For those of us who are going through the process of trying to reconcile ourselves to the “inevitability” of a Clinton family takeover of the Democratic Party, it seems that Lincoln Chafee wants to make the process as painful as possible by refusing to let us forget why we put all our sweat and tears into Obama’s campaign eight years ago.

Chafee, a former Republican and former senator, announced he was forming an exploratory committee last week. Chafee’s been differentiating himself from fellow Democratic primary contenders by taking sharp jabs at Clinton, willing to be more critical than would-be challengers former Maryland Gov. Martin O’Malley or former Virginia Sen. Jim Webb over her vote in Congress to authorize the war in Iraq.

“That was a moment where the premise for going to Iraq was so false that there were weapons of mass destruction; she didn’t do her homework. We live with the ramifications,” Chafee told CNN’s “State of the Union” over the weekend. “You may say that’s 12 years ago — that’s a big motivator for me running. If you show a lack of judgment, lack of doing homework then, what can we expect in the future?”

He’s right, of course, which is why picking at the scab is so irritating.

It’s even irritating to complain about it being irritating.