Why are these idiots allowed to incite hatred and preach genocide? See how close the fundamental Christians and Jews have joined hands to flaunt International Law, continue settlement building and the illegal occupation of Palestinian land. As US generals have spoken out: Israel has become a liability for US national interest if we don’t act. In Washington DC there is no resolve to follow through on the United Nations Security Council resolutions and neither is there appetite to criticize the extreme right politicians in their acts of war crimes against the Palestinian people. Fear Inc and Islamophobia is a creation of these same idiots and are funded by Jewish organizations. The Israel lobby is as strong as ever writing legislation in Washington DC for the legislators of U.S. Congress representing “We The People” over here, not over there!
Christians and the Salt of the Earth …
Because salt seasons a sacrifice? In Old Testament times, sacrificed animals, like bulls or rams, had to be salted: “You are to offer them before the Lord, and the priests are to sprinkle salt on them and sacrifice them as a burnt offering to the Lord.” (Ezekiel 43: 24, NIV). Since meat tasted better with salt, those things offered to God would be more pleasing to Him with the same addition. The New Testament makes reference to this practice as well: “For every one shall be salted with fire, and every sacrifice shall be salted with salt” (Mark 9: 49, KJV).
○ Read the genocidal sermon a notable Atlanta rabbi gave this Rosh Hashanah | Mondoweiss |
Ehr Daw 2014 – Given on Rosh Hashanah, 5775
by Rabbi Shalom Lewis | Congregation Etz Chaim blog | Marietta, Georgia | Sept. 29, 2014 |And so, here were are in a place of unimagined chaos and cowardice, paralysis and brutality. The beast roams the earth; we are stymied, stunned and continue to fiddle. My friends, “Ehr Kumpt Part 2, the Sequel.” This is not a time for delicacy. For tiptoeing. It is not a time to parse words nor worry about offending someone with unfiltered vocabulary. Time is no longer a luxury we possess. Distance no longer provides protection. We are being threatened like no time before, by an enemy obsessed with an apocalyptic endgame that will bring only disaster. An enemy that worships savagery. An enemy that celebrates depravity. An enemy that glorifies the death of the young. There has been a seismic shift in our world. We feel it. We see it. We know it. We dare not deny it. Pick up any newspaper on any day, the first page, the second page, the third page, the fourth page and beyond – – most of the articles are about radical Muslims, not just ISIS, immersed in a vicious culture of blood and slaughter. Skip to the sports page or the crossword puzzle if you wish, but that doesn’t make the uncomfortable news go away. In fact, it brings joy to the jihadists who hope for our indifference. If we deny evil then we need not fight it. It doesn’t exist – just a few lunatics, thousands of miles away, pounding sand, blowing each other up and occasionally beheading an unlucky journalist. Not so bad.
For years, we have been mercifully spared the ugliness and intimacy of war. The Battle of the Bulge and Iwo Jima were a black and white MovieTone newsreel after Tom & Jerry and before the Pride of the Yankees. We planted victory gardens, rolled up tin foil, bought Liberty Bonds, said goodbye to fathers, sons and brothers. But the trenches were on the other side of the Atlantic and Pacific. So too, every other subsequent conflict. The Yanks were coming but the shooting was “over there.” We suffered little. But today, war has been redefined and relocated. Geneva is finished. We are all combatants in the cross hairs. We are all on the front lines, like it or not. The battlefield has no boundaries and the war, no rules. The enemy targets deliberately, fiendishly, any place of innocence. All are vulnerable and so we must recalculate our strategy, re-examine our tolerance, re-energize our resolve and unequivocally identify the evil doers. Let us not be silenced by fear, by feckless goodwill, by reckless hope, by meaningless rhetoric…..
Atlanta Rabbi calls for Genocide of Muslims | Muslim Perspective |
There are one billion Muslims in the world and authorities agree that 5% are committed Islamists who embrace terror and wish to see, by any means possible, the Muslim flag fly over every capital, on every continent. I was relieved when I heard only 5%. Thank God it’s only 5%. Now I could sleep soundly. But wait, let me figure this out, 5% of a billion is… 50 million Koran-waving, Allah Akbar-howling Muslim murderers out there planning to slit our throats, blow us up or forcibly convert us. . . .
But what disturbs me is, where are the other 950 million Muslims who are not terrorists? Who are not bomb-blasting, acid-throwing zealots? Where are the other 950 million Muslims who tuck their children in at night with a lullaby, who are okay with Christians and Jews, crave a peaceful world and wish nothing more than a tasty bowl of hummus and a friendly game of Shesh Besh with a neighbor? I want to believe they are out there, for their sake and for ours. I want to believe they weep in pain over the desecration of their faith. I want to believe that we have partners who dream the dreams we do and wish upon the same star. I want to believe – – but where are they? A silent partnership is no partnership. Sin is not just in the act of commission – it is also in the act of omission. Most Germans were not Nazis – but it did not matter. Most Russians were not Stalinists – but it did not matter. Most Muslims are not terrorists – but it does not matter.
Rabbi Lewis is not only alarmed by the expected au courant bogeymen such as ISIS, but also criticism of Israeli policy and BDS activism which he attributes to an “alarming surge in Islamist rhetoric, violence and influence.”About the author Rabbi Shalom Lewis: Congregation Etz Chaim was established in the fall of 1975 to meet the needs of the expanding Jewish community of north metropolitan Atlanta. An affiliate of the United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism, we are a modern Conservative synagogue committed to blending tradition and change. Our intention, in all activities, is to provide an environment of warmth and an opportunity for personal growth. We celebrate together, we pray together, and we learn together, making Etz Chaim truly a home away from home.
- ○ Gaza War: Bringing Out the Worst in Israeli Misogyny, Racism
○ Jewish Neocons Adopt Rwandan Dictator, Kagame
○ Quite Depressing Really, Obama and the ISIS Crisis
With the same reasoning, the salt of the earth and the assasination of Barack Obama …
○ Atlanta Jewish newspaper calls for Obama assassination
○ Assassinate Barack Obama to Save Israel ¶ Uproar
Republicans can say anything.
Yesterday Steven D posted a front page story on this topic – Rabbi: Exterminate All Muslims. Thanks!
From my diary, in the article the Rabbi wrote last August, his name is Shalom Lewis, see link below. I couldn’t open any pages of the website of his congregation, nor from cached pages. In my diary I wrote about genocide of Muslims, not “all” muslims. Nevertheless the point is well taken, a fundamentalist equivalent to any other religious fanatic. No humanity, exploiting the islamophobic theme put forward by Sharon and Netanyahu for political gain. A sick and evil mind IMO. Israel uses terror for its Zionist ideal to conquer the West Bank. Thanks for covering this story, it will explode in the media.
○ Read the genocidal sermon a notable Atlanta rabbi gave this Rosh Hashanah | Mondoweiss |
○ Ehr Daw 2014 – Given on Rosh Hashanah, 5775
by Rabbi Shalom Lewis | Congregation Etz Chaim blog | Marietta, Georgia | Sept. 29, 2014 |
○ Russell Tribunal on Palestine’s Emergency Session on Israel’s Operation Protective Edge held in Brussels.
Further reports from the ugly, devastating War on Gazans last summer:
○ IDF Censor Tells NY Times It Must Censor Future Reports on Killing of Lt. Hadar Goldin
○ Col. Ofer Winter: Poster Boy for IDF’s New Dirty 200
○ Hannibal Directive Focus of War Crimes Inquiry
○ IDF Givati Commander Invoked Hannibal Directive: Prefered a Dead Soldier to Live One
Nearly 10 years ago BooMan left Dkos and started his Booman Tribune. Please do not make us conform to Big Orange madness …
“Also Mondoweiss is on the forbidden list for linking at this site.”
Daily Kos tips the AIPAC toeline on the Israel-Palestinian issue, don’t want to upset Democrats and Republicans in Washington DC now, do you?
Thanks Martin, here at the pond we have always had our First Amendment rights and yes there are alternate views published on the frontpage, often even … topics on Republican candidates and their outrageous views. The Evangelicals (George Bush’s presidency) are exploited by both the US Republican party and Israel’s Likud party and PM Netanyahu.
Rabbi Ovadia Yusef's Record of Hate Speech Sanitized by the Media (By Michael Hoffman)
○ Israel’s Rabbis in Retreat as Obama Arrives
○ Rabbi Ovadia Yosef: Racist, Political Boss, Yes. “Spiritual Leader?” Not So Much
○ Rabbi Yosef is the spiritual head of the Shas Party, a member of the Likud coalition of PM Netanyahu | Haaretz |
Article published in Juan Cole’s Informed Comment …
○ Tweeting Vitriol – Professor of Minorities Loses His Job @UoIC
Never received timely and adequate treatment at Dallas Presbyterian hospital … where were all the billions spent by the Bush administration to prepare for germ- and biological warfare? The anthrax from Fort Detrick was a catalyst for more spending to protect the American people and invest in first responders across America.
○ Omaha Nebraska, Biocontainment Unit: Focusing on symptom management is key with Ebols patients
See also AG’s diary – Panic Coming to America? Yes. JUSTIFIED Panic.