Month: January 2015

Why is Sexual Assault So Common in Our Military?

One snippet from this Politico piece on Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand’s effort to reform how the Pentagon handles reports of sexual assault really stood out for me: The Pentagon also estimated a drop in the number of service...

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Yawn, Boehner Still Speaker of the House

We get a new Congress starting today, and they’ve begun with an immediate display of buffoonery. Everyone knows that John Boehner isn’t any good at his job of being Speaker of the House, but having a couple dozen...

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A Trip into Polar Bear Country

Just before Christmas, the Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA) announced their finding that 2014 would be the hottest year in recorded history. This was in accord with preliminary findings by the World Meteorological Organization...

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Casual Observation

If you assume that the modern GOP is the cultural equivalent of the drunk paranoid racist at the end of every bar in every suburban tavern in the whole country, Louie Gohmert is still too crazy to be their leader.

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