I do enjoy it when our enemies forget about us for a half-hour or so and dedicate themselves to attacking each other.
Radio host Glenn Beck announced recently that he would quit the National Rifle Association completely if they re-elected Grover Norquist, whom he accused of being sympathetic to the Muslim Brotherhood, to its board. And during his radio show today, Beck announced that because of his comments, the NRA was now investigating Norquist’s alleged secret Muslim-ness.
For years, Beck has accused Norquist of being associated with the Muslim Brotherhood, citing his past ties with Islamic-American groups such as CAIR, his prior attempts to build a coalition between conservative Muslim groups and the Bush Administration, and the fact that his wife is a Palestinian Muslim. Norquist also happens to sit on the board of the NRA, as a prominent and powerful Conservative should do.
These Muslims sure are a suspect crew.
Paranoia is a hell of a drug.
Some more good tunes:
Shootout. Fully auto weapons at ten paces. It’s the only way to settle this once and for all.
The rest of the NRA board should line up behind their guys, also, too.
Norquist’s wife is Muslim. This is Glenn Beck’s way of saying that marrying a Muslim will get you shunned by fellow tribe members.
Has anyone ever asked Grover his opinion on Palestine/Israel? Especially give his party’s unqualified support for Netanyahoo and Israel.
I do so look forward to a good feeding-frenzy involving conservatives!
I just wish I could throw some chum in the waters, to make the frenzied feeders even hungrier with blood-lust!!!
Liked that OK, but this close relative has more of my affection:
Gee, this is good.
yes, it is.
I like the tonal reinvention of the bridge, and the gleeful delivery of the last verse delights me:
That no tax pledge is killing them. If the goal is to only tax the poors you got to start taxing the cigs and alcohol…and the internet. See the poors have figured out they get stuff off the internet with no tax and no shipping charges. That has to stop if the big box business model is continue into the 21st century.
If I recall, there were some embarrassing things about Norquist that turned up during Operation Green Quest by in 2002 or 2003.
But if you are worrying about Americans collaborating with Muslim terrorists, try the front page of today’s NY Times.
When the CIA gets caught with its pants down they invoke what I call “the Whoopsie Daisy” excuse. That is, they say, yes, we did supply funding to al Qaeda, but it was a mistake, bureaucratic or otherwise. So we need a bigger budget to keep better track of our funds.
Any of the Boo folk accidentally contribute to al Qaeda? Didn’t think so.
Evidence of the ultimate futility of joining ranks with the white, rightwing “christian” thugs. Unless one is 100% like them, one is always vulnerable to being tossed out. Beck better watch his back because in one of those purification rituals, Mormons will become “the other” again.