So, with all this talk of Ebola,  I’m willing to answer serious questions from commenters in the comments section to the best of my knowledge as an active Microbiology Medical Laboratory Scientist.

Any Micro or Clinical Laboratory question you got, I will try to answer to the best of my knowledge.  Be it about Ebola, or MRSA, or infectious bacteria and other organisms.  

I figured when you have experienced knowledge about some subject, it always better to help spread factual information rather than misinformation.  

Any questions, I cannot answer or that is outside my purview of knowledge, I can ask some of my other friends who are currently working in the hospital laboratory, CDC and beyond.

I love my job, and I actually love educating people and using my knowledge and experience to answer legitimate questions people have.

So let’s go…”the doctor is in…”

BTW, I figured I’d post a weekly version of this if it seems to be something people are interested in.