There is an illuminating article at Mondoweiss that shows how the New York Times completely rewrote a piece they published on Benjamin Netanyahu’s “racism.” The first piece was authored by Isabel Kershner and Rick Gladstone and went up at 5:13pm on Election Day. The second piece went up at 9:08pm and was no longer attributed to Rick Gladstone. It appeared with only Kershner in the byline, and it significantly softened the tone of the piece and excised an official statement from the Zionist Union Party, as well as critical quotes from one of their officials and from Dov Hanin, a Joint Arab List candidate.
Netanyahu is quite simply whitewashed in the second article. This new draft—doubtless penned when NYT editors realized Netanyahu would likely be the next prime minister—is significantly kinder. Its thesis is essentially that Netanyahu is not actually a racist and that he does not truly unequivocally oppose the two-state solution. It features lines such as:
- Mr. Netanyahu has a long history in power and has in the past demonstrated that he can change positions from campaigning to governing. His record is as a pragmatist, analysts said.
- “I am sure that Netanyahu, with his broad historical perspective, if he is prime minister again, will be thinking long and hard about what legacy he will want to leave behind with regard to the demographic makeup of the country and its standing in the world,” said Gidi Grinstein, founder of the Reut Institute, an Israeli strategy group. “In the end I would not rule out his going back to the two-state solution.”
Euphemistically, the esteemed publication writes “In the final days of a closely fought election race, Mr. Netanyahu threw all political and diplomatic niceties to the wind.” That is one way of saying that, in order to attract votes, the right-wing Israeli prime minister resorted to base racism, fear-mongering, and—in what Ali Abunimah pointed out is strikingly reminiscent of early-20th-century anti-Semitic tropes—conspiracy theories about powerful foreign interests supposedly conspiring to unseat him.
Obviously, Mondoweiss is a harsh critic of Israel under all circumstances, but they have demonstrated how America’s most prestigious newspaper shades their coverage. What had been a blunt assessment of Netanyahu’s racist anti-Arab tactics and jettisoning of the two-state solution became very quickly a combination of a lack of “niceties” and some version of “he didn’t really mean it.”
Maybe some people are so beholden to the idea that Israel is a good faith partner for some future two-state solution that they simply couldn’t believe their ears, but the Obama administration isn’t revising history virtually at the same moment it is made. This piece in Foreign Policy is a shot across the bow:
After years of blocking U.N. efforts to pressure Israelis and Palestinians into accepting a lasting two-state solution, the United States is edging closer toward supporting a U.N. Security Council resolution that would call for the resumption of political talks to conclude a final peace settlement, according to Western diplomats.
The move follows Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s decisive re-election Tuesday after the incumbent publicly abandoned his commitment to negotiate a Palestinian state — the basis of more than 20 years of U.S. diplomatic efforts — and promised to continue the construction of settlements on occupied territory. The development also reflects deepening pessimism over the prospect of U.S.-brokered negotiations delivering peace between Israelis and Palestinians.
Shortly before this week’s election, the United States informed its diplomatic partners that it would hold off any moves in the U.N. Security Council designed to put Israel on the spot at the United Nations in the event that Netanyahu’s challenger, Isaac Herzog, won the election. But U.S. officials signaled a willingness to consider a U.N. resolution in the event that Netanyahu was re-elected and formed a coalition government opposed to peace talks.
Further confirmation of a rift comes in Michael Crowley’s piece in Politico:
Angered by Netanyahu’s hard-line platform toward the Palestinians, top Obama officials would not rule out the possibility of a change in American posture at the United Nations, where the U.S. has historically fended off resolutions hostile to Israel.
And despite signals from Israel suggesting that Netanyahu might walk back his rejection, late in the campaign, of a Palestinian state under his watch, Obama officials say they are taking him at his word.
The default position for many observers of the U.S.-Israel relationship is a hard cynicism about the prospects that the U.S. will ever hold Israel’s settlers accountable, but Jonathan Alter may be right when we writes, “A reckoning is coming—faster than expected—for Netanyahu, his Likud Party and maybe even for the State of Israel itself.”
Sometimes things stay the same until they change.
[Cross-posted at Progress Pond]
I’ll wait and see, but I wouldn’t hold my breath. I’m sure Bibi will be losing tons of sleep from sternly worded letters and condemnations.
If there’s an issue out there where cynicism knows no bounds, it’s the US relationship with Israel; aside from maybe climate change, which as each study comes out, it turns out I’m not cynical enough.
Still, as you say…some things stay the same, until they don’t.
Uh, Cuba? Even in this case, the policy has already shifted. Can you imagine the Bush administration taking this position? Or a McCain or Romney administration?
At any rate, it’s really Bibi that made the move here. Continuing to build settlements on Palestinian land is an act of aggression for which he no longer has any cover. Alea iacta est.
Cuba was obvious; Obama’s made signals at changing that since the beginning.
I can imagine Bush I taking this position, yes.
“No longer any cover” is what matters. Our administrations have allowed Israeli government to control their UN votes forever on the grounds that the UN shouldn’t upset the peace process. Now Netanyahu has formally acknowledged that the peace process has been a fraud on his part as long as he’s been PM, the US must vote on the principles that should have been overriding all along, at least on settlements.
○ Gaza War: Bringing Out the Worst in Israeli Misogyny, Racism
Cross-posted from my diary – The New York Times Not Telling the Truth About Netanyahu.
Shameful. Reveals that all the NYTimes’ mea culpas wrt being a propaganda shill for GWB’s invasion of Iraq were lies. Lies designed to minimize the damage of being exposed as a war propagandist that discredited the NYTimes brand.
This latest historical revision will work just fine for brand NYTimes, a very serious newspaper. And there was no racist code speak by POTUS candidates in the 1976 and 1980 elections.
It has to be more complicated than that, given that a more honest version of the story made it all the way to publication and they pulled it only when they did. It’s as if they think of themselves as a kind of pseudo-state that has to maintain diplomatic relationships with some regimes they privately recognize as criminal.
Chomsky has been pointing out for like forever that truth and verifiable facts do leak through NYTimes articles regardless of the editorial diligence in excising them.
The initial version may have been released when the Zionist proofreader was asleep or on break. Hence being quickly pulled, revised, and the co-writer’s byline being removed.
From billmon
Anticipated NYTimes’ revision by many hours.
I’m glad this happened at a time when Obama doesn’t have to face reelected. As a result, there’s some chance Israel will pay a price. Not a large enough one but would be nice to see a step in the right direction.
Might have helped him. Americans seriously don’t appreciate obvious outside interference in US elections. And the swift and negative public response to the “Iran letter” — even if only a few understand that it was related to Bibi’s demands on the US — demonstrates a vague awareness of the separation of duties.
OTOH, team Clinton might be scrambling for how to parse her long-standing positions.