This is the tale of a fiend, a true murdering devil. Not only did he ruthlessly kill Michael “Mike” McClelland, 63, the prosecutor of Kaufmann County and his wife Cynthia, 65, but also the assistant prosecutor, Mark Hasse. Hasse was ruthlessly gunned in the street in January, 2013, while walking home. The McClellands were callously shot down like dogs in their home in March of the same year.
All three, were viciously butchered by a large, ugly brute who calls himself Eric Williams. It goes without saying he was a felon who had a prior record of burglary and theft. Yet somehow he had amassed a veritable arsenal of weapons as prosecutors during the penalty phase of his trial revealed:
On Tuesday afternoon, prosecutors assembled the arsenal of weapons found in Williams’ storage unit in the courtroom. The guns were displayed on three wooden racks in the middle of the courtroom, 42 handguns in the middle and 22 long guns flanking each side.
In front of the racks were boxes of ammunition — thousands of rounds were recovered — and a crossbow. Bullets were loose in bags, as well as still packaged in boxes.
By the way, this is the face of the killer of these three upstanding citizens, a true animal (if I may say so) with no sense of morality and little if any respect for human life:
Yeah, he’s a white guy.
Still, he got a trial. He wasn’t shot by the police when they went to arrest him. Sure he didn’t steal “cigars” (allegedly) or sell loose cigarettes in public. Williams wasn’t caught carrying a toy air rifle around Walmart (John Crawford) or playing with a BB gun in a park (Tamir Rice) or dressing up like his favorite Anime character (Darrien Hunt). He only stole county equipment and hoarded enough guns to arm a small militia.
Unlike the young men and boys listed above, no one had to gin up evidence of his wicked character, or post facto justifications for why he should be killed by officers of the state. I’ll bet I’m the first person to label him a “thug” or a “brute” or an “animal.” That’s because the use of those terms have been reserved for young African American males of late. These terms, such as thug, are acceptable code words for a certain racial slur that starts with the letter N. They are used to reinforce racial stereotypes among whites regarding African Americans – that they are criminals, a brutish, dangerous, amoral, drug infested people who represent a threat to civil society.
So while Eric Williams is one sick, evil SOB, he does have the color of his skin going for him. You won’t hear of any Fox News host or right wing radio jocks calling him a thug. They probably won’t mention him at all, and if they do, there won’t be any discussion of white on white crime. They sure as hell won’t touch the subject of his gun collection, which is every white American’s God given right under the second amendment.
White people with strong political agenda can walk around the street and in stores carrying their semiautomatic “long guns” and nothing happens to them. A drunken, angry white man stand outs in the street pointing a loaded rifle at passersby, and law enforcement treats him with respect and spend as much time as they need to “de-escalate the situation.” Black boys play in an empty park with a fake gun, or carry a fake samurai sword and get shot shortly after police arrive on the scene.
And let’s not forget the masses of white men who took their guns to Cliven Bundy’s Ranch in Nevada to protect the rights of a common criminal. They threatened and intimidated local law enforcement, Federal officials and the people of Clark County, but not one of Bundy’s numerous supporters who endangered the lives of everyone withing the range of their high powered rifles was arrested or charged with a crime, much less fired upon by law enforcement – with the possible exception for Jerad and Amanda Miller who were kicked out of the Bundy compound and then went on a shooting spree in Las Vegas, killing two police officers and an armed civilian at a local Walmart before killing themselves.
So, my friends, who are the real thugs? The armed white people who shoot to kill, such as Mr. Eric Williams, or the unarmed black men and boys killed by police and left to die? Michael Brown, Eric Garner, John Crawford, Darrien Hunt, Tamir Rice and so many more have been labeled “thugs,” their reputations smeared in the National news media. In the case of 12 year-old Tamir Rice, his parents’ past history and their alleged bad parenting were blamed for his death by cop. Protestors in Ferguson and elsewhere these past few months have been described as looters, rioters, criminals, et cetera, who deserved the massive militarized police response to what were primarily peaceful protests.
Words matter. They define how we interpret events, and how we judge the character and actions of individuals. They reinforce existing bias, prejudice and stereotypes. They justify violence against innocent people when those people are labeled with words that have negative and sinister connotations. Native Americans in were constantly called savages in the 19th century. European Jews in the 20th century were labeled cockroaches and vermin. African Americans, especially males, in the 21st Century are now called “thugs.” Words that dehumanize their subjects. Words that lead to fear and loathing. Words that make it easier to kill and/or tolerate, and in some quarters of our society celebrate, the deaths of those so named.
Words like “Thug.”
With all due respect, this isn’t helpful. In US state prisons, there are 166,700 incarcerated for murder. They aren’t all white. They were all sentenced after being adjudicated guilty. Those of limited financial means, more often minorities, often get inadequate counsel and judges and juries are more likely to convict them. Not fair. Not equitable. But like the killer thug you’ve profiled, they weren’t shot and killed by the police.
I have no idea what your point is. Because there are some black people in prison that makes shooting black kids who didn’t murder anybody ok?
The religious motives might be imperial propaganda.
Yes it is cases like this that show most graphically white privilege. But an evil subtler one is the disparity in the disciplining of white cops and black cops. Black cops get disciplined. White cops by and large get impunity and even an assist from the prosecutor.
So what was this “privilege”? To be tried? That is a right not a privilege. I’m so sick of this anti-white crap!
To have the law protect you instead of summarily kill you.
That is a right that is respected for white people. And too often ignored for people of color.
It is a class privilege that stands in the hierarchy of privileges extended by government just below the wealth privilege and two steps lower than the corporation privilege.
People in the middle of the kiss-up/kick-down ladder often miss the fact that the kiss-up/kick-down privilege is their to use because they rarely use it or because they think it is their right. What impunity for cops does is seduce too many of them into thinking it is their right. People who rarely use it tend to be most offended when it is made transparent; those who use it respond with a belligerent, “So what?”
Glad you inserted too often before ignored since it would be very difficult to explain all those people of color in US prisons if cops summarily killed minority suspects.
However, facts don’t support your first sentence because in fact cops do kill white people.
Simplifying and reducing the issue of law enforcement violence by the left to one of racism is how the right keeps winning on it. How the US incarceration rate increased four times over the past four decades and that was just fine with white folks.
“cops do kill white people”
Good grief, basic logic here. Of course that happens. Everything under the sun happens. What we all know – if you’ve been keeping up – is that blacks are drastically more likely to be targeted in this manner. It’s not even close. The weird defensiveness in this thread is disturbing. I’m white, and I have no problem admitting the police don’t harass me but do harass my former boss, who is african american and lives in North Minneapolis. He got pulled over 7-8 times a year for driving a cadillac while black. It’s a different world. There’s no shame in admitting reality.
This diary made the claim that a white killer wasn’t summarily killed by cops. As a white man had the privilege to be arrested alive and given a trial. That a white man who engages in horrific acts has rights denied to black men that may not even have engaged in any criminal activity. That’s a false equivalence argument. Made worse by using a single example of how a white killer was treated to extrapolate to the violence perpetrated by cops on African-American men.
Was this white killer treated differently from the Beltway snipers? That would be closer to being an equivalent example. (Although these snipers killed and injured more than the white killer.) They too weren’t killed by cops and stood trial for their crimes.
I’m one of the most vocal commentators here on the disproportionate use of violence by cops on African-Americans and the arrest and conviction of African-Americans. Is it evidence of racism in this country? Absolutely. Is it wrong? Of course. Are LEOs violent and racist. No question. However, if all we do is scream about LEOs attacking African-American men/boys because they are racist and violent nothing much will change because decent people have been screaming that since the late 1960s and the only change is that we now incarcerate at a rate four times what it was back then.
Why? Because we’ve passed more stupid laws that target poorer and younger people, and minorities are disproportionately poor. Once arrested, poorer people enter a criminal justice system that disfavors both those that are poorer and non-white. Juries are composed of people that are at least as racist and down on poorer people as LEOs and therefore, convict minorities and poor people at a higher rate. Judges are similarly inclined.
Moving enough white people to agree that the system is unfair and must be changed is simply not going to happen by holding up one injustice at a time. That’s not how white people roll. Not even how Americans roll considering that a decade of revelations about torture being perpetrated by the US military and CIA has been shrugged off. How many innocent people of color have been killed in the illegal war based on lies in Iraq? Official violence is embedded in this country as a solution to whatever “we” don’t like. And “we” bring it home by hiring people that were trained to kill people of color in “our” wars as LEOs. It’s the whole horrendous system of violence and racism that’s at the root of the problem of LEO violence and racism. We can tweak but not fix the latter unless we fix the system.
Probably not exactly “anti-white” crap as much as it’s lazy and lame arguments.
False equivalence, as this piece is, is lame. It’s what the rightwing folks do all the time and it’s far too common on the left as well.
You’re missing the whole point. The post is about a word, thug. Who it gets applied to and how it’s used. Consider two Google searches that I just did.
George Zimmerman thug: 347,000 results
Trayvon Martin thug: 407,000 results
All your google search did was supply evidence that the rightwing labeled Martin a thug somewhat more often than the leftwing labeled Zimmerman a thug. Unfortunate that either side went there. It was unnecessary to determine if Zimmerman engaged in murder or a self-defense killing.
That’s not quite the extent of it. Isn’t it worth noting that Zimmerman and Martin have been called thugs for different reasons? In the case of Zimmerman, the word is used descriptively–he attacked an unarmed teenager, which is a thuggish act. Martin, conversely, has been called a thug more often than Zimmerman as a way to justify that attack.
At any rate, going back to my first point, that’s what this post is all about. It’s about how the word thug is used, by whom, and in what way. If we can’t discuss the racial connotations of the word thug in a post about the racial connotations of the word thug, where can we discuss them?
Who are Egypt’s thugs?
Now you’re just being silly. How is it anti-white to recognize white privilege? I’m white, male, and straight myself, so I’m as privileged as they come. What’s the point of pretending otherwise?
Although I do have a theory about what’s bothering you here. It actually goes back to Steven’s point–words matter. And I’m starting to suspect that a lot of white people out there see words like “bigot,” “racist,” and “xenophobe” as slurs against them. This seems strange to me, since I know all kinds of white people who dislike bigots just as much as I do, but I’m willing to consider it.
But still, there is something going on here that we need to talk about. On the question of immigration reform, for instance, things get confused because there really is a lot of xenophobic rhetoric from the nativist right. But then not everyone who has a problem with illegal immigration is part of the nativist right, and so they hear others being called xenophobes and feel accused themselves.
But we still need to address the racist and bigoted and xenophobic rhetoric when it occurs. Taking it as a personal insult every time someone even brings up the subject is unnecessary and unhelpful.
OT: It is once again a felony in Illinois to video a police officer.
how on earth is that constitutional? Crazy.
Your Jew, “Christian”, Muslim, Mormon Cult of (White) Male Domination. It has been said that for every action There is an equal and opposite reaction, though g’da said it best: it’s gonna’ bite you on the ass boy. If I recall my first year constitutional law correctly, by the Founders’ intent the Second Amendment provides remedy for the imposition of a minorities’ tyranny upon the majority.
Tired of the “anti-white” sentiment? Get used to it.
You’re no longer in the majority.
I’d call him a domestic terrorist, but then again, that’s just me.
your point is taken.
North Texas is Lubbock County, remember Judge Tom Head and UN contingency planning? Another event – Grab Your Gun, the Socialists Are Coming to TX.
Was in the Aryan Brotherhood, or Mexican drug gang or a revengeful former Justice of Peace who lost his job after a conviction by the DA’s office?
○ Penalty phase begins for former Texas justice of peace Eric Williams
Would this be a bad time to start a discussion about white-on-white crime?
Thanks Oscar, for that.