There is a very simple answer for these questions. The answer to all of them is “conservatives.”

Why would anyone oppose national healthcare?

Why are top chief executives paid 300 to 400 times as much as an average employee?

Why do two-thirds of American college students finish in the red, some owing $100,000 or more?

Why do 1 in 3 children lives in poverty?

Why were the multitrillion-dollar wars of Presidents George W. Bush and Obama fought on a credit card, to be paid off by the kids?

Why can’t you shut down that concentration camp in Cuba?

Why can’t you stop interfering with women’s healthcare?

What is it about science and climate change you can’t understand?

Why do you send your military all over the world to stir up trouble for all of us?

Of course, once you understand that the answer to all those questions is “conservatives,” it invites the follow-on question, “Why do you have so many of them?”

And I suppose the simplest answer to that is that we were founded as a colonialist slave-powered penal colony where the only decent people were still religious fanatics.

We must have done something right, though. After all, you complain a lot but you’re mainly content to leave all the heavy lifting to us.