Flemington, New Jersey is in one of the most Republican areas of New Jersey, albeit not one of the most affluent. The town itself is most famous for hosting the trial of the guy who kidnapped Charles Lindbergh’s baby. Today, people probably know it more for its speedway. In any case, it’s still in New Jersey, which means that you can’t put a Klan-themed “White History Month” poster in the window of your deli without almost all your patrons deciding that they’ll get their sandwiches elsewhere. Naturally, this moron has put up a GoFundMe page to try to get some racists to give him free money, but his store is broke and the creditors are calling.
This is exactly what should happen to this dude in Rand Paul’s perfect world. You do something obnoxiously racist and you go out of business when your decent customers decide you’re a bad person who doesn’t deserve their business.
But there are places where this kind of behavior isn’t punished so severely. And this overt kind of racism isn’t the only kind. I think we’re more concerned about deli owners who won’t hire or serve certain groups of people.
But, still, I’m proud of the good people of Hunterdon County, New Jersey who told this guy to take his sign and his sandwiches and get the hell out of town.
I’m seriously thinking of putting up a GoFundMe page where all I do is promise not to be a hateful bastard for one more day.
Thinkin that if you promised TO be a hateful bastard the funds would pour in. Of course if you added in a ‘victimized’ hateful bastard, you’d be rich by dusk.
Maybe decent people would make me rich to make a point?
You’re cured! Only a day away from your self declared grumpiness and the positive minded old self returns! Onward!
BooMan, maybe you should set up a GoFundMe, promising that you won’t let the “wrong people” read your blog. Wait to do it until next April Fool’s though, so after the money pours in from the racists etc, you can say “April Fools!” and still take the money.
If I’m not mistaken, the assholes who started this whole mess with their gay-hating bakery started a gofundme account and are now millionaires. So there is strong support for hate, too.
I’d hate to be around them because the smug gloating would kill me.
That Hauptmann trial was a media circus and the whole story never rang true for me.
I prefer the theory that the real killer was the Morrow sister that Lindy first dated but set aside in favor of her sister Anne. She did seem to be having some emotional issues about the time of the arrival of the Lindbergh’s first child, as if that birth signaled the end of her hopes of getting him back.
Lindy, in this version, would have been aware of what had really happened from the outset, and went to work immediately to cover up the crime and concoct a false kidnapping story. Police authorities, led by Gen Schwartzopf’s father of the NJ State Police, deferred to America’s Hero at crucial stages of the investigation. As I recall. the Morrow sister was never questioned and was soon living abroad in England. Or that’s my recollection from things I read 15-20 yrs ago.
Biggest regret this guy will have is that he didn’t make his sign say, “White Christian History Month”. That’s all he would have needed to trigger the right wing hysteria. The money would have then flowed into him by the truckloads. No better grift than the “aggrieved white Christian”.
He’ll know better next time.
Hmm, I might have to do that myself. Great plan.
I’m tellin’ ya, the easiest way to move this country left is to carpetbag the Republican party, and libruuls are smart enough to know how to appeal to the idiots and bigots.
Go for it!! Based on the recent events, it seems awful easy to convince right wing fundamentalist bigots to freely open up their wallets if they think the tribe is under attack. It doesn’t even have to be a real threat. Imaginary will do just fine.
I remember Flemington for its glass. This is dim in my memory, but as a kid the family would go there once every few years, we’d get a piece of milk glass and my sister and I would get a glass container (shaped like a gun or something similarly hinting of violence) of candy.
I think I want to wait a bit before believing that he “had” to close any more than the Indiana pizzeria did. This smells to me like just another scam of the same kind. We have only his sob story, crafted for his GoFundMe appeal, for “evidence”.
Would it make me a bad person to become a faux racist while putting on a good “but I’m not really racist, they are!” show, putting up a GoFundMe page, and taking money from racists? I really need tuition money for this summer’s courses!
I would of course follow up by donating a lot of it to an organization like the Southern Poverty Law Center or something.