The citizens of French capital city Paris have shown remarkable unison putting all national and international politicians in the shadows. That is the correct relationship as the global leadership has failed after the 9/11 attacks on the US and in the aftermath the delusion of George Bush’s War on Terror. A great victory as nearly a million people march for peace and against acts of terror. Le Place de Republique and the route to Place de National are covered with people, literally cheek-to-cheek. Jewish unite with the Muslim French nationals, Christians and agnostics marching side by side along Avenue de Voltaire.
Live: Grieving France takes to the streets in massive display of national unity | France24 |
Approximately 40 world leaders are joining record crowds for a huge Paris rally in honour of the victims of a three-day spree of violence that killed 17 people and shook the nation. Security forces are on their highest alert.
Vast Paris rally for France unity
« click for more info
Human tide in Paris to honor the victims of the attacks (LeMonde)
○ Marche républicaine : une foule compacte place de la République | Le Figaro |
○ Mobilisation historique à Paris: le cortège est en marche | Le Dauphine |
What has the world learned in the last 80 years? Mussolini, the League of Nations, Abyssinia, emperor Haile Selassi – Statement of Communist League of Struggle. Obama, the United Nations, Abyss in Ukraine, ‘czar’ Putin. In both eras Britain and France playing a major role as their colonial empires were faltering. Fascism leads to a great World War. Is this once again an irreversible process going through today’s fascism, propaganda, mass rallies unto yet another devastating war?
Just a few moments ago, I watched and listened to the commemoration broadcast from the Grand Synagogue of Paris. As the ceremony ended, Benyamin Natanyahu took center stage and made a speech. He started with a few words in broken French but spoke in Hebrew with a translator at his side. None of the TV channels were prepared and there was no English translation on CNN, BBC and France24. I turned to Al Jazeera which did an adequate job of translating Hebrew to English. The PM spoke quite well in the first 6-8 minutes but then he changed the subject to terror and counterterror. He started with the personal tragedy of the loss of his brother Yoni during the daring raid on Entebbe airport in Uganda. It was a hijacked Air France passenger jet. As he moved along, it became an election speech with the usual propaganda. I had taken some notes, but I won’t bother you with his words.
He made allowance for ‘normal’ Islam and separated the ‘radical’ Islam of Hamas, Boko Haram, al Nusra, Al Qaeda, Al Shabaab and the Islamic State. In the translation I didn’t hear AQAP or AQIM, nor the mention of Hezbollah and Iran. I will look for a transcript to get the exact speech.
○ Netanyahu speaking at Paris synagogue – ‘Enough with terror’ | JPost |
Posted earlier @TikunOlam – Charlie Hebdo Massacre: a Tragic, Universal Failure.
… the idea of a security threat didn’t make sense either: After all, the security in the area met the standards of so many other leaders, including Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, combined.
Far-right politician Marine LePen was urged to stay away from the Paris march, and she did. However, Netanyahu is in an election fight with the extreme [!] right-wing leaders Avigdor Lieberman and Naftali Bennett and had to show up when these two invited themselves at the last moment. Netanyahu was rebuffed by president Hollande as he was about to make his (election) speech in the Grand Synagogue of Paris. A real shame.
Netanyahu wasn’t invited to Paris unity march meant for the French citizens …
○ Jewish Home MK Candidate Directs Settler Rabbi Group Which Adovcated Genocide
Not wanted at march of Parisians, just like Marine LePen.
○ Netanyahu ‘was not wanted’ in Paris march | AFP |
Netanyahu’s conduct was widely criticised by Israeli commentators.
“It was embarrassing, not to say disgraceful, to see Israel’s prime minister yesterday trying to push his way onto a bus that he was not supposed to board, making his way determinedly from the second row (where he was placed) to the row of leaders walking in front (which he took over), behaving in a mourning parade as in an election rally,” Ben Caspit wrote in the rightwing Maariv newspaper.
“The reprisal was not late in coming. President Francois Hollande fell on Abu Mazen’s (Abbas’s) shoulders in a close embrace but greeted Netanyahu with a frozen hand.”
○ Security?
Hollande deploys 10,000 soldiers on the streets of France to protect synagogues, schools and sensitive places. Soldiers armed with machine-guns creates a sphere of anxiety, children will grow up in a climate of violence and insecurity. Awaiting the French ‘Patriot Act.’
France’s Ministry of Interior wouldn’t confirm or comment on any of the reported mosque attacks, saying local police were handling the cases.
A total of 20 incidents were reported and another 30 serious threats.
Paris shooting: ‘We vomit’ on Charlie Hebdo’s sudden friends, says staff cartoonist Bernard Holtrop.
If Yoav had been Arab, he would have been a legitimate target of IDF terror? Terror from all sides destroys our youth and its hope for living life to the fullest.
Yoav will be laid to rest in his beloved Israel.
In Tunis, the persecution of Jews has reached its zenith of the past 2,000 years! Building a ghetto called Israel.
○ History of Tunesian Jewish population
Hollande and the principles of France’s colonialization: Algeria and Niger (Aréva) …
○ Kenyan newspaper apologises for reprinting Charlie Hebdo cartoon
○ Protesters across Lebanon denounce new Charlie cartoon
○ Protests turn violent across Pakistan, from Karachi to Peshawar
More great stuff from Bibi’s mouthpiece on Arab affairs …
○ #JeSuisJuif
Ofir Gendelman – The official account of the Israeli Prime Minister’s spokesperson for the Arab media.
“PM: I expect all of the world leaders,
w/ whom I marched, to fight terrorism
wherever it is, also when it is directed
against Israel & Jews”
Furthermore, Bibi let the world know he’s not amused with Abbas’ request to the ICC in The Hague:
“ICC’s decision is a complete reversal of the
goals that were at the basis of its founding
following the murder of 6million Jews by the
Sorry Bibi but Israel and the US are not partners in the founding of the ICC!
The International Criminal Court (ICC), governed by the Rome Statute, is the first permanent, treaty based, international criminal court established to help end impunity for the perpetrators of the most serious crimes of concern to the international community. The ICC is an independent international organisation, and is not part of the United Nations system.
Cross-posted from TikunOlam – Bibi: Il N’est Pas Charlie.
Were the Jews exceptional in New Amsterdam? No they were not.