There’s a new film you should see about the industry of Climate Change Denial: Merchants of Doubt. It will be shown in only a limited release, but you can also stream it on Hulu. Here’s the trailer:
And the “star” of the film is the Marc Morano, who runs the climate denial blog Climate Depot (link deliberately not provided), a former staffer of Senator James Inhofe (R – Big Oil). He openly admits in Merchants of Doubt that “I’m not a scientist, although I do I play one on TV occasionally. Okay, hell, maybe more than occasionally. [Laughs]” That’s one of his many jobs – debating real climate scientists on news outlets, among them Fox News and CNN. You can see him in the the trailer of the documentary also saying the following:
“Communication is about sales. Keep it simple. People will fill in the blanks with their own – I hate to say biases – but with their own perspectives in many cases. […]
We go up against a scientist, most of them are very hard to understand and very BORING“
But Morano is much more than merely a shill for hire. He is one nasty piece of work. A former producer of Rush Limbaugh’s radio show, he also helped jump start the Swift Boat campaign against John Kerry with his May 3, 2004 CNS article “Kerry ‘Unfit to be Commander-in-Chief,’ Say Former Military Colleagues” which CNS has conveniently scrubbed from its website, but which you can read in it entirety here. Morano was also instrumental in casting aspersions on Rep. John Murtha’s military record and the medals and citations Murtha was awarded, after Murtha came out in 2005 against any further deployment of troops to Iraq.
Now the Cybercast News Service, a supposedly independent organization with deep ties to the Republican Party, has dusted off the Swift Boat Veterans playbook, questioning whether Mr. Murtha deserved his two Purple Hearts. The article also implied that Mr. Murtha did not deserve the Bronze Star he received, and that the combat-distinguishing “V” on it was questionable. It then called on Mr. Murtha to open up his military records.
Cybercast News Service is run by David Thibault, who formerly worked as the senior producer for “Rising Tide,” the televised weekly news magazine produced by the Republican National Committee. One of the authors of the Murtha article was Marc Morano, a long-time writer and producer for Rush Limbaugh.
However, the most despicable thing he does now is post lies about, and misleading quotes (conveniently taken out of context) by, climate scientists on his website. Then he publishes their email addresses. In short he’s a serial harasser of scientists who publish peer reviewed scientific research linking climate change to the burning of carbon based fuels. You can imagine the result.
Climate ethicist Donald Brown, who has been the focus of Morano’s “reprehensible” tactics four times, called it “sheer intimidation.” In 2012, highly-regarded MIT climatologist (and Republican) Kerry Emanuel — another Morano target — wrote me, “I had heard about the hate mail and threats received by others, but am surprised at how little it takes these days to trigger hysterical and hateful responses from the ideologues out there.” Emanuel explained that some emails contained “veiled threats against my wife,” and other “tangible threats.”
Morano himself seems to think this is all just fun and games. Or so he has claimed, when he says in Merchants of Doubt how much he enjoyed coming up with new ways to “mock and ridicule” scientists when he worked for Inhofe. The truth is, there is nothing funny about what he does, as his own rhetoric is often tinged with the language of violence and hate, such as this example from an article in the March 2010 issue of Scientific Americanwhich he was quoted as saying climate scientists are perpetrating a “con job.”
“You have every aspect of our lives subject to regulatory control – down to the light bulbs we can put in – based on climate science,” Morano said. The researchers “never wanted to debate and they kept trying to demand the debate was over.”
“Whenever you have someone ginning up a crisis and wanting to take power, you’re going to have anger,” he added. “When you’ve been conned at a used car dealer, you don’t go back cheerily and politely to talk to them.” […]
“I seriously believe we should kick them while they’re down” … “They deserve to be publicly flogged.”
Obviously, the scientists attacked by Morano’s one man cyber-bullying campaign are deeply affected by the hate mail and threats they receive as a result of Morano’s “little jokes” and deceptions, such as this one of Stanford Professor Stephen Schneider:
Here’s what [Morano] wrote (juxtaposed beneath a picture of Adolf Hitler on Climate Depot’s homepage):
Warmist Prof Stephen Schneider accuses sceptics of telling ‘Hitlerian lies about climate scientists’ – Complains of ‘hundreds’ of hate email – [Morano supplied two email addresses for Schneider here]
Schneider: ‘I get scared that we’re now in a new Weimar republic where people are prepared to listen to what amounts to Hitlerian lies about climate scientists’[NB: Schneider didn’t actually accuse sceptics of telling “Hitlerian lies” – he was speaking of a neo-Nazi website that had included his name on a “death list” – but Morano somewhat conveniently failed to mention this rather important point.]
So, what possible reason could Morano have for prominently displaying these email addresses – as he does for many other stories that involve climate scientists he evidently despises – other than to encourage his readers who lap up his warped world vision to “get in touch”? I’ll let you fill in the gaps.
What exactly are Morano’s credentials as a climate expert – other than working for Rush Limbaugh and James Inhofe, and as a journalist for the right wing media outlet, Cybercast News Service? Desmogblog has the details on his “credentials” such as they are.
Marc Morano is the executive director and chief correspondent of, a project of the Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow (CFACT). Morano is also the Communications Director at CFACT, a conservative think-tank in Washington D.C. that has received funding from ExxonMobil, Chevron, as well as hundreds of thousands of dollars from foundations associated with Richard Mellon Scaife. According to 2011 IRS Forms (PDF), Morano was the highest paid staff member with a salary of $150,000 per year. Morano’s blog Climate Depot regularly publishes articles questioning man-made global warming.
Although he has no scientific expertise in the area, Morano has become a prominent climate change denier. He has been called “the Matt Drudge of climate denial”, the “King of the skeptics,” and a “central cell of the climate-denial machine.” He was also listed as one of 17 top “climate killers” by Rolling Stone Magazine. He has accused climate scientists of “fear mongering,” and has claimed that proponents of man-made global warming are “funded to the tune of $50 billion.”
When Morano was asked about his qualifications for speaking about an issue such as climate science, he responded by saying, “I have a background in political science, which is the perfect qualification to examine global warming.”
I suppose his background in political science and “smear campaigns” helps him keep his communications to his audience simple, so they can provide the proper “perspectives” to the “information” he “sells” regarding climate change. Simple enough to ratchet up unreasonable hate and threats toward real scientists earning far less than Mr. Morano does.
Meanwhile, in the wastes of Antarctica, brave researchers risk their lives flying in all sorts of weather in an antiquated Douglas DC-3 (You’d think with $50 Billion at their disposal they could afford something a little better to fly for hours over that deadly, frozen landscape) to do the hard work of real science – taking measurements of the ice sheets that are thinning rapidly in both West and East Antarctica.
Even if you’re lucky enough that there’s an ice runway where you want to land in Antarctica, that doesn’t mean the weather will allow you to. And then, even if your plane is equipped to fly for eight hours, at some point, you do have to find a way to stop flying. When that happens to the scientists of the International Collaboration for Exploration of the Cryosphere Through Aerogeophysical Profiling (ICECAP) team, they manage to land “in the middle of nowhere,” according to on-board geophysicist Jamin Greenbaum. Then they camp out. Eventually they’ll be able to make it back to their base.
Greenbaum tells me he’s never been scared. Even though the plane is an Indiana Jones-style Douglas DC-3 that served in World War II. It can deploy skis as landing gear when necessary, and the pilots are a Calgary-based crew, expert at flying in suboptimal conditions.
“We have had some harried situations,” Greenbaum said. For the past eight years he has done annual two-to-five-month deployments to Antarctica to survey the ice. He rides in the cargo hull of the plane, along with 1,000 pounds of ice-penetrating radar, lasers, and magnetic-field mapping equipment. “You know, it’s Antarctica; in 1,500 hours you’re going to have some bad weather. But no, I’ve never once gotten nervous.”
Sure hope Morano doesn’t decide to “release the dogs” by posting personal information about the scientists of the ICECAP team who so recently revealed the dangers of thinning ice from warming ocean current in both West and East Antarctica. But maybe he’ll be too busy enjoying his status as the “star” of the documentary about his deceitful and unethical tactics to smear bigger fish in the climate science community, to bother with the folks of ICECAP.
Kenner, 65, does admire people such as Marc Morano, a professional climate-change denier and founder of the Climate Depot Web site who is, arguably, the star of Kenner’s film [Merchants of Doubt]. […]
In “Doubt,” Morano recounts with glee how he has published the e-mail addresses of climate scientists, subjecting them to intimidation and flaming attacks from anonymous critics. (Several of the abusive e-mails are read aloud in the film by their recipients, in an evocation of Jimmy Kimmel’s “Celebrities Read Mean Tweets” segments.) It makes for a semi-serious tone that masks Kenner’s more sobering message: We’re routinely being lied to, by people who are darn good at it.
Unfortunately, the efforts of people like Morano, who by any definition is a thug and character assassin, have had a lasting effect already on our ability to limit the effects of man-made climate change, as Harvard Professor, Naomi Oreskes, co-author of the book Merchants of Doubt, on which the film of the same name is based, points out.
“Scientists are worried. We’ve lost 20 years. If this keeps up as we’re going, we’re looking at a 6- to 10-foot rise in the sea level by 2100.” The film brings that point home graphically, showing a map of Boston and nearly all major coastal cities underwater. Reiterating the pandemic fear sweeping through the scientific community, Oreskes points to the IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) recommendation of a significant (some say 80 percent) reduction in emissions by 2050 as a necessary course of action. “The really crucial thing,” Oreskes says, “is to get started on emissions reduction, because once we do, technology and momentum will kick in. The hardest thing is to start.”
Yes, twenty critical years wasted thanks to hacks and mercenaries like Marc Morano. Years that we could have turned the tide to limit our exorbitant emissions of greenhouse gases. Years that we will never recover. And Morano is still out there right now, working hard to delay action on climate change for another twenty years, while being well paid to destroy the lives of hundreds of millions in the short term, and quite possibly by the end of the century, billions of human beings (not to mention all the other species going extinct because of global warming). Is it any wonder I labeled Morano “Evil” in my title? Trust me, it isn’t hyperbole.
This would a;; stop if LYING were made illegal in the USA. When you have numerous RW talk shows and Fox out there allowed to say anything. It just allows for hacks to jam up the works. The sad thing is people die.
Keep putting his name and his organizations out there, and pretty soon he becomes the shorthand version of “You don’t have to take this criticism seriously.” Right now we’re doing it to the Koch brothers, as their heretofore sub rosa monkey-wrenching of the political process gets dragged out into the public. Morano can be de-legitimized as well, and every mention of him and CFACT is a little nick in his credibility.
Yeah, it’ll take some doing, but the alternative is to let this little troll continue to operate in the shadows and more people will suffer and die.
We should also shine more light on NASA’s Antarctic ice core data, which shows the relationship between CO2 and temperature over an 800,000 year period, representing orders of magnitude more data on this subject than all other climate studies combined. The public really needs to know about this.
Here is what the ice core data revealed: both have varied greatly over time, but temperature always changed first, and then CO2 changed in the same direction over the next 400-1000 years. NASA themselves acknowledged this. The level of CO2 had no correlation with either the temperature directly or with the rate of change of temperature at the same point in time. In fact, the periods when temperature was falling the fastest was consistently when CO2 was near its peak. This directly contradicts the theory that CO2 significantly affects temperature. It hasn’t for over 800,000 years, and the “cause” cannot occur after the “effect”. NASA believes in AGW, but has not yet been able to explain how AGW can be reconciled with this overwhelming refutal of the CO2 premise.
Needless to say, climate “scientists” who are funded by Democrats (and only publish the few results that support man-made climate change in order to keep their job) never bring up the ice core data, choosing to rely instead on studies representing less than 100 years of data, most of which are far less relevant as they don’t even directly correlate CO2 with temperature in any way. By doing so, they are ignoring 99.9875% of the data available, and that is TRUE denial. That is like a “scientist” claiming you will definitely get rich playing the lottery, only telling you about the few winners and ignoring the 99.9875% chance that you will NOT win.
We should also shine a light on the many Democrats who own a fortune in wind and solar energy, who opposed construction of new 100% clean nuclear and 100% clean and renewable hydroelectric plants, and even imposed an import tariff against affordable Chinese solar cells (which would reduce CO2 but compete with the solar companies Democrats own). This should give you a hint that “environmental protection” is not nearly as important to them as making money. They cleverly invested in one industry whose stock was cheap due to their product not competing well in the free market. Then they did everything in their power to destroy the competition. No matter how many times they say “Koch Brothers”, man-made CO2 climate change is just an underhanded business tactic, nothing more.
Thankfully, eventually more and more people will become aware of the ice core data, and CO2-based climate-change will join the same ranks of scientific ignorance as the “vaccines cause autism” movement. Let the truth be known.
Where are your links, or should I just trust your PhD in climatology as-is?
You’re a scumbag sock puppet. Get your stupid ass away from here. This is the big kid’s table.
Steve — I’m a political science major from MIAMI UNIVERSITY, OXFORD-OHIO. I have the “pedigree” — Christian-oriented MAJOR UNIVERSITY – IVY-LEAGUE CALIBER “PUBLIC” UNIVERSITY (It’s public like Ohio State – But – IVY LEAGUE In Student Admission & Quality Of Instruction/Courses). This piece of human excrement — actually – I ran into these “cats” while matriculating @ “Mother” Miami (Yes, That’s What We Used To Call It — All 24 Of Us “Progressives” Out Of Oh, Say – 15,000 – 99% White Students + 15 Blacks, Give Or Take!). Morano makes my point (AS A PROGRESSIVE) — That, For Christ’s Sakes — If You’re Going To Be EFFECTIVE — God Almighty — Keep It Simple — To The Point — And Loaded With “Punch”! In essence, Progressives Must Be BRUTAL — In language, tone, delivery & overall message. Anything arcane, academic, wordsy is USELESS. BALLSY with Jesuit Logic Is THE WAY!!!! This Guy Could Be Cut Off At The Knees In A One-On-One In Front Of The Camera —–> With A “Variety” Of Methods —-> ala “Andrew Dice Clay” —–> “ —-> Raunchy, Cheeky, Brutal, And Non-Stop! The GOP are a mutant race with a GROSSLY OVERENLARGED AMYGDALA! As Josef Stalin used to say: “Beat’em, beat’em & then beat’em again.”
Can you not appreciate the irony of claiming to be an intellectual yet promoting brutal barbaric tactics over logic and civility? I’m sorry that you were one of the 24 out of 15,000 who were unable to actually take advantage of the superior academic opportunity afforded to you (although that incredibly low failure rate is quite a testament to how superior Christian-oriented education is), but that is no reason to fly the banner of Josef Stalin. Humanity has already tried your liberal experiment in Soviet Russia and Nazi Germany, it didn’t work so well. Sadly history is not a favorite subject of the left.
You’re hilarious. Keep it up.
I’d have preferred he title of the film to be as above, since Obersturmbanfuhrer Morono does not simply “doubt” the theory and overwhelming scientific evidence of global warming, he categorically denies it. He and the internet thugs he incites are not “skeptics”, nor do they have an “open mind” on the subject—they are committed denialists, and nothing could change their mind, including the oceans washing over Florida.
Morono’s tactics of operating to incite personal threats, fear and terror are proto-fascistic, and would easily be recognized (and approved) by Nazi PR chief Josef Goebbels. Attempting to silence one’s political opposition through fear and violence was a Nazi method, up to and including assault and ultimately murder. Of course the leaders of such rightwing know -nothing authoritarian movements, after knowingly inciting their thugs to violence, then piously deny such an intent.
It would be interesting for psychologists to examine the actual motivation of a turd like Morono, whose shop-worn arguments are all made in bad faith and are internally inconsistent. Yes, of course denialism pays the bills and keeps a roof over his head and gas in the tank of the family SUV. But in the circles he moves in and the funders he deals with, $150K is nothing, basically it’s chicken feed, practically embarrassing. It’s bagman pay, and in the eyes of the plutocrats paying him, Morono is just another disreputable tool and asocial hitman in their pay. Unless he’s getting a lot more that can’t be spotted, the cash isn’t likely why he’s spent more than a decade as a denialist coach.
The motivation is much more likely to be blind hatred of lib’ruls and the goal of stopping whatever they advocate, whatever the ultimate cost may be. It’s that Morono’s “team” must win and that the other team must experience bitter defeat. And when a person like this is willing to do what he does, utterly discounting the almost inconceivable risks that he is advocating (and forcing) civilization to run, then one has to say that we are close to dealing with an American psychopath.
Never forget that there are many players on Team Denialist, and that this nauseating fool is just a single cog in the machine. To the extent that some disinfecting light can be shown on the underside of the rock, great. But not many will ever see this film, as its distribution makes clear, nor does the corporate media have any intention of making the denialist industry and its funders a major story that the ordinary American boob will ever become aware of.
Perhaps humans living in the destroyed climate and earth of the (not so distant) future will care about how American denialists (like Morono) wrecked the earth’s chances. Then the irreversibility of their plight may fuel holy rage. But for the humans of today who can actually do something about both climate change and the turds like Morono, it’s in one ear and out the other–as recipients of the Morono machine, the “debate” rages on, haha.
Indeed, when liberals incite personal threats, fear and terror to silence their opposition, it is very much like the far-left Nazi tactics that the Democrat party is based upon. It is a shame today’s liberals lack the intelligence to understand that in Europe, “far-right” means what “far-left” means in America: big government control of everything. Fascists were exactly that, they were the National Socialist Party after all. They had high-taxes, silenced opposition (much like liberals want to do to all skeptic scientists), had almost as much propaganda as the American left, banned things they didn’t like (Nazi Germany made it illegal for citizens to own guns and was the fist country to ban smoking), had socialized healthcare, government cars, hated the Catholic Church, and Hitler was even a vegetarian. The only somewhat “right-wing” part of the Nazi party is that they were pro-country. But liberals believe history itself is propaganda from the Koch brothers and Fox news, and always attempt to rewrite it to fit their agenda.
As far as “man-made” climate change is concerned, NASA, one of the predominant AGW alarmists, has analyzed Antarctic ice cores to determine the relationship between CO2 and temperature over an 800,000 year period, representing orders of magnitude more data on this subject than all other climate studies combined.
Here is what the ice core data revealed: both have varied greatly over time, but temperature always changed first, and then CO2 changed in the same direction over the next 400-1000 years. NASA themselves acknowledged this. The level of CO2 had no correlation with either the temperature directly or with the rate of change of temperature at the same point in time. In fact, the periods when temperature was falling the fastest was consistently when CO2 was near its peak. This directly contradicts the theory that CO2 significantly affects temperature. It hasn’t for over 800,000 years, and the “cause” cannot occur after the “effect”. NASA believes in AGW, but has not yet been able to explain how AGW can be reconciled with this overwhelming refutal of the CO2 premise.
Needless to say, climate “scientists” never bring up the ice core data, choosing to rely instead on studies representing less than 100 years of data, most of which are far less relevant as they don’t even directly correlate CO2 with temperature in any way. By doing so, they are ignoring 99.9875% of the data available, and that is TRUE denial. That is like a “scientist” claiming you will get rich playing the lottery, focusing only on the few winners and ignoring the 99.9875% chance that you will NOT win. By convincing people to waste effort and resources on reducing CO2 emissions, they are diverting effort and resources away from REAL environmental protection concerns (and harming their validity as well), and are therefore causing net harm to the environment rather than helping it.
What I really don’t understand though is how it is possible to be so gullible as to believe that only fossil-fuel interests have a financial incentive to spread misinformation. It’s no secret that Democrats own a fortune in wind and solar energy, and have also opposed construction of new 100% clean nuclear and 100% clean and renewable hydroelectric plants, and even imposed an import tariff against affordable Chinese solar cells (which would reduce CO2 but compete with the solar companies Democrats own). This should give you a hint that “environmental protection” is not nearly as important to them as making money. They cleverly invested in one industry whose stock was cheap due to their product not competing well in the free market. Then they did everything in their power to destroy the competition. Man-made CO2 climate change is just an underhanded business tactic, nothing more.
Yes, the DemocratTM party is based off of the Nazis.
Hitler was so pro-gay, pro-religious minority, and pro-labor that Democrats everywhere secretly salute the Swastika daily!
You’re hilarious, but also clearly delusional. Please don’t procreate.
Thanks in advance.
Haha, like a good little conserva-squirrel, you’ve gathered up just about every slogan-nut available and stored them up for cut n’ paste operations like this.
When presented with an actual pattern of fear and terror incitement by the American denialist movement you simply blithely assert that liberals also use terror and threats to silence opposition. It simply “has” to exist, so you invent it.
Your misunderstanding of the ice core data and the howler that climate scientists “never bring up” ice core data, which was collected at enormous expense and effort, is both comic and supremely ignorant. The ice core data independently established the famed hockey stick demonstrating the current warming and was critical in measuring ancient CO2 levels and how they are now off the charts.
That you think NASA and other scientists haven’t “explained” the CO2/temp relationship over time is also a sign that your brain has been completely destroyed by the consumption of rightwing sewage and is beyond functioning. I’m not going to waste time on explaining the natural cycles of waxing and waning ice ages that the ice core data demonstrates, but the idea that CO2 “never” leads temp over the eons of Earth’s climate is foolish and uninformed. This is a chestnut of scientifically illiterate laymen like you, not scientists. The idea that the world’s climate scientists would have simply ignored the relationship seen in the ice cores if it undermined cause and effect of greenhouse gases is cretinous and the product of a conspiracy theorist intellects like your hero Morono.
As for your dimwitted understanding of the Nazi movement and “history”, it’s nice that you read Goldberg’s comical book on the subject, but under your theory all current gub’mints are “fascist” since they all regulate behavior to some degree. Ditto gun control, which all European nations of the 30s exercised to one degree or another—and still do. You can’t see the forest for the trees with regard to nationalist, authoritarian, militarist, corporatist, anti-labor and “folk” based rightwing movements in history, and you never will be able to, since (as we’ve seen) your brain has been poisoned. Sorry, but it’s of your own doing.