A lame duck presidency, two more y[t]ears of agony!
Netanyahu accepts invitation to address US Congress
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Wednesday accepted an invitation to address the US Congress next month on the threat posed by Iran and radical Islam. Netanyahu is also exploring the possibility of meeting with President Barack Obama during his visit.
US Speaker of the House John Boehner said the “invitation carries with it our unwavering commitment to the security and well-being of [the Israeli] people.”
In a statement posted on his website, Boehner said he had asked Netanyahu to comment on the threats stemming from radical Islam as well as the Iranian regime.
“Americans and Israelis have always stood together in shared cause and common ideals, and now we must rise to the moment again,” he wrote.
Netanyahu is scheduled to address the joint session of Congress on February 11, the date of the 36th anniversary of the Iranian Revolution, marking the day the shah’s regime fell.
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Bibi's boorish behavior in France, insulted French Jewish leadership in synagoge. (Tikun Olam)Obama came out swinging last Friday, telling Congress he would veto any Iran sanctions bill that lands on his desk. “Hold your fire,” Obama told Congress while standing at the White House alongside British Prime Minister David Cameron, who took the unusual step of calling US senators to lobby against a sanctions bill.
- ○ Knesset candidate directs settler rabbi group which advocated genocide
○ Jewish State of Israel Run by Islamophobes
Netanyahu was wrong about Iraq having nuclear weapons. He lied before US Congress in 2002.
Continue beolw the fold …
Netanyahu Imported by GOP to ensure Iran War | by Juan Cole |
… and that is what the right wing psychopaths in Washington DC and Tel Aviv have planned for us. If they can over-ride Obama’s veto and scuttle the negotiations, they set us up for a war down the line, as Obama warned in the SOTU.
In contrast, professional Israeli intelligence analysts are warning against new sanctions and any torpedoing of the Iran talks. Because they deal in the coin of pragmatism and the real world.
Readers should please let their congressional representatives know they would prefer not to be subjected to this disaster.
That Netanyahu is an unreliable narrator should be obvious by now:
I wrote in 2012 :
Israeli PM Binyamin “Chicken Little” Netanyahu tried to scaremonger about Iraq in 2002, as his contribution to the Anglo-American war of aggression on that country. “there is no question whatsoever,” Netanyahu said, “that Saddam” was seeking nuclear weapons. He said that Israeli intelligence reported to him that Russian scientists and North Korea were on site and actively aiding this phantom nuclear weapons program.
There was no Iraqi nuclear weapons program in 2002; it was dismantled in the early 1990s by United Nations inspectors. There were none of the chemical or biological weapons Netanyahu spoke of. No Russians. No North Koreans. Bupkes.
Netanyahu was wrong about Iraq having nuclear weapons – h/t Washington’s blog
What’s really going on?
It is only apparent when you learn the historical context:
• The people pushing for war against Iran are the same people who pushed for war against Iraq, and said it would be a “cakewalk”. See this and this
• In 2002, for example, Israeli prime minister Netanyahu helped convince the American Congress that Saddam was making weapons of mass destruction:
Netanyahu also warned that Iraq would give nuclear warheads (which it did not have) to “terrorist groups.” He also argued that no inspections could possibly find “mobile weapons sites” (which are impossible), implying that invasion and occupation was the only course open.
Netanyahu proved that neither he nor the Israeli intelligence organization, Mossad, had the slightest actual intelligence on Iraq, and that neither should be trusted to provide such intelligence to the US. Clearly, some right wing Israeli leaders always want the US entangled in regional wars in the Middle East, insofar as they are seeking US support in a hostile region. They therefore habitually exaggerate the dangers, and are little more than bullshit artists.
Netanyahu’s comments on Iraq are almost verbatim what he is now saying about Iran.
The Mainstream Media never calls Netanyahu on his bull crap.
Imminent Iran nuclear threat? A timeline of warnings since 1979
From your excellent article …
“The war in Mali had little to do with religious militancy and everything to do with the existing chasm in the country
itself, and the region as a whole. By adding western wars and intervention to the mix, calamity is assured.”
In particular, the Sahel region exploded with arms and militants thanks to NATO military intervention in Libya. In Mali one had the rise of AQIM combined with the Tuareg, Algerian hostage taking at gas plant by … with AQ and of course the Boko Haram idiots slaughtering Muslims and Christian with weapons stolen from Gaddafi’s depots.
The French intervention became a necessity and was useful to protect the nuclear mining industry of Areva in neighboring Niger.
The same old theme that started in Persia [1953], Afghanistan [1979], Kuwait, Bosnia, Iraq [2003], Libya, Syria and Ukraine [2004 and 2014].
Posted earlier in Steven D’s fp story – Quote of the Day: Frivolous Wars a Drug.
As Obama was facing animosity in US Congress …
○ Middle East press warn of failed state in Yemen
○ Yemen militia clash with army, fire on PM’s convoy
○ Gulf states denounce rebel ‘coup’ in Yemen | RT |
See my earlier diary – Helping al-Saud Royal Family in Yemen | June 2012 |.
○ Yemeni: Do They Like Americans?
○ Making Headlines: The al-Harithi Assassinations in Yemen
Thanks b. for ME insight and thought-provoking article. Many comments lack knowledge of history Lebanon and Syria. The talking points of cdh and wow are pure zionist and neocon fascism.
I more often don’t agree with JC, in this article he offers background and specifics of geographical area where the terror strike from IAF took place, Mazari` al-Amal in Syria’s Quneitra Province.
○ Israel’s Syria Strike: Is it trying to Help al-Qaeda vs. Hizbullah & Iran?
○ US ‘seeks new Syrian leader’ as pressure mounts – Oct. 2005
The Homs ‘uprising’, the Ghouta gas attack and the Maidan revolt in Ukraine carry all the hallmarks of a red flag operation. Israeli intelligence from Unit 8200 picking up communication between Syrian generals ordering gas attacks on Damascus suburb and Obama grabbing the opportunity. Sure. Anyone find the culprits of the deadly Beirut blast killing PM Hariri in February 2005 yet?
Israeli mouthpiece Ben Caspit in 2006 and 2015 …
○ We Will Not Capitulate or Be Trampled Upon | Maariv | August 10, 2006
○ PM: Our forces attacked a high-level terrorist unit in the Syrian Golan | Al Monitor | January 20, 2015
○ Kuwaiti MP Congratulates S. Nasrallah on Martyrdom of 6 Hezbollah Fighters
○ Maliki Condoles with S. Nasrallah: Martyrdom of Hezbollah Fighters “Great Pride”
PS I wasn’t aware Maliki never left the political stage of Baghdad …
○ Iraqi parliament approves ex-Iraqi PM Nuri al-Maliki, ex-premier Iyad Allawi and ex-parliament speaker Nujaifi as vice presidents | Sept. 2014 |
Bibi is coming to DC to make sure the GOP sends our young to protect Israel’s boarders….before the GOP secures America’s boarders.
Timmermans is fluent in foreign languages, for content it’s empty rhetoric. The EU can’t grasp the issue of immigration, will it tackle emigration now also? What about the challenges of EU policy towards the Arab uprising, Syria, Iraq and the Ukraine. More problems to solve than solutions within reach. Well done Frans.
○ Iraqi Shiites, Fuming over Slow US Fight against ISIL, threaten to Revoke Agreement
○ Turkey still not on board to fight IS, join US alliance
○ Turkey declares vanishing truck to Syria ‘state secret’
How US-Israel relations have deteriorated and wholly dependent on the lobby in Washington. What happened to foreign policy based on US national interest?
○ LBJ: A Friend in Deed
○ USS Liberty deliberately attacked 12mi off Egyptian coast by Port Said
○ The 1968 Sale of Phantom Jets to Israel
Saudi-US relationship turned sour after Bush’s decision to invade Iraq, giving Iran a leadership role in the region. Hillary Clinton tried to mend ties by supporting overthrow of Assad in Syria. Turkey, a Muslim Brotherhood backer, was needed for inflow of arms and jihad fighters: the Bosnian option under Bill Clinton [Brzezinski doctrine]. The division between Saudi Arabia [Salafist] and Qatar [Muslim Brotherhood] caused failure of a united Syrian National Council.
○ King Abdullah pressing for war in Lebanon and Syria
○ K. Abdullah repeatedly urges US attack on Iran to stop nuclear programme | WikiLeaks |
The introductory paragraph in this comment is a superb, concise, and quintessential summation of the background situation!
○ Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists
Climate change, nuclear weapons, emerging technologies all figured in clock move. [video presentation]
“Stunning government failures have imperiled civilizations on a global scale”
Terrific read on big banks, sanctions, and nuclear proliferation:
○ US economic sanctions, big banks and their game of risk
Using a civil forfeiture statute, which was enhanced under the PATRIOT Act, the Justice Department was able to seize Li’s assets even though Li held the assets in foreign accounts overseas. The process works by seizing the foreign bank’s assets held within US accounts, known as correspondent accounts, in lieu of Li’s assets.
Prof. Cleveringa protest speech against dismissal of his Jewish friend Meijer was chosen as the best of the 20th Century in Holland …
○ Cleveringa’s protest speech
On 26 November 1940 Professor Cleveringa held his courageous speech protesting against the dismissal of his Jewish colleague, Professor Meijers. Cleveringa was arrested and the university was closed. Every year the university honours Cleveringa with a chair and meetings throughout the world.
Professor of Trade Law Rudolph Cleveringa was livid when he heard the disturbing news: all members of staff of the university were required to complete an Aryan attestation. The attestation included questions about their race. Anyone who refused to complete the statement would be dismissed. German forces had marched into the Netherlands on 10 May 1940 and just a few months later the Nazis announced a raft of anti-Jewish measures. On 21 November 1940, all Jewish workers were dismissed from their jobs. One of those affected was Professor Eduard Meijers, an internationally renowned Professor of Private Law. Meijers was not only Cleveringa’s mentor, but also a very good friend of his.
The suffragettes speech by Aletta Jacobs in 1919 was chosen as second best.
○ 4 Israeli Arab Parties Unite for Election | The Forward |
○ Arab parties unite for national election in March