There’s something deeply off-putting about the way that Roger Simon goes about telling Hillary Clinton all the things she needs to do. And none of it is true. For example, Hillary doesn’t have to announce her candidacy any time soon. She might want to, but she might not want to. There are downsides to every equation. But the basic takeaway from Simon’s piece is that Simon needs to shut the hell up.

Hillary needs to announce for the presidency. Soon. The media have moved from Hillary fatigue to Hillary exhaustion, and this is not helping her.

She needs to make her announcement speech in front of a live audience, not on videotape like last time or even on IMAX 3D. She must continue to make many more speeches for many more months — all for free.

The whole thing is sub-mental, but just consider the two ideas expressed above.

Premise: The idea of a Hillary candidacy/presidency is exhausting to the media.
Conclusion: Hillary should start campaigning immediately so the media can have something to cover.

Premise: Hillary needs to make lots and lots of speeches and not take any money for them.
Conclusion: Roger Simon gets paid for writing pretty much whatever.

This isn’t logical thinking on any level. It is wankery.