Marie2 wrote a reply to a comment that I made on her article Coming to America II.
The article concerned the history of the Liberian First Civil War and U.S. involvement in support of the activities of the war criminal Charles Taylor. It also spoke of the history of Thomas Eric Duncan (the Liberian man who died recently of Ebola in Texas) and his family, a history of forced migration due to the violence of war.
She ended her piece with the statement “We are such an arrogantly proud and cruel people.” I replied as follows.
We are not actually an “arrogantly proud and cruel people.” We are simply a people who have been hypno-mediaed into almost total acquiescence regarding whatever the PermaGov wants us to believe.
Shuck that halter and the American population will run free.
Until then?
Business as usual.
Bet on it.
She disagreed and wrote:
Should have said, “arrogantly ignorant and cruel.” I refuse to accept the excuse that an amorphous PermaGov is some all powerful monster that controls several hundred million people.
I started to answer her and it grew. Read on for more.
It is not an “all powerful monster,” Marie2. It is simply a process that is in progress at all times.
If you study the mind control history of the Roman Catholic church from its inception to its position today, you will see that certain groups of highly intelligent and powerful people used it to their own economic and political advantage. Dogma changed according to the needs of the controllers who succeeded in being in charge, and the masses accepted whatever was said by its newscasters..,.errr, ahhh, priests…as the word of God Almighty. Most of the priests believed in the infallibility of the president…err, ahhh Pope…as well, and he was most often in the employ of others. When it was time to go to war with a selected set of unbelievers who threatened the empire in some way, propaganda was disseminated that cast the desired enemy in the role of the agents of Satan and there the people went, marching into battle against the bad guys. These powerful groups sometimes held the church captive for many generations.
The U.S. stands in the same position now, but we have only been held captive since the JFK coup. All it takes to run such a scam is the belief in the minds of a majority of the people that the church…errr, ahhh, government…is morally correct in what it is doing. When one Pope died they simply propped up another one and went on with their business. When disbelief began to seriously creep into a large part of the population, they’d change the tablecloth, tell them it was a new table and go right ahead serving the same old slop. It worked then and it continues to work in a highly modernized form today.
Is the current group of controllers monolithic?
No, of course not. Rival factions always arise in big gangs.
Are they themselves always “believers? All of them?
I dunno. What do you think?
As long as the current two party scam endures, all that rival factions of the PermaGov gang need do is to control the minds of about 21% of the electorate. Why do I say that? Because roughly 30% of it is solidly RatPublican and another 30% is solidly DemocRatic. That leaves 40% so-called “undecided.” Use the power of the media to make a little more than half of those weak-minded voters choose one or the other political party in an election and your faction wins. Simple as that. Matters are even more complicated when you realize that the two parties themselves basically agree on the idea of American “exceptionalism.” We’re better, thus we deserve to win by any means necessary. Their only disagreements are tactical, not strategic…like two factions of a mob family. One wants to steal from the people by the use of violent rackets, loansharking backed up by muscle, eliminating rival gangs in bloody wars,etc. The other prefers to use confidence scams and bought officials. Over the course of time, one or the other faction (or some combination of the two) is always in power. They are still criminal enterprises, they just use different tactics to enable them to steal.
Do you remember Sibel Edmonds, an FBI translator who was one of the original whistleblowers regarding the current gangs that are running things here? She described…and continues to describe…a vast criminal enterprise that is in operation not only in the U.S. but in concert with other gangs controlling other countries that are supposedly our “enemies.” The scam is bigger than just a simple UniParty fix here in the U.S., Marie2. Much bigger.
“Nothing is beyond our reach.” The new version of Meyer Lansky’s “We’re bigger than General Motors.”
Bet on it.
How about a nice, delicious Turkish Octopus Salad?
Whatever. There’s always another recipe coming down the PermaGov pike.
Bet on it.
The majority of the people of the US are arrogantly ignorant and cruel as Maria2 says. Don’t keep making excuses for them. If they were’t, the PermaGov would be different. Where are all these well-meaning people you suppose would have things otherwise? Or do you mean we are living in a dictatorship, the Clintons are despots and the Bushes are thugs.The US people are very, very ignorant and, as a group, extremely cruel. The country was founded on the most abject cruelty we can now imagine: ethnic cleansing, genocide. The whole world is expected to genuflect at the throne of the US and if it does’t POTUS and the whole bunch know what to do. You get bombed for your own good. We have now been put on notice: US war forever and as far as the eye can see. Obama is such a jerk. The coming months will be momentous: economic hell, war and more war, a failed Iran initiative and the screaming of the rabid warmongers will become deafening. Let’s bomb Iran…Netanyahu whispers seductively in Hillary Clinton’s ear: filth.
I dunno where you live or in what circles you hang out, Quentin, but I travel through many levels of American culture. I live in mixed-race working class neighborhoods and I spend a great deal of time with people of all races in my job as a musician…not just with other musicians, but with audiences, business people, teachers and students as well. I travel a great deal and rub shoulders with all kinds of people as I do so and I also spend a fair amount of time in the Great White Heartland of the U.S., rural New England particularly. I go out of my way to blend in as well as i can and I talk with strangers constantly.
Sure there are arrogant, vicious assholes out there, but they are not a majority. Not by any means. Get in conversations with people at WalMart, for instance, or your local supermarket. Just plain working people, most of them seriously economically challenged due to the power of the vast criminal enterprise that we laughingly call “The U.S. Government.” And many of them…in their own ways…are well aware of what is going down. They just feel helpless to do anything about it.
I am not “making excuses” for anyone, least of all our so-called leaders.
You say “The US people are very, very ignorant and, as a group, extremely cruel.” Ever been in an emergency of some kind? Someplace where people have been injured or in danger? It makes no difference if it’s the 9/11 disaster in NYC, a car accident on a rural road or a fire in some suburb. Americans help. At risk to their own lives, often. Been there, seen that. Done it too. I recently spent some time in rural Maine with family members who have settled in there for over 40 years. They’re Mainers themselves now, and so are all of their friends. These people would help you out if you were in trouble no matter from what race or culture you may come (as long as you haven’t already proved to be an asshole yourself, of course), and most of them are more aware of the basic criminality of this system than are many of the people who write on this and other leftiness sites. Ditto my time in suburban/rural Georgia and a number of other quintessentially “American” areas.
Ignorant? Or simply not well taught? I think it’s the latter, and after a while many of them realize that they have been hornswoggled by the system and wake the fuck up. Cruel? Who you hangin’ with, bro’? Or are you simply swallowing the leftiness media bullshit along with its hook, line and stinking sinker?
Y’oughta get out more.
Americans are a pretty decent buncha people overall. It’s only the ParmaGov media that leads ’em wrong, and it seems to me that they are figuring that out faster than are the leftiness intelligentsia.
Gonna be an interesting couple of years ahead.
Right, they’re a pretty decent bunch but they are the victims of a horrible conspiracy against them by their betters (media, rich, politicians, etc.) going back at least as far as 1898 and the final destruction of the Spanish empire by the U.S. (Cuba, Philippines). So what is it with all these nice Americans who somehow as an organization come off outside the US as real bastards. There are equally nasty pieces of work out there with other backgrounds. Don’t get me wrong. But the niceness of Americans stays confined to the US itself while their PermaGov dominates and rules the world. All Americans are complicit and implicated in the workings of the Empire. I agree that the ignorance is due to the education system.