Who cares about the state budget and the economy, much less the unemployment rate? At least, the Kansas Republican-controlled legislature has its priorities straight (no pun intended) on what truly is important for governance:
The Republican-dominated Kansas Senate voiced its approval Tuesday of a bill that would make it easier to prosecute teachers and school administrators who present lesson materials deemed to be “harmful.” […]
Senate Bill 56 would allow misdemeanor charges to be filed against teachers who present materials depicting “nudity, sexual conduct, sexual excitement, or sadomasochistic abuse” that the “average adult person” believes “lacks serious literary, scientific, educational, artistic or political value.” […]
“My first thought: Oh no! This again?” said Liesl Wright, an art teacher in Wichita, in an email. “I’d be in trouble. I was showing my high school art students charcoal drawings of nude people just today. I do it all the time. You know when the religious laws regarding art are more restrictive than the European Renaissance, you’ve gone too damn far!”
I think this would make it a crime to show the video on human reproduction I saw as a 7th grader in 1969. And thank goodness for that. Because I (and my fellow classmates) never would have learned about the evilness of sex outside of that one class. No way. Not a chance in H-E-Double-Toothpicks.
Well who’d have ever thought Kansass would be the first state where Sharia Law was popular. I thought they were Murikans down there.
One person’s literary/scientific/educational/artistic/political value is another person’s esoterica. So much for objective standards.
That would be as in Topeka, North Talibansas instead of Oklahoma City, Central Talibansas Austin, South Talibansas, or Baton Rouge, East Talibansas. Right?
I think they’re all provinces of Dumbfuckistan.
Will their program of conquest ever be stopped??1?
So much for limited government!!!
Oh, I am so friggin tired of this! Every day the nutjobs in our society and our government are desperately trying to propel us backward hundreds of years! No evolution, no birth control, no climate change, hell, let’s ban science altogether! And race relations? Ptooie! Slavery worked just fine, right?
Honestly, what is the matter with these people? I mean, the idiots keep throwing this shit out there and it’s sticking. Other people are backing them up and pretty soon we are going to be dressed like Puritans and the arts will be banned entirely and the planet will be without breatheable air or drinkable water.
I have an thought that the earth will heal itself eventually once humans are dealt with, although the time period required will likely be of cosmic proportions. Picture the earth hacking up a giant hairball, exclaiming “patooie!” as the lot of us is propelled off into space. “That’s better” says she.
…”average adult person”…
Somehow, I find myself thinking that if this law is put in practice, “average adult person” will effectively be defined as “nuttiest fundamentalist crank parents.” Once the law is implemented, good luck with the politics and public relations of telling a parent trying to shield their poor widdle children from the many “obscenities” of the modern world that they’re not an “average adult person,” no matter how extreme their demands.