Month: March 2015

What An Incredible Perplexion!

I guess my first question is why Washington State’s Snohomish County Republicans asked former congressman Allen West to be the feature attraction at their annual Lincoln Day dinner. I mean, I get the whole Lincoln Day=find...

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Powerful Stupid

You know that thing at the county fair where you take a giant mallet and you strike a pad as hard as you can and it sends a ball rocketing up a metal pole to where it, hopefully, hits a bell and you win a prize? John...

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Serious Question

Is it possible to be dumber than Glenn Harlan Reynolds and still have a nationally syndicated column?

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Carly Fiorina’s Brilliant Platform

It’s good to know that Carly Fiorina is 90% sure that she’ll be a Republican candidate for president and that she’s bringing her ‘A’ game with some really great ideas. Right of the box, she...

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