I guess that I basically disagree with Paul Waldman because I don’t think that Republican members of Congress want to repeal the Estate Tax because it’s just their nature to want to repeal the Estate Tax. I think they want to do it because their party basically exists purely to serve the interests of people who have vast amounts of wealth to leave in inheritances.
Any why shouldn’t fabulously wealthy people have a political party all their own?
The problem only arises in our two-party system where these fat cats fully own one party and are majority owners of the other. Making politics so expensive that only they can fund it is their game.
But getting politicians is easy. The votes are a bit harder, which is why the GOP goes to such lengths to disguise who it serves.
Hey, if it’s okay for a republican candidate to have their own zillionaire bankrolling them, why can’t a group of zillionaires get together and buy the whole party?
They have — but their rule would be jeopardized if it looked like a monopoly to the hoi polloi. Thus, it works better for them to offer the public Brand A or Brand B. Coke and Pepsi do taste different to cola drinkers — not that in blind taste tests they can tell the difference or actually prefer the one they buy.
Did you see that corporate lobbyists outspend public interest groups + unions 34:1? That’s intense.
this is who they are
Taibbi pulls back the current on this Democratic Party campaign scam. Rolling Stone Campaign 2016: Hillary Clinton’s Fake Populism Is a Hit. Pundits say her iidealist porridge is not too hot, not too cold, but just fake enough
The best part of Taibbi’s piece comes at the end after he’s walked us through how the process works. (Works for the wealthy and not for ….
Oh dear:
“Rock and Roll Part 2” is by English former glam rock singer-songwriter and musician Gary Glitter. We could question why someone running for POTUS couldn’t use music by an American artist, but in this case, that’s a quibble. What’s horrendous is:
And this isn’t the first time he’s been charged and convicted. He’s a serial paedophile.
It’s a real gas how she babbles on about hedge funds. She should know: her daughter worked for one and, if I’m not mistaken, her son-in-law manages/ed one. So where does she get the gall (that means chutzpah in her circles!) to shit on the plebeians.
From the same place all the snake oil salespeople get their chutzpah. The larger question is why do the plebes keep buying?