I hope that you don’t spend your time listening to right-wing radio. I know that I don’t spend my time that way, although I do sometimes indulge on the rare occasions that I take a road trip during the work week. Let’s take a look at one example of what is being broadcast into the heartland.

“We’ve got somebody in the White House who effectively, peace be upon him, acts like a Muslim and a Marxist the same time,” [Cliff] Kincaid told host Rick Wiles, before calling Secretary of State John Kerry “an agent of Hanoi” who is just one of many “people in positions of power who are working actively for the enemies of the United States.”

Wiles laid out a scenario where Obama refuses to leave office after his second term: “This guy is so wacked-out, if he could create a crisis, I think he would stay in the White House.”

Kincaid said that while he doesn’t know if the president would attempt to stay in office, he believes Obama is “working actively for the enemies of the United States, and Iran is just one of them. I would include in that China, I would include in that Russia, global Islam; it’s going to be tough to survive these last two years. We need the help of God here.”

“This is guy is mentally unstable,” Wiles said of Obama. “He’s not incompetent, he knows exactly what he was doing. Hitler was wacked-out and Hitler was very competent in carrying out his agenda but he was mentally insane. I don’t think Barack Obama is a mentally stable person. I think he is an extremely dangerous man.”

I see progressives criticize the president on a daily basis, including some very uncharitable estimations of his true intentions. I certainly can remember some zany left-wing theories about the presidency of George W. Bush, too. But there really wasn’t anything on this level being broadcast on radio.

Let’s take a look at Cliff Kincaid’s next theory:

I think he’s wacked-out in the sense that I think if we go back to his history, especially in Hawaii when he came under the influence of the Communist Frank Marshall Davis who was himself a dope-smoker and an alcoholic, Obama we know was a member of the ‘Choom Gang.’ He was a heavy marijuana user. That had to have an effect on him. Maybe it’s clouded him some way, it enabled Davis to brainwash him. Of course we know he was raised partly as a Muslim. These are the ingredients that went into the combustible material that we see in the White House today, and the whole thing is threatening to explode.

By the way, Cliff Kincaid runs an organization called Accuracy in Media.