Flemington, New Jersey is in one of the most Republican areas of New Jersey, albeit not one of the most affluent. The town itself is most famous for hosting the trial of the guy who kidnapped Charles Lindbergh’s baby. Today, people probably know it more for its speedway. In any case, it’s still in New Jersey, which means that you can’t put a Klan-themed “White History Month” poster in the window of your deli without almost all your patrons deciding that they’ll get their sandwiches elsewhere. Naturally, this moron has put up a GoFundMe page to try to get some racists to give him free money, but his store is broke and the creditors are calling.

This is exactly what should happen to this dude in Rand Paul’s perfect world. You do something obnoxiously racist and you go out of business when your decent customers decide you’re a bad person who doesn’t deserve their business.

But there are places where this kind of behavior isn’t punished so severely. And this overt kind of racism isn’t the only kind. I think we’re more concerned about deli owners who won’t hire or serve certain groups of people.

But, still, I’m proud of the good people of Hunterdon County, New Jersey who told this guy to take his sign and his sandwiches and get the hell out of town.

I’m seriously thinking of putting up a GoFundMe page where all I do is promise not to be a hateful bastard for one more day.