You know that thing at the county fair where you take a giant mallet and you strike a pad as hard as you can and it sends a ball rocketing up a metal pole to where it, hopefully, hits a bell and you win a prize? John Sununu’s Stupid mallet is so powerful that the ball not only rang the bell but it continued up into outer space and is now in orbit.
Former New Hampshire Gov. John Sununu (R) said on Monday during an appearance on Fox News that President Obama is “inciting” birther conspiracy theorists by planning a trip to Kenya this summer.
“I think his trip back to Kenya is going to create a lot of chatter and commentary amongst some of the hard right, who still don’t see him as having been born in the U.S.,” Sununu said on the show “America’s Newsroom.”
“I personally think he’s just inciting some chatter on an issue that should have been a dead issue a long time ago,” he said.
Yes, it’s true: if Stupid were rocket fuel, you could use John Sununu to launch satellites.
Yes because Obama is making the birthers look stupid
It’s Obama’s fault
I love Obama, fucking love him, for the way he trolls right-wingers.
And all the other stuff too.
I agree. I think “trolling” was the word Sununu was looking for instead of “inciting.” And if trolling is what Obama is doing here, I congratulate him.
This trip will Kenya might be to much for Orly Taitz. She will not be able to continue her silence.
It’s certainly true that the hard right will crank up the conspiracy machine. It’s probably also true that, at this point, Obama finds that as funny as anyone else. The only real problem with the statement is that it would be Obama’s main purpose in going to Kenya.
“A lot of my people are going to behave stupidly real soon, and it’s gonna be Obama’s fault.”
This trip is the definition of punking by a man who is smarter than the average. Beautiful!
I almost feel sorry for the fools.
Bicycle shorts and the stoopid don’t mix. New England produces some real gems sometimes but TX takes the biscuit every time.
I’m totally loving the NMFTG era of Obama’s post election presidency.
I sincerely hope the whole freaking family is going too.
I’m particularly hopeful for some serious purposely trollish photo shots as well.
He’s such a divider! Not like that nice George W. Bush, who always assured us he was a uniter, not a divider. So double tap-tap, no tapbacks, and conservatives win forever!