained. Please keep writing diaries.

Cabin Girl, Booman’s spouse, has not asked me to request donations for the site, but I am. She is handling a lot right now, and I am guessing that thinking about asking for money for this place is one of the last things on her mind.

However, I do not want her or Martin to have to take the site down for lack of funds. Or worse, have unpaid bills for anything, really. So, if you can, please click on the “Donate” button in the left hand column, and contribute whatever you can.

All donations go to Martin. I, and anyone else with the privilege to post to the front page (Brendan and a few others) are all unpaid volunteers. I only want to hand this place back to Martin as soon as he is able to resume blogging.

Thanks everyone.