In today’s Democratic Party, there is approximately 0.00001% chance that a state party director would suggest that Africans are to blame for the Ebola outbreak there and that they could solve the epidemic in a second if they would just stop eating each other and learn calculus. However, in today’s Republican Party the odds of a state party director saying something like that are 100%.
This is important.
Don’t know exactly how much of a difference, but must be at least several thousand dimes.
It’s just math, y’all. What do all you God-fearin’ commies have against math?
But let Bill Maher say something deemed untoward, yet entirely true, and every Democrat on the planet must answer for his comment. As usual, IOKIYAR. Such a tiresome state of affairs.
Todd Kincannon was too much for the SC GOP. He is the former executive director and chief counsel.
Apparently he is currently in search of a grift and pulls out the old Sarah Palin “How to make money without doing anything useful” playbook.
So the odds of a state Republican party directors saying something that outrageous kicks back to Michigan.
Sorry, South Carolina GOP, you coulda had a contender if you hadn’t fired Todd Kincannon’s sorry ass.
Seems like “former” means 2010 (Wikipedia):
Another thing he took from the Sarah Palin playbook.
None of the news article mention why exactly his SC GOP gig was so short, which might indicate something that would typically make Mr. Kincannon unemployable.
Not his only recommendation, and maybe not the most vile:
Or instead of napalm:
This guy is a blight worse than Ebola.
I wonder if he says/thinks such sickening things about Nikki Haley. On second thought, probably not.
Interesting question because he lasted only 3 months as executive director of the SC GOP and no source has reported why he was canned.
He might have popped off about Nikki Haley. Who knows?
Or, it being South Carolina, his real views didn’t come out to the general public until 2010? When did he join Twitter?
Did he get canned in 2010 for a Twitter storm? Or was it something else? The googleverse silent about what caused his short tenure.
As for South Carolina, I doubt many Goopers there but most Democrats know all about why Kincannon was canned and what kind of a sweet guy he is.
What I’d like to know is how he is currently supporting himself. Jim DeMint apparently hasn’t absorbed him into Heritage Foundation. The tweets seem like a desperate plea for conservative attention.
I asked my SC FB friends why he’s not considered a public health menace for inciting hysteria. Crickets.
Before today, had never heard of this creep — blissful ignorance. But Democrats in SC are in the know and not talking piqued my curiosity. There’s this:
But the silence may be related to the continuing (two years) ethics violation by the SC Office of Professional Responsibility.
Good finds. The sexting might have provided cover, but the SC Office of Professional responsibility one likely is the reason he was canned and also for the silence.
Now I would like to see whether he has been disbarred. That is, if he bothered to take the bar exam at all.
Adds to my sense that we are watching a desperate man with few future prospects auditioning for griftopia.
Not disbarred as of July: South Carolina licensing officials accused of suppressing lawyer’s 1st Amendment rights. Fascinating that even in SC there are limits to what is tolerable from Republican flunkies.
Napalming villages wouldn’t end anything except more lives. Certainly not an epidemic.
Yes, but for Republicans, the lives of browns and poors is an epidemic.
In today’s Democratic Party, there is approximately 0.00001% chance that a state party director would suggest that Africans are to blame for the Ebola outbreak there and that they could solve the epidemic in a second if they would just stop eating each other and learn calculus. However, in today’s Republican Party the odds of a state party director saying something like that are 100%.
And I’d take dibs on that being Missouri, given who the Democrats barfed up as Governor. For all those wondering why Ferguson didn’t vote, Nixon is proof that voting itself doesn’t solve squat.
Check out Just read at least 3 days of posts and explain where all that money the flowing into MO comes from? It’s this money that keeps the majority population from having any political power.
I think that applies to most states. Just look at what just happened in Philly, supposedly a union town.
Welcome back Booman, glad you are feeling better.
Wow! this guy sure leaves The Onion in the dust
No, it is not important.
What’s the point of twitter again? This is. I understand why bloggers and journalists love it. They mine it for stupidity and provocations. Others seeking attention play the bomb thrower role. Mostly, though, it just makes me sad and cynical.
Well, if one hasn’t figured out the American Fasc…er, Repub party is a party of mindless hate and spite by now, all the tweets in the world won’t do the job. Any rational person knows what we’re dealing with. Unfortunately it just isn’t seen as anathema by the American boob, who is poised to grant even more power to demented imbeciles like this.
And if a “conservative” white male doesn’t personally tweet the shit, they agree with it when they see it. As we see in the ME, once a vicious ideology of violence and coercion (like American “conservatism”) has taken hold in a society, it takes a very, very long time to suppress and contain it, and its adherents can never be returned to sanity. And they are heavily armed to boot. The dog shit this guy believes in is simply a religion to him.
I’m watching this mass panic about Ebola in the media with sadness and bemusement.
It reminds me of a time in the late 1980s in Germany when the HR manager called an office meeting to warn everyone about the danger of contracting AIDS via blood in a car accident, and handed out safety kits including gloves and disinfectants for everyone to take with them in their company cars. The presentation got quite graphic as to the possibilities of infection. Most of the people in the audience got so worried that they lit up cigarettes to help calm themselves down.
Sounds like the post 9/11 “duct tape and plastic sheeting” as terrorist protective.
Don’t know about Germany, but a non-trivial portion of the US blood supply in the 1980s was contaminated with HIV. The danger was the blood one could receive in the hospital and not anything in a car.
Pretty bizarre. Somebody hack into his account?