What’s the stupidest thing you’ve seen today?
About The Author
Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
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Discussion of homosexual content in dragon age inquisition.
I went to a long curriculum meeting. Afterwards I had a poop.
I’ll let you guess which one was more productive.
This guy:
He’s unhinged loser, if you look at this feed. He has serious anger management issues.
Here ya go according to the all knowing (in his own opinion) Giuliani believes a Romney win will happen if all Romney talks about is Bengazi!!!!!
The only thing Romney will win is an award for being the most inept and insane presidential candidate to run in the last 100 years.
But, if Mitt runs, we will get some more tax returns….eventually.
well that, and many many replays of “please proceed” and the picture of Mitt smirking when the dust hasn’t even settled in the compound. so I’d say that’s about the worst campaign advice I’ve ever heard, hope he paid the big bucks for that advice
I would have to say it was this. Watch at your own risk. Brain damage might result due to excessive face-palming (or simply by watching the whole video).
Yeah, that’s definitely the dumbest motherfucker ever.
Damn, that guy really does look like an old European drawing of Satan. It’s the beard.
Loch Ness Monster, he doesn’t talk about? why not?
If there’s anything stupider than this out there I’m closing my eyes.
I got up this morning and saw a story in the Daily Mail that Russia has cut off gas to Europe through the Ukraine pipelines on account of theft by Ukraine.
I have seen other references in places like ZeroHedge, but they all link back to the Daily Mail article.
The western media is silent on it. So, either it never happened or the western media is trying to figure out how to spin the story. I would grateful for any other links anyone sees.
So I guess that the stupidest thing I saw is that I didn’t see the story in the NY Times and elsewhere.
right here!
Duke University reversing its decision to let Muslim students use the university chapel tower for a call to prayers on Fridays; the reversal occurred after Franklin Graham went ballistic on his radio show.
The Muslim students, like other “denominations”, have been conducting services in the chapel basement classrooms at least since the 1980s. So have other non-Christian denominations that do not have their own space on campus (like Hillel, for example).
Bigotry run amok!
I got the impression it wasn’t so much Franklin Graham as “serious and credible threats” of violence. In other words Christian terrorism. If I don’t hear some Christians condemning this pretty soon, preferably with a million-Christian march, I’m going start thinking Christianity might be an intrinsically violent religion.
Louie Gomhert, and that is EVERYDAY…
Sarah Palin opened her mouth today, too.
But Gohmert and Palin are lifetime achievement awards. We should retire their jerseys.
Rudy Giuliani thinks Mitt can win. By focusing on Benghazi.
Most of the 950 comments on this Jonathan Bernstein piece.
The national id ain’t pretty.
Warren ended her “semi-flirtation” with running for prez? Her previous no didn’t mean no. getting lots of insight into rapist mentality with the entire Warren candidacy discussion.
[didn’t get so far as the comments I’m afraid]
The protest that made me late for work by an hour, and made work an hour later as a result.
Not the way to influence people.
In Florida too? The one in Massachusetts today (a “Black Lives Matter” event without a single black person participating) certainly went out of its way to piss off mass quantities of people, managed also to obstruct an ambulance with a critically injured elderly man from getting to a Level 1 trauma center, and while bizarrely creative in its methods clearly relied on the police responding with careful regard for the protesters’ physical welfare, rather an ironic assumption for people protesting the pigs.
These social justice warriors sure did get a lot of attention, but I doubt they converted anyone to their cause.
brought to you by the manly art of just making sh*t up:
“The ‘manly’ Catholic Church”