While not illegal at the time she was in office.  Sec. of State Clinton used private email accounts instead of the official Dept of State system.  As Dept of State’s system was hacked, then some mail  released by Wikileaks, such a move may have been smart.  Also, she had greater control as to what could be subpoenaed.  Later laws require use of official Email and former Secretaries of State (including Clinton) have supplied copies to the department.

One of the private accounts was a personal email server running from her home in NY state.

“The Clinton’s home email system was registered to an Eric Hoteham, a name who doesn’t show up in public records database searches, adding further mystery to Clinton’s decision to avoid using official email.”

So who is Eric?  The neighbor’s son who is a “whizz” with computers?  A former NSA spook?

While everyone in the Clinton camp claims “nothing sensitive” was discussed on that server….that begs belief.  

Unless there is a full time Administrator daily updating patches, AV and watching logs (Secret Service would provide physical security) such a system would be a gold mine to intelligence services.  This would reveal the thinking of the Sec with close, trusted personal advisers.

I have to say that for people so “savvy”  in politics, this may be the dumbest Official thing I have ever  heard.
