Marie2 recently posted a piece here titled Panic Coming to America. In it, she wrote:

The (MSM induced?) panic in this country over one man carrying the Ebola virus entering the US is from a health standpoint irrational.  Not to dismiss the seriousness of the epidemic in certain western African countries nor that it doesn’t need to be contained as well as possible.  Both given short shrift in the west from the early warnings issued by Médecins Sans Frontière  (MSF).  The danger is highest for health care workers treating Ebola patients and not the general public.  It’s been spreading in areas with extremely limited health care resources, poor sanitation, and cultural practices that facilitate its spread.

Equally troubling, if not more so,  is the ease with which people are engaging in unfounded conspiratorial thinking.  And that’s not limited to those in Liberia, Guinea, and Sierra Leone.

She makes some good points. But do not fall into the trap of thinking that just because the media are a pack of sensation mongers there is no serious danger of an Ebola-caused problem in the U.S.

And neither should you fall into the equally erroneous trap of trusting our so-called “health” system. I spent several hours today with people who either work in that system, are married to someone who does and/or are in the clutches of it as patients, and all i heard from any of them was horror at how badly it is run, especially the incompetence at the bottom and top of the healthcare ladder. This is from the inside, from intelligent, unbiased people, well-meaning health workers trapped in a broken system. It wasn’t about Ebola; it wasn’t about politics or crowd control/mind control; it was about workers who are on the ground in the mainstream healthcare system and recognize just how truly fucked up it really is.

So here we are on this blog with people saying that because we live in a supposedly advanced society with generally good hygiene and clean food and water, with doctors on every street corner and a hospital within 5 or 10 minute’s travel of most Americans…just because of those facts we should not fear some sort of pandemic.

Read on for more.

Lissen up, folks. As panicky as Americans are today…media driven panic, of course, just as is every other societally related emotion that most Americans feel on a daily basis…and as desperate as the PermaGov may be to maintain in charge with its rapidly fraying control system, the reaction…the so-called “cure” of an Ebola problem…could rapidly become worse than the actual disease itself. I am already reading about schools putting “automatic temperature readers” up in their halls. Guilty until proven innocent? A mainstream concept in the U.S. today, especially regarding those living near the bottom of the economic food chain. How about “infectious until proven well?” How rapidly could that idea metastasize into a public health fiasco? Every little kid with a runny nose being snatched away from its family and put in a hospital? The health system would rapidly break down if this were to happen. (Especially in poor neighborhoods, of course.)

Them people is always dangerous, ain’t they Caleb!!!

Then what?

That good ol’ American favorite, “limited martial law” would happen, that’s what. Bet on it.

Call out the National Guard!!! These people jes’ cain’t be trusted t’take care of themselves!!!

Bet on that as well.

The U.S. can’t even operate a relatively small police force dedicated to protecting its own boss without numerous and continuing failures. You really think that it could:

A-Accurately identify the real scope of a problem of this sort without serious overreaction or underreaction?.


B-Mount an effective attack on the problem?

I don’t.  They can’t even roll out a computer-run health insurance system without months of bureaucratically-driven snafus. If this…or something else…gets serious, why think that the government reaction would be anything other than equally incompetent?


People are damned right to be frightened.

Not necessarily of the Ebola Problem so much as the “Incompetence Problem” with which the next emergency will be met no matter what it may be. And this isn’t “politics” either. Both sides of the UniParty are equally incompetent.

And there you have it.

More about the ongoing decay of the American system, less about “Ebola.”


‘Tain’t over yet.

Bet on it.

And then what?

Another and another and another and another and…


The name of this article:

Panic Coming to America? Yes. JUSTIFIED Panic.

Justified panic, and not just about Ebola.

About a broken system.

Or…go take yer antidepressants and wait passively for the final, back-breaking straw man to descend, Doofus ex Machina.


I’m in the north woods this week, and the smart ones can see it coming.


Do something about it?

First you have to be able to see the real north woods for the Faux News trees.