A lame duck presidency, two more y[t]ears of agony!

Netanyahu accepts invitation to address US Congress

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Wednesday accepted an invitation to address the US Congress next month on the threat posed by Iran and radical Islam. Netanyahu is also exploring the possibility of meeting with President Barack Obama during his visit.

US Speaker of the House John Boehner said the “invitation carries with it our unwavering commitment to the security and well-being of [the Israeli] people.”

In a statement posted on his website, Boehner said he had asked Netanyahu to comment on the threats stemming from radical Islam as well as the Iranian regime.

“Americans and Israelis have always stood together in shared cause and common ideals, and now we must rise to the moment again,” he wrote.

Netanyahu is scheduled to address the joint session of Congress on February 11, the date of the 36th anniversary of the Iranian Revolution, marking the day the shah’s regime fell.

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Bibi's boorish behavior in France, insulted French Jewish leadership in synagoge. (Tikun Olam)

Obama came out swinging last Friday, telling Congress he would veto any Iran sanctions bill that lands on his desk. “Hold your fire,” Obama told Congress while standing at the White House alongside British Prime Minister David Cameron, who took the unusual step of calling US senators to lobby against a sanctions bill.

Bibi’s Insult to France  

Netanyahu was wrong about Iraq having nuclear weapons. He lied before US Congress in 2002.

Continue beolw the fold …

Netanyahu Imported by GOP to ensure Iran War | by Juan Cole |

… and that is what the right wing psychopaths in Washington DC and Tel Aviv have planned for us. If they can over-ride Obama’s veto and scuttle the negotiations, they set us up for a war down the line, as Obama warned in the SOTU.

In contrast, professional Israeli intelligence analysts are warning against new sanctions and any torpedoing of the Iran talks. Because they deal in the coin of pragmatism and the real world.

Readers should please let their congressional representatives know they would prefer not to be subjected to this disaster.

That Netanyahu is an unreliable narrator should be obvious by now:

I wrote in 2012 :

    Israeli PM Binyamin “Chicken Little” Netanyahu tried to scaremonger about Iraq in 2002, as his contribution to the Anglo-American war of aggression on that country. “there is no question whatsoever,” Netanyahu said, “that Saddam” was seeking nuclear weapons. He said that Israeli intelligence reported to him that Russian scientists and North Korea were on site and actively aiding this phantom nuclear weapons program.

    There was no Iraqi nuclear weapons program in 2002; it was dismantled in the early 1990s by United Nations inspectors. There were none of the chemical or biological weapons Netanyahu spoke of. No Russians. No North Koreans. Bupkes.

    Netanyahu was wrong about Iraq having nuclear weapons – h/t Washington’s blog

    What’s really going on?

    It is only apparent when you learn the historical context:

    • The people pushing for war against Iran are the same people who pushed for war against Iraq, and said it would be a “cakewalk”. See this and this
    • In 2002, for example, Israeli prime minister Netanyahu helped convince the American Congress that Saddam was making weapons of mass destruction:

    Netanyahu also warned that Iraq would give nuclear warheads (which it did not have) to “terrorist groups.” He also argued that no inspections could possibly find “mobile weapons sites” (which are impossible), implying that invasion and occupation was the only course open.

    Netanyahu proved that neither he nor the Israeli intelligence organization, Mossad, had the slightest actual intelligence on Iraq, and that neither should be trusted to provide such intelligence to the US. Clearly, some right wing Israeli leaders always want the US entangled in regional wars in the Middle East, insofar as they are seeking US support in a hostile region. They therefore habitually exaggerate the dangers, and are little more than bullshit artists.

    Netanyahu’s comments on Iraq are almost verbatim what he is now saying about Iran.

    The Mainstream Media never calls Netanyahu on his bull crap.

Imminent Iran nuclear threat? A timeline of warnings since 1979