Unfortunately, there are parents in the world who take their children to see Sen. Ted Cruz without warning them that his apocalyptic bullshit is just a scam to scare the rubes. The result is predictable.
Tampa Bay Times political editor Adam Smith noted on Twitter that Cruz had to pause his speech to respond to a little girl in the audience who was young enough to be carried by her mother.
“Ted Cruz literally just scared a little girl in NH,” Smith wrote. “‘The world is on fire?!’ she asked, repeating his line on Obama-Clinton foreign policy.”
“The world is on fire,” Cruz replied, turning to face the girl and her mother. “Yes! Your world is on fire!”
Realizing that his rhetoric might have gone too far, the Texas Republican decided to do some damage control.
“But you know what?” he asked. “Your mommy is here and everyone is here to make sure that the world you grow up in is even better.”
All this is, really, is a moment of moral clarity.
It also demonstrates that Ted Cruz has limits. Little girls young enough to be carried by their mothers cannot vote. Therefore, there’s really no point in ramping up their anxiety level.
The rest of us?
He hopes we wet our pants.
How do assholes like this become a US Senator? Crooks, thieves, libertines, those I understand, but how do total assholes get elected?
As best I can figure out in this case, it’s a matter of lots of money and enough Texans.
Support from the CPAC crowd and funded by billionaire assholes.. They love no-nothing bullies.
But why do people vote for them? Is the electorate composed of a majority of automatons who vote for who ever’s ad they have seen the most?
How would I know? I’ve yet to figure out how anyone could vote for Nixon once much less twice.
Different culture down here. You might find this interesting. It’s about the political psychology of the Texas Baptists. There are a lot of religions down here but basically the Baptists set the tone.
How? I suggest you read Douglas Williams:
on how that could happen. He lives in Alabama, so he writes about what is happening there. Basically the Alabama Democratic Party is a complete mess and no one cares to fix it. And when you can’t even get people on the ballot in statewide races, you have a problem.
I read somewhere that John Boehner’s drunken behavior was the norm amongst congressmen in the 1960’s. Congress was a big cocktail lounge sans the Playboy bunnies. Still, there were some fine senators in that era. Ted Kennedy was a boozer, but he was a fine Congressman. Fifty years later, I do fear that corporations really do run everything. We have to endure the parade of mostly, Republican idiots on display, and the realization is painful. Corporations suck up the most talented, maybe academia too. We’re left with mediocre backbenchers from lackluster law firms in the Deep South, a livestock impregnator from Iowa, and a bizarre entity from Texas. All this would make for a fine John Grisham novel illustrated by Robert Crumb.
Nice touch: illustrated by Robert Crumb.
Might have been worse in the 1950s. I recall reading a bio on LBJ which discussed the “booze ‘n’ broads” operation being run out of the senate, with the approval and cooperation of majority leader Johnson, who undoubtedly partook of the pleasures.
And besides the heavy-drinking and womanizing Lyndon, another famous conservative senator, the most famous of his time, one Joe McCarthy (Ted Cruz in his previous lifetime), was well-known for getting regularly sloshed.
Fewer boozers and alcoholics these days, but probably more idiots, assholes and fascists.
McCarthy was an alcoholic but not a womanizer. The booze killed him at the age of 48.
No, not much of a womanizer: on the contrary, the rumors back then were that he was homosexual.
If so, more likely repressed than in the closet. As alcohol lowers inhibitions, significantly repressed. Or the booze dulled his sexuality and sexual appetite before maturity and left him indifferent.
Jeers to the mom who took this poor child to this sad spectacle.
They don’t seem to have responded to his assertion that the Obama economy is a wreck and Obamacare is a disaster. seemed to me they greeted him with the same kind of silence [with which] the firefighters greeted him. he’s preaching a kind of 2012 type sermon like the Rmoney campaign would have used.
OT but preparing for the holiday
in an honest world …
little girl: “the world is on fire?!”
ted cruz: “no, li’l darlin’ … just my pants.”
Can’t help but compare Cru whose tirade scares small children and Obama the Baby Whisperer. In a nutshell, eh?
Ah, yes, that was a sweet sweet moment:
I love Obama’s expression after he takes the baby. “Yeah, I know how to bounce a baby.”