Rick Santorum can occasionally make a lot of sense, even if he tends to do it unintentionally. Remember back in the fall of 2012 when he said this?
“We will never have the media on our side, ever, in this country. We will never have the elite, smart people on our side,” Santorum said in a speech to the gathering of conservative activists at a Washington hotel.
It wasn’t entirely clear who was included in Santorum’s “we,” but it wasn’t synonymous with members of the Republican Party. Little Ricky was speaking to conservatives. And he was telling them pretty plainly that “smart” people would never agree with conservative ideas. He didn’t see this as an indication that there might be anything wanting in conservative ideas, but he did know that smart people simply don’t believe in them.
There’s a degree to which this is true, but only if you restrict yourself to certain types of right-wing ideas. There are plenty of smart people who want a strong defense, more local control of government, lower taxes, stronger punishments for crime, and have a preference for traditional religiously sanctioned family and gender roles. But these are not really conservative ideas in the modern, contemporary sense. They are just Republican ideas.
To see a conservative idea, you need to keep listening to Santorum:
And, in discussing gay issues, he compared gay people getting married to napkins, saying: “I can call this napkin a paper towel. But it is a napkin. And why? Because it is what it is.”
You see, this is taking a simple idea (marriage is traditionally between a man and a woman) and turning into something so stupid that no smart person would agree with it.
Another example of the conservativization of a basic idea is going from concern that a porous southern border could be an entry point for terrorists looking to do us harm and taking it in this direction:
Recently, Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-Tex.) has beens sounding the alarm about a new and insidious plot involving so called “terror babies.” Infants are sometimes known to be terrors in their own right, but this diabolical plan involves terrorists sending pregnant women into the US to birth their America-hating spawns. The mothers and their kids then return home where, the congressman says, the children “could be raised and coddled as future terrorists”— and later, “twenty, thirty years down the road, they can be sent in to help destroy our way of life.”
There may be smart people who oppose reproductive rights for women or support spending absurd amounts of money trying to keep every last person from entering this country illegally, but there are no smart people who believe that there are terror babies. That’s just a conservative idea, not something anyone intelligent would entertain as a serious possibility.
I know that the meaning of words change over time, and “liberal” and conservative” are not exceptions. What I’m telling you is what “conservative” means today, not what it used to mean or what it ought to mean. Today, “conservative” means “fucking insane.”
And the Republican Party has been taken over by the fucking insane.
And let me tell you something about that. There’s value in having someone run for president as a Republican who is willing to stand up to the lunatics. Jon Huntsman made a half-hearted effort at it four years ago, and we saw how far it got him.
This time, it will be Jeb Bush who makes the effort. The elite, smart people in the media will love Jeb for it, even when he takes one step forward and three steps into the fetid bog. Most members of the media do hate modern conservatives because modern conservatives are submental, but they actually like many Republican ideas, whether we’re talking about Ronald Reagan or Dwight Eisenhower or Teddy Roosevelt.
Traditional Republican ideas have their strengths and shortcomings, as do traditional Democratic ideas. But there are no strengths in Donald Trump’s birth certificate ravings or Rudy Giuliani’s certifiable comments about the president’s love of America. Mike Huckabee isn’t saying anything with merit about U.S.-Israeli relations and Ben Carson is making no sense when he advocates the mass ethnic cleansing of Palestinians.
It goes without saying that virtually nothing that Sarah Palin, Michele Bachmann, Steve King, or dozens of other conservative lawmakers and politicians have to say about the president, entitlements, Obamacare, Benghazi, or rape is coherent or acceptable to “smart” people.
What they have to say isn’t even supposed to make sense in any ordinary way. They aren’t engaging in a debate where facts are brought to the table, enhanced, emphasized, deemphasized, shaded, and molded to persuade. They aren’t engaged in political spin. What they’re doing is engaging in a political argument in which reality is completely cast aside. They aren’t a part of “the reality-based community” and they don’t want to be. They won’t win on that playing field so they refuse to play on that playing field.
This decision may be the only rational decision that they make.
We can call them a freak show traveling in a clown car all we want, and naturally we are never going to be “on their side.” But conservatives control our Congress right now and they aren’t too far from the White House.
Jeb is a Republican who holds many traditionally conservative positions, and he’ll pander to contemporary conservatives to try to win the nomination, and he’ll have to rely on them and put them in positions of real power if he actually becomes president. But he isn’t actually insane and he hasn’t completely abandoned reality as a playing field.
So, the media will love him. Insofar as Jeb reminds people of his father, even some liberals will see in him some hope for a restoration of national sanity. But Jeb is no savior. The patient is terminal, and Jeb’s like a last ditch pointless round of chemo.
Conservatives own the Republican Party, and their grip won’t be loosened by a Republican, any Republican, winning the White House in 2016. The only way conservatives can be defeated is by losing so consistently that being insane is no longer a short-cut to political office and power.
And Jeb just came out in opposition to the minimum wage—not raising it, just having it as part of federal law. (And no, he wasn’t proposing to replace it with something like Danish wage laws.)
If Jeb’s like a last ditch pointless round of chemo, then he’s like a last ditch pointless round of chemo in which every other chemo treatment is replaced by a placebo treatment because the patient thinks it will work better.
Your analogy would work better if the GOP didn’t control both houses of Congress and most state houses and governor’s offices.
They may have lost the last two Presidential elections, but otherwise they’re doing really well in owning levers of power and not looking vulnerable to losing those either.
Am really curious how many states could manage to make their electoral votes proportional before 2016. You have to know that is on the to-do list if they want a hope of electing a know-nothing as president.
Interesting question. Off the top of my head, I’d say not enough. Are any considering proportional or by the method used in Maine and Nebraska? If the latter, getting half a loaf would be an attractive option where there is no or little chance of getting the whole loaf.
States where it’s currently feasible are FL, IO, MI, OH. and WI. Unfortunately half of the electoral votes from those states aren’t enough for a GOP win. Plus, once done they could screw themselves if they end up winning the state outright. They have to do better than flip FL (the EC richest state that they can hope to pick up) and get half the electoral college votes from IO, MI, OH, and WI.
Yes, today’s conservatives are certifiably insane!
From the UN coming to take away God, guns, and golf, to plane’s chemtrails, to Obama is some Commie Kenyan plant, they’ll believe ANY thing – as long as it’s outlandish enough.
And yet, they win elections!
Never underestimate the willingness of white Americans to vote FOR policies that will hurt them – as long as they’re led to believe that those policies will hurt minorities more!!!
The GOP is a party whose purse-strings are controlled by unaccountable psychopathic billionaires, and the political marionette’s they control, are willing sociopathic stooges.
And their voters range from the criminally psychopathically insane, to the gullible and malleable bigoted, stupid AND evil, and ignorant, people who probably shouldn’t even be driving on the roads if IQ were factored into the exam for a driver’s license!
And you know what?
With our cowardly, compliant, complicit, and inept MSM, we could very well have our own GOP version of Ancient Rome’s Caligula in the Oval Office in a couple of years.
And, won’t THAT be fun!
Maybe I’ll ‘see you in the GULag!’
I’ll try to save you a lower bunk.
Jeb! doesn’t have to save the GOP. He just has to keep it breathing long enough for this latest brain fever to break and the crazies retreat to recuperate from the spell. To drool quietly in the safety of their homes and relive those imaginary times when they were the top-dogs. In their alternative universe, they were the plantation owners and masters, the gazillionaire industrialists in the social register with their summer and winter mansions in all the swell places, and always ahead of the curve in their investments in the next new thing that insured their dynastic future.
They are always with us. Never large or rich enough to split from the political party they’ve hitched their wagon to and go their own way. Never smart enough to figure out that they’re rubes dancing to the tune of the latest paid pied piper.
The evil ones are those that manipulate the disadvantaged for their own personal gain and to the detriment of all others and the natural environment. They too are always with us, but they’re numbers are small enough that they can be cut down to size to limit their destruction. But to do that a better tune must be written and sung. And ordinary liberals and Democrats must stop giving a pass to Democratic pols humming along with the GOP pied pipers.
One of my favorite-worst conservative analogies made plain simple, made Palin dumb, is the comparison of automobile deaths on the nation’s highways as the same durn thing as those sacred guns. The illogic goes, “Cars do the same amount of damage. Do you want to ban all of them?” OK, following Santorum logic shouldn’t we be able to sit on a 9mm Glock in the driveway each morning, and command it to take us to work? Oh wait, cars are for transport, guns are for killing. OK, got it.
I would argue that there are already “Terror Babies” in the USA. We are seeing the adult versions of them in the current makeup of the TP/GOP. When they were children they were brainwashed by their parents to believe and act the way they do now.
These now adults are having families of their own and are producing more “Terror Babies” right here in the USA to further push their radical believes in the future elections.
The question is what do we do about these “USA Terror Babies?”
Try to keep up the educational anti brainwashing. Rights out birth us anyhow so conversion needs to happen.
I’d flip conservative and republican in this post.
No one can save the GOP. After passing a bill out of the House Judiciary that would allow mass deportations of undocumented persons; the House Republicans released the link below:
Smart people know this is not how a party governs.
????? did that Mr Latte have a career in porn internet advertising before? the the Koch bros recruit him from there?
This Floridian contends that JEB! is indeed insane. He just doesn’t portray himself as such. But he’s his brother on steroids when it comes to taking care of his own type.
Wow. That entire post was a complete waste of time.
I guess I don’t understand the gist of this. The Repub party is under the control of “conservatives”, funded by a class of American plutocrats, to whom their officeholder owe utter fealty. They are submental and irrational and base most policies on ignorant desires and blind emotion, when their plutocrat & CEO funders allow them to do anything other than rig the economic game even more in favor of the rich. The have successfully reanimated race as a major factor in the decisions of the American boob, and have turned their party into the party of majority whites.
Apparently there are plenty of “smart” (white) people who think “conservatives” are full of shit, while they happily keep voting Repub. Cause and effect are lost on them. Yes, rational people should not be able to vote Repub, and a great many smart people will not, and never will again.
But Team Conservative has gamed a lock on the House that is unbreakable for quite some time. They will not lose the senate for a long time, and will quickly abolish the filibuster as soon as they get a Repub prez. They control all Red States and completely control many Blue ones. They recently (again) slaughtered their weak and hapless opposition party, which shows no sign of recovery or acknowledgement that they have been mortally weakened and that lower education whites simply will not vote for their legislative candidates. The intellectuals of the opposition party have no consensus about what can be done to right the sinking ship or refurbish the brand.
This presents us with the question at hand–the presidency. Are you saying that if and when Jeb! wins the WH he is somehow going to veto some/any of the insane legislation passed by Boner and McConnell’s Lunatic Congress? He absolutely will not, he will sign every bill presented to him, just as his brother Bushco did. He will absolutely appoint conservative loons to most offices. He will rescind every executive action of Obama in the first week, indeed that will be a campaign pledge. He will govern as a crazed “conservative” and will have no choice in the matter.
Or is the idea that Jeb! cannot win the primary because he will “talk sense”? If he doesn’t win, then by definition he cannot save the Repub party.
Hillary is a deeply flawed candidate, in my view a terrible campaigner who will get only marginally better. The bloom will likely be off the rose once the campaign season starts to congeal and, as you say, many progressives simply have no energy for producing another Clinton WH, or for the seemingly endless requirement of defending “the family”. In any event, the prez race will ultimately be very close, whoever the Repubs pick.
Of course, it’s very hard to see how the lunatic “conservative” base swallows Jeb!, but they were told by the Team Coaches to swallow the Mormon chameleon RMoney, and did so. But the idea that any Repub prez in 2017 is going to somehow rein in The Stupid and The Crazy and The Hate is a pipe dream, perhaps held by some members of the corporate media.
The American Reich will get underway with the next Repub prez. The country is currently undergoing some kind of very significant transformation, further and further away from a “democracy”. Whatever the US may have been, it is becoming something quite different.