At least David Broder and Tom Friedman actually talked to their taxi drivers rather than simply studying their attire and facial expressions in an effort to surmise what “the people” felt about the issues of the day. But, still, while I think it’s understandable to mock writers who engage in “feelings journalism,” it seems like you can’t say anything about anyone anymore without everyone complaining of butthurt.
God forbid you should tell someone that you think they’re qualified to replace Jon Stewart despite their professions of self-doubt. Of course, Ester Bloom was obnoxious. Her whole point was that Jessica Williams’ humility was just an extension of a gender-wide malaise that causes women to see themselves as unqualified for positions that they’re well qualified to do.
Who is Bloom to give a Bill Frist-remote diagnosis of Williams’ psychological condition? And she had to bring race into it, just to make it more Terri Schiavo-worthy:
How modest! How self-effacing! You can almost hear all the old white people who benefit from the status quo nodding their approval. We did it, they whisper. We have succeeded in instilling in yet another competent, confident young woman a total lack of understanding of her own self-worth! We didn’t even need to undermine her; we gave her the tools and she undermined herself. Well done all. Good show. Let’s play eighteen holes and then hit up Hooters for lunch.
I admit that this is about as annoying as the left is capable of being. And Jessica Williams definitely didn’t need this shit.
But the truth is that she’s capable of doing the job. If she doesn’t want to be considered for it, that’s her business.
Maybe someone less clueless can encourage her to put her hat in the ring without implying that old white male golfers have robbed her of her self-esteem and agency.
And Hooters? Seriously?
Is she funny?
Hell yes!
Is she confrontational?
But, if she feels she’s not ready yet, who is anyone to criticize her decision?
Jon Stewart – a brilliant comedian/satirist, was at times an erratic interviewer.
Sometimes, he was brilliant!
At other times, he seemed to mail it in, and show too much deference to his guests.
He wants some form of MSM decency and competency, which, I don’t believe is possible in this era of ‘opinion journalism/punditry.’
He was, and is, a unique talent.
He will be brutally tough to replace.
And, we should want his replacement to not only want the job, but he competent enough to get and hold it.
Colbert or Oliver would have been perfect.
But, again, that’s water already under the bridge. And, they’re both white males.
But, is this particular form of news-comedy-satire ready for a woman, or a minority.
I think so.
But, that person has to be confident enough in his/her own abilities to sell the change to the public.
the way normal people have conversations:
hey you’d be great at this job!
thanks, not interested
ok cool
lol crazy internet people
Everyone has self doubt. Everyone, at some level, no matter how successful, feels like an imposter. The most successful people probably fear the most because they know they stand out the most and have the furthest to fall.
She’s not my first choice for the job. Not because she lacks qualification. For me, she lacks appeal. But I’m sure she’d be fine. The people making the choice have a far better sense of what makes for a good show than statistical outliers like us.
I don’t know who any of these people are, but one link contains this apology:
I wrote that first apology early on, before I had the chance to read Jessica Williams’ full Tweeted response, and then my feed became overwhelming & impossible to sort through, especially with all the curse words, so I missed a lot of what came next. But now that I’m more caught up, I wanted to state officially and for the record, as I have on Twitter, that I was wrong. I was offensive and presumptuous; I messed up, and I’m sorry. Williams should not have had to deal with this shit: my calling her a “victim” of anything, my acting like I know better and could diagnose her with anything, all of it. Ugh. I’m leaving the post up, because at this point my stupid blog entry is News, and may it live in infamy. But I apologize, again. I am listening to folks and trying to learn, and I will try my hardest to be more damn careful & thoughtful in the future.
She’s not ready. For many reasons, age, lack of experience, point in career, and most importantly she doesn’t feel she’s ready.
She’s 25 years old, she hasn’t fully developed as an interviewer or a comic yet. While I’m sure she could do a passable job now, she’d do a much better job with more experience under her belt.
There are vastly more capable people out there.
Furthermore it might not be the best thing for her to jump into her own show right now. The more time she takes to develop her talent the stronger she will be when she lands her own show, and really the Daily Show is one of the best places to slowly grow into further roles.
The world is her oyster, her career is made, she’s going to be rich as hell, and will have her own show in the future, there is no doubt about any of these things. I’m sure she doesn’t feel the pressure to jump in now.
Besides, she has the advice of Stewart, Colbert, Oliver, Wilmore, and all the other alumni of that show.
As for the “outrage from the left”, this is why you never listen to anyone who considers themselves an activist for any issue. Because they rapidly fall into “when all you have is a hammer”, and aren’t good for anything other than pointing and laughing at. Activist says stupid shit, freaks out, news at 11.
Bloom wrote a direct and unequivocal apology for her original article. So good on her.
Whatever Ms. Williams chooses, I hope it works out great for her.
David Corn at Mother Jones hurt Bill O’Reilly’s fee-fees big time with this: Bill O’Reilly in the Line of Fire Too good not to be read in its entirety.
The loofah guy hit back with:
David Corn’s response:
NBC news standards may not be all that high, but unlike Fox, at least they have some. Williams is gone but the well documented serial liar O’Reilly stays on to peddle garbage to brain addled USians.
Paula Poundstone. She does have all the skills and experience necessary. Plus, she a big quicker on her feet than Stewart; so, perhaps the interview segment of the show would be more interesting.
I hope Jessica Williams has the good sense to find work elsewhere. The Daily Show was trending downward sometime before Stewart left. I think things could get really ugly before they get better. Like SNL in the mid eighties level ugly.
When BooMan gets back he’s going to beat the shit out of you for writing under his name.