Okay, folks, I want you to do me a solid. Read the following remarks from Speaker Boehner and tell me if it is in any way unfair to come to the conclusion that he wants and expects to go to war with Iran.
I mean, I’m just talking about inescapable logical implications here, not psychology. Am I right?
No, it is in no way unfair.
Yes, it is an inescapable logical conclusion.
No, it is not simply psychology.
The GOP has it’s tongue so far up Netanyahu’s butt-hole that they have to be tickling his tonsils by now.
Yes, by god, they want war! And they are going to do whatever they can do to get it!
Logic is the weak point of your reading, because that doesn’t mean anything to Boehner. You could just as easily argue he wants Iran to have a nuclear weapon–that, not war, is what refusing to deal got the Republicans with North Korea).
Its not unfair, but its also not necessarily true.
You can’t escape the psycology. Boehner wants to win at any cost. He has seen invasions of Afghanistan, Iraq, Grenada, Kuwait and Vietnam in his lifetime. He has seen Israel invaded twice with nuclear holocaust averted. He has lived thru “get under your desk and hide your eyes”. China and Taiwan, China and Russia, Berlin, Cuba, the Falklands. And everything is ok. Not great, but ok. Why should Iran be any different?
By this thinking, he doesn’t want war, he wants to win. He’s perfectly willing to go to war to win, but that doesn’t necessarily mean he’ll have to go to war to win … maybe the threat will be enough.
He’s not a very good poker player.
I have learned not to take anything Boehner says at face value. He tends to say what ever is expedient at the moment. Plus didn’t he just come back from a trip to Israel?
The Republicans would take the United States of America into a war of choice in order to defeat a Democratic Congress…wait, they already did that.
The Republicans would take the United States of America into a war of choice in order to defeat a Democratic President.
Their paramount enemy is the Democratic Party and they would sacrifice the nation’s security to score a direct hit on the democratic party. Ted Cruz already plans to start an insurrection against the government if the Republicans don’t win the upcoming election.
None dare call it treason. (That was a popular line against liberalism in the 1950s and 1960s. It masked the real subversion of US democracy that was going on by conservatives, both neo-Confederate and revanchist plutocrats.)
You got that right. Those guys hate the Democratic Party. It is hard for me to comprehend but they do. It is the only thing explains some of their positions. Maybe that is partly why I could never pull the lever for one of them.
Since Boehner runs the House, he can pass a Declaration of War any.time.he.wants.
But he’s a weepy coward, so wants others to do the dirty work.
All of the TPGOP always seem to want war all the time. They are bought and paid for by the MIC and in this case Isaral.
Sorry for the misspelling ISRAEL
You could reach that conclusion if you thought that Republican thinking had any relationship to logic and consequences. It doesn’t. Boehner is just saying whatever he thinks he needs to say right this second. What it “means” in any logical universe where words have consequences is not of the slightest concern to him.
Sorry, I got this far
and my head exploded. He’s optimistic that his pessimism will turn out to be right.
His party told the Iranians specifically that the repugnant would negate any treaty once they’re in power. Isn’t this a classic example of accusing the other of your own bad intentions? A world with neither prospects nor perspectives. WTF.
If a Republican is elected President in 2016, we will go to war with Iran. All of the candidates and most of the rest of the party want this. The stupid ones think it will be easy (‘just drop a few bombs’); the “smarter” ones think the cost will be manageable and worth it.
The Republican goal is neo-colonial domination of the Middle East, with leaders installed directly or indirectly by us, dependent on us, following the orders of our pro-consuls. Their job will be to keep the oil flowing, keep Israel undisturbed, and keep all “radicals” and “Islamists” repressed by whatever means necessary.
In short, a more naked, direct, obvious and unapologetic domination than we could stomach or justify previously. (Israelis like Netanyahu would do well to consider that the logic of this domination would ultimately, although not initially, include them every bit as much as it includes Iran or Iraq. It is not the Jewish character of the Jewish state that means much of anything to most Republicans.)
This naive and dangerous neo-colonial vision cannot be realized in the 21st century. Let’s hope it doesn’t take more blood, more bombs, more trillions to convince most Americans. It is essential that Republicans at all levels be defeated in elections over the next several years.
While I did state with confidence in 2000 that if a Republican were elected (didn’t have the imaginative skills to project “selected”), he would take us to war with Iraq. At this point, not seeing a GOP war with Iran at a more heightened level than is was for Cheney and his loose cannon colleagues. While GWB was an impediment to Cheney’s Iran war aspirations, Bush wasn’t the only hurdle. As pathetic as they may be, those at Pentagon do understand all the potential ramifications of any action against Iran, including global destabilization and conflict. OTOH, if USians are stupid enough to elect an advocate for war with Iran to the presidency, I hope this time that the blowback will be swift and profound.
If I were Nancy, I would have started throwing spitballs at this jackass some years ago. Never thrown nor ever considered throwing a spitball in my life. In real life, I’ve been known to be more patient with and accommodating of jackasses than most of my colleagues were. But everybody has their limits.
Ehh, I suspect the pickled brain cells haven’t gone that far down the rabbithole yet…this is just knee-jerk “Obama is for it so I”m agin’ it!” response on the right.
They seem to believe that if they just appear tuff enough, Iuran will meekly back down; mainly because they really don’t consider them human, just cartoon mullahs.
There are those on the right who are serious about going to war with iran, mainly because they’ve run out of fresh snuff war porn to keep their stiffies.
It’s not like any of them will die in it, and it will engorge their bank accounts as well,which they won’t mind.
well, yes, sounds like it. and not just because Obama is for the deal, they’re against it, there’s $$ to be made and they don’t think they’ll get hit by any radiation clouds.
But, and desert’s comment above brings me to my question. OK, it’s like shooting fish in a barrel for Obama to propose something and have the GOP shoot it down [i.e. bombing Syria]. why isn’t this working with TPP???
To All Of The Previous “Comments” —-> The Long & Short Of It Is This: John Boehner Is A Collosal Dumb F*ck! That’s It! Forget The Goddamn Politics, Etc. I’m From Dayton, Ohio. He Grew Up In “Provincial” Cincinnati. He Was A D*ckHead In 1969 (We Both Graduated High School In 1969 – Me(Archbishop Alter – Him/Cincinnati Moeller/Catholic). He Is The Most One-Dimensional Thinker I’ve Encountered In Politics. He Is A Bully, A Dry Drunk And A Raging Bull With No, Repeat, No Introspection, Circumspection, Discernment, Intelligence, Analytical Capabilities. He Is A ClodHopper. To quote him: “I don’t think we can get to agreement with people who have no intention of keeping the agreement”. This Is A Boilerplate, One Size Fits All Kind Of Ignoramus Statement. If I Were The Sitting President I Would Use This Schmuck As A Pinata!
Former SecDef Gates’ “…just another day in the Persian Gulf” remarks in 2007 it has been pretty clear that the Pentagon has no interest or motivation to get involved in open conflict with Iran and repeatedly says so in strategy discussions with whomever cares.
This latest contrarian sabre-rattling is just typical Republican grandstanding; everybody in the know realises military confrontation with Iran just ain’t gonna’ happen. Which probably at least partially explains why Corker went out on a limb to facilitate Congressional approval of the deal in service of the genuine interests of the military and other sane actors. It passed, right?
of course they want war with Iran. it’s what the continue to want. the MIC wants their war.
Yes, you are right.
I didn’t need to read the linked story to know that you were right, but you asked me to do you a solid. It did feel like a service of some sort.